295 research outputs found

    Piercing and tatooing in high school students of Veneto region: prevalence and perception of infectious releated risk

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    Introduction. Body piercing (P) and tattoo (T) is a growing social phenomenon over recent years. Nowadays in Italy little is known about the prevalence, the attitude, the medical and social conse- quences of these activities. The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence distribution and the attitude towards P and T and the perception of the risk for infections, in a sample of high school students living in the four Provinces of the Veneto Region (Italy). Methods. An anonymous, self administrate multiple-choice questionnaire about piercing and tattoo practices was dis- tributed during the 2009-2010 academic year to a sample of randomly extracted grades to obtain information about socio- demographic characteristics, family educational level, personal attitude, prevalence and perception of the importance of the sanitary, technical and artistic competence of the operator. Results. The correctly compiled questionnaires were 2712 (95.4%). Males and females were respectively 46.2% and 53.8% (mean age 17 ± 1.7 years). The 20.2% and the 6.4% of all the students had already experienced respectively P and T and resulted ?very interested? the 46.7% to P and the 57.4% to T. Esthetical motivations are the main ones referred to use body art. The most part of interviewed subjects (81.6%) think that it is possible to have an infection, but only about 50% of stu- dents reported to know specific information about transmission of HIV, Viral Hepatitis and skin infections. The parents? educa- tional levels do not influence the perception of the risk of infec- tion. The majority of interviewed subjects (88.0%) prefers to undergo body art practices in a qualified center. Only the 30% of students recur to a medical help to solve problem of infection. Discussion. The piercing and tattoo prevalence rate in our study (P: 20.2% and T:6.4%) resulted similar to other Italian ones (range reported: P: 20.3-35.1%, T: 4.8-8.6%), showing an increasing trend with age. Since a high rate of interviewed students referred a substan- tial ignorance about the risk of transmission of body art related infectious diseases, it is suitable to promote as soon as possible among the youth educational interventions and counseling

    Airway Foreign Bodies

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    Attitudes of nursing home staff towards influenza vaccination: opinions and factors influencing hesitancy

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    Seasonal influenza is recognized to be a significant public health problem and a cause of death, especially in fragile persons. In nursing homes (NHs), vaccination for both residents and staff is the best preventive strategy. However, professionals\u2019 immunization rates are far from reaching the international recommended values. This study aims to describe the adherence and attitudes of NH staff towards flu vaccination and to explore staff hesitancy. A questionnaire was developed based on a literature review and on the 3Cs (confidence, complacency, convenience) of the WHO framework and administered among the staff of four NHs of a province in the northeast of Italy. Results demonstrated a low adherence towards annual vaccination (i.e., only 3% declared getting the flu vaccination each year). Complacency, confidence and convenience all showed a significant impact on the attitude towards vaccination both in univariate and multivariable analysis, with complacency being the most strongly associated area. The area of confidence resulted in strongly challenging factors. Only 24.8% of interviewees appeared trustful towards the efficacy of receiving immunization and 34% declared safety issues. Insights from the study can support the implementation of effective interventions to improve vaccination adherence in NHs. Specifically, increasing complacency by raising awareness related to the risks of influenza appears to be an essential strategy to effectively promote vaccination uptake

    The impact of acute intoxications in a toxicological unit care in North East Italy

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    Retrospective study in a Toxicological Unit Care (TUC) performed to know the epidemiology of acute intoxication (AI) in Verona (Italy) during years 2008-2009. All data regarding patients with a diagnosis of certain/suspected AI were collected and evaluated: some demographic information, the characteristics of the agent involved, the pattern of exposure, the triage at the admission to TUC and the outcome. 244 cases were analyzed: 45.9% males and 54.9% females, mean age respectively 45.1 and 43.9 years. The monthly distribution of admitted patients resulted fairly constant, except from a light rising prevalence in autumn, with a majority of yellow (45.9%) and green (43.4%) triage code. The pattern of exposure resulted: ingestion (82.7% of cases; age peaks: 18-34 and 35-51 years old; mostly due to food (as mushrooms), drinks, detergents, soap, pharmaceutical, drugs of abuse, caustics substances), contact (10.2% of cases; age peak 18-51) and inhalation (6.9% of cases). In 17.2% of cases the poisoning exposure was intentional. In 63.5% the patients were sent to their general practitioners (45.5% of the yellow and 81.1% of the green coded patients) and in 22.1% of cases they were admitted to clinical rooms (44.6% of the yellow coded patients). In most cases the triage code assigned to the studied patients resulted yellow and green. Considering that the seriousness of the symptoms can appear after several hours from the exposure to toxic substances, a quick and specific intervention to obtain the best therapeutical effectiveness is suitable, in order to save lives or to avoid irremediable health damages

