1,353 research outputs found

    Quantum Geometry Phenomenology: Angle and Semiclassical States

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    The phenomenology for the deep spatial geometry of loop quantum gravity is discussed. In the context of a simple model of an atom of space, it is shown how purely combinatorial structures can affect observations. The angle operator is used to develop a model of angular corrections to local, continuum flat-space 3-geometries. The physical effects involve neither breaking of local Lorentz invariance nor Planck scale suppression, but rather reply on only the combinatorics of SU(2) recouping theory. Bhabha scattering is discussed as an example of how the effects might be observationally accessible.Comment: 5 pages, slightly extended version of the contribution to the Loops'11 conference proceeding

    Creating an Effective Regional Alignment Strategy for the U.S. Army

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    View the Executive SummaryAs the war in Afghanistan draws to a close, the Army increasingly is focused upon “regionally aligning” its forces. To do so effectively, however, it must undertake several initiatives. First, the Army must acknowledge and liberate the unique productive capabilities (talents) of each individual. Second, it must shift from process-oriented, industrial age personnel management to productivity-focused, information age talent management. Third, the Army must foster enduring human relationships between its organizations and the governments, militaries, and populations to which they are regionally aligned. Hand in hand with this, it must redesign its Force Generation Model to create regional expertise at both individual and organizational levels. Finally, the Army must ensure that regional alignment does not degrade the worldwide “flex” capabilities of its forces.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1474/thumbnail.jp

    In situ studies of algal biomass in relation to physicochemical characteristics of the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma, USA

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    This is the first in a series of experiments designed to characterize the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge (SPNWR) ecosystem in northwestern Oklahoma and to catalogue its microbial inhabitants. The SPNWR is the remnant of an ancient ocean, encompassing ~65 km(2 )of variably hypersaline flat land, fed by tributaries of the Arkansas River. Relative algal biomass (i.e., chlorophyll concentrations attributed to Chlorophyll-a-containing oxygenic phototrophs) and physical and chemical parameters were monitored at three permanent stations for a one-year period (July 2000 to July 2001) using a nested block design. Salient features of the flats include annual air temperatures that ranged from -10 to 40°C, and similar to other arid/semi-arid environments, 15–20-degree daily swings were common. Shade is absent from the flats system; intense irradiance and high temperatures (air and sediment surface) resulted in low water availability across the SPNWR, with levels of only ca. 15 % at the sediment surface. Moreover, moderate daily winds were constant (ca. 8–12 km h(-1)), sometimes achieving maximum speeds of up to 137 km h(-1). Typical of freshwater systems, orthophosphate (PO(4)(3-)) concentrations were low, ranging from 0.04 to <1 μM; dissolved inorganic nitrogen levels were high, but spatially variable, ranging from ca. 250–600 μM (NO(3)(- )+ NO(2)(-)) and 4–166 μM (NH(4)(+)). Phototroph abundance was likely tied to nutrient availability, with high-nutrient sites exhibiting high Chl-a levels (ca. 1.46 mg m(-2)). Despite these harsh conditions, the phototrophic microbial community was unexpectedly diverse. Preliminary attempts to isolate and identify oxygenic phototrophs from SPNWR water and soil samples yielded 47 species from 20 taxa and 3 divisions. Our data indicate that highly variable, extreme environments might support phototrophic microbial communities characterized by higher species diversity than previously assumed

    The Origin of Cornbelt Maize: The Isozyme Evidence

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    Historical records show t hat the Midwestern dent corns of the United States originated from hybridization of two landraces, Northern Flint and Southern Dent. We examined the origin of Southern and Midwestern Dents by means of isozyme electrophoresis. Isozyme genotypes were determined for 23 loci in 12 plants each of 32 accessions of Southern Dent. Previously published isozyme data for maize landraces of Mexico and North America and for U.S. Midwestern Dents were included for comparative purposes. The data show that Northern Flint and Southern Dent are among the isozymically most divergent maize landraces. Nei’s genetic identities between populations