5 research outputs found

    A method of magnetic field measurement in a scanning electron microscope using a microcantilever magnetometer

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    Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a perfect technique for micro-/nano-object imaging [1] and movement measurement [2, 3] both in high and environmental vacuum conditions and at various temperatures ranging from elevated to low temperatures. In our view, the magnetic field expanding from the pole-piece makes it possible to characterize the behaviour of electromagnetic micro- and nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) in which the deflection of the movable part is controlled by the electromagnetic force. What must be determined, however, is the magnetic field expanding from the e-beam column, which is a function of many factors, like working distance (WD), magnification and position of the device in relation to the e-beam column. There are only a few experimental methods for determination of the magnetic field in a scanning electron microscope. In this paper we present a method of the magnetic field determination under the scanning electron column by application of a silicon cantilever magnetometer. The micro-cantilever magnetometer is a silicon micro-fabricated MEMS electromagnetic device integrating a current loop of lithographically defined dimensions. Its stiffness can be calibrated with a precision of 5% by the method described by Majstrzyk et al. [4]. The deflection of the magnetometer cantilever is measured with a scanning electron microscope and thus, through knowing the bias current, it is possible to determine the magnetic field generated by the e-beam column in a defined position and at a defined magnification

    Numerical case studies: Inverse problems

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    Optimization plays a key role in the design of any device or system, and this is especially true for MEMSs. The issue is to find a design space for a device which will satisfy the performance specifications. Often, they include several design criteria which cannot all be met at the same time. This leads to the concept of multi-objective optimization, i.e., a search which attempts to satisfy several goals simultaneously

    Pattern-generation and pattern-transfer for single-digit nano devices

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    Single-electron devices operating at room temperature require sub-5 nm quantum dots having tunnel junctions of comparable dimensions. Further development in nanoelectronics depends on the capability to generate mesoscopic structures and interfacing these with complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor devices in a single system. The authors employ a combination of two novel methods of fabricating room temperature silicon single-electron transistors (SETs), Fowler–Nordheim scanning probe lithography (F-N SPL) with active cantilevers and cryogenic reactive ion etching followed by pattern-dependent oxidation. The F-N SPL employs a low energy electron exposure of 5–10 nm thick high-resolution molecular resist (Calixarene) resulting in single nanodigit lithographic performance [Rangelow et al., Proc. SPIE 7637, 76370V (2010)]. The followed step of pattern transfer into silicon becomes very challenging because of the extremely low resist thickness, which limits the etching depth. The authors developed a computer simulation code to simulate the reactive ion etching at cryogenic temperatures (−120 °C). In this article, the authors present the alliance of all these technologies used for the manufacturing of SETs capable to operate at room temperatures