    Paediatric Bronchology

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    Active TB screening among homeless people attending soup kitchens in Verona (Italy)

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    BACKGROUND: The hard-to-reach populations, including the homeless, are particularly vulnerable to the development of active tuberculosis. According to the World Health Organization, tuberculosis rates among the homeless in industrialized Countries are up to 20 times higher if compared with the general population, representing a relevant public health problem. The aim of our study was to describe the results of an active tuberculosis screening applied in order to find out suspected active TB cases among the homeless in Verona.METHODS: As part of a partnership between the non-profit association Medici per la Pace and one of the Local Health Units of Veneto Region (ULSS 9 Scaligera) in 2018, a tuberculosis screening, based on thoracic radiographs, was offered to the homeless guests of two Verona's soup kitchens.RESULT: The studied population included 139 people, and three cases of suspected active tuberculosis, all in males, were observed. Among these, two received a diagnostic confirmation of active tuberculosis (a prevalence of 1.44% - CI: 0,17 - 5,1). Moreover, radiographic patterns of tuberculosis aftermaths were found in six additional subjects.CONCLUSION: Interventions specifically dedicated to hard-to-reach populations, can be useful in identifying tuberculosis active cases and controlling the disease in low tuberculosis burden countries. In particular, the active research of subjects, the screening carried out with mobile X-ray, and also the constant caring of the patients with active disease, could be the right method to keep under control this relevant public health problem

    Systemic thromboembolism from a misdiagnosed non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis in a patient with lung cancer: A case report

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    Thromboembolic events are frequent in patients with cancer, commonly involving the venous and pulmonary circulation. The arterial system is rarely implicated in embolism and, when involved, a cardiogenic origin should always be excluded. In the present study, a case of a patient who developed multiple embolic events concomitantly with the diagnosis of locally-advanced non-small cell lung cancer with high expression levels of programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) in >50% of tumor cells is reported. A cardiac defect interpreted as a patent foramen ovale required low molecular weight heparin administration. Despite the anti-coagulant therapy, before first-line anticancer treatment with pembrolizumab immunotherapy could be administered due to high PD-L1 expression levels, a new hospitalization was required due to the onset of novel ischemic manifestation. New transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography revealed a previously misdiagnosed vegetation of the mitral valve that caused systemic embolization. The lack of any sign of infection led to the diagnosis of a non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE), whose embolic sprouting gave rise to the widespread ischemic events. No active anticancer treatment was feasible due to the rapid progression of the disease. NBTE can evolve quickly, eventually preventing any chance of treatment targeting the primary cause, which in the present study was lung cancer. If NBTE can be correctly diagnosed sooner then there may be the potential for anticancer therapy that does not worsen the hypercoagulability state, thus improving cancer-associated survival

    Optimizing PD-L1 evaluation on cytological samples from advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Aim: Programmed cell death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) predicts response to immune checkpoint inhibitors in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Most NSCLCs are diagnosed at an advanced stage and using minimally invasive diagnostic procedures that yield small biopsies or cytological samples. Methods: Cytological smears and paired histological samples from 52 advanced NSCLC patients were tested for PD-L1 expression by immunocyto/histochemistry (ICC/IHC) and for PD-L1 gene status by FISH. Results: PD-L1 was overexpressed in 9/52 (17%) cytological samples and in seven (13.5%) matched biopsies. The concordance between immunocytochemistry and IHC was 92.3% (48/52; p < 0.001). The concordance between PD-L1 gene status on cytology and histology was 69.2% (18/26; p < 0.001). No correlation between IHC and fluorescence in situ hybridization results was found. Conclusion: Our data support the feasibility and reliability of PD-L1 protein and PD-L1 gene assessment on direct cytological smears from NSCLC patients whenever histological sample are inadequate