11 research outputs found

    KFLC in CSF and serum.

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    <p>Immunoglobulin kappa free light chain (KFLC) in CSF and serum of patients with MS, CIS, pathogen-related diseases and NIND (for abbreviations see legend of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088680#pone-0088680-t001" target="_blank">table 1</a>). Q KFLC: CSF- serum ratio of KFLC. Data are shown as the median and IQR.</p

    Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value for elevated KFLC, MRI parameters and OCB regarding conversion of clinically isolate syndrome to definite multiple sclerosis.

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    <p>Data are shown as percent and 95% confidence interval. Q KFLC = CSF-serum ratio of KFLC above the approximately upper reference value described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088680#pone-0088680-g002" target="_blank">figure 2</a>. OCB = cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal bands of IgG class not detectable in serum. Intrathecal IgG- Synthesis according to Reiber quotients diagrams. IgG- Index = CSF/serum IgG:CSF/serum albumin >0.7. Barkhof = 3 of 4 Barkhof criteria <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088680#pone.0088680-Barkhof1" target="_blank">[21]</a> fulfilled.</p

    CSF-serum ratio of KFLC (Q KFLC) among different oligoclonal IgG band patterns.

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    <p>There are five classic patterns of oligoclonal bands <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088680#pone.0088680-Andersson1" target="_blank">[48]</a> (type 1, no bands in CSF and serum; type 2, oligoclonal IgG bands in CSF but not in serum, indicative of intrathecal IgG synthesis; type 3, oligoclonal bands in CSF plus identical oligoclonal bands in serum and CSF, indicative of intrathecal IgG synthesis; type 4, identical pattern of oligoclonal bands in CSF and serum. There was no patient with type 5 (identical patterns of monoclonal bands in CSF and serum) in the study. Horizontal solid line indicates median, Kruskal-Wallis test among groups revealed a significant difference (p<0.001), significant P-values for pairwise comparisons (Mann-Whitney U test) are displayed.</p

    Demographic data and basic cerebrospinal fluid findings.

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    <p>Data are shown as the median and IQR. Abbreviations: B-CNS-I bacterial central nervous system infections, CIS clinically isolated syndrome, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, MS multiple sclerosis, NB neuroborreliosis, NIND non-inflammatory neurological diseases, OCB oligoclonal IgG bands, V-CNS-I viral central nervous system infections.</p

    CSF-serum ratio of KFLC (Q KFLC) was elevated in patients with positive oligoclonal IgG (OCB). Q KFLC of 77 CIS patients are shown.

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    <p>Dashed line indicates the approximately upper reference value of Q KFLC, described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088680#pone-0088680-g002" target="_blank">figure 2</a>. Black rhomb indicate positive OCBs, white rhomb indicate negative OCBs.</p

    Cerebrospinal fluid – serum ratio of kappa free light chain (Q KFLC) is plotted against CSF-serum ratio of albumin.

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    <p>Dashed lines indicate the 99% confidence interval of the linear regression line (straight line). The upper 99% confidence interval (dark dashed line) indicate the approximately upper reference value of Q KFLC based on a control group of 77 non-inflammatory neurologic diseases and a range of Q Albumin from 1.9 to 28.2.</p

    Relation of CXCL13 to cell count.

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    <p>Dot plot shows CSF CXCL13 in patients with CIS plotted against CSF leucocyte count. Straight line represents regression line; correlation was significant (p<0.001, R = 0.59).</p

    Demographic data, CSF, serum and MRI findings in patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and controls.

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    <p>Barkhof criteria = 3 of 4 criteria fulfilled, CIS all = all patients with CIS, CIS-CIS = patients with CIS that remained CIS over follow-up, CIS-RRMS = CIS patients with conversion to MS over follow-up, CTRL = controls, EDSS = Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale, MRZR = antibody indexes (AI) for measles, rubella, zoster, two or more AI≥1.5, OCB = oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid only, Qalb = albumin CSF/serum concentration ratio, QIgG = IgG CSF/serum concentration ratio, NS = not significant, S = statistical significance, * CIS-CIS vs. CIS-RRMS.</p><p>Relative frequencies (%) are given for discrete variables, median and range for continuous variables.</p

    Reiber diagram and antibody index.

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    <p>Left side: Reiber diagram visualizing intrathecal IgG synthesis using a double-logarithmic scaling to present the IgG CSF to serum quotient (QIgG) in relation to the albumin CSF to serum quotient (Qalb), and showing the hyperbolic function Qlim that indicates the upper reference range of QIgG. In the upper right corner of the diagram, the relative extent of intrathecal IgG synthesis is indicated. Right side: Formula for antibody index (AI) and Qlim.</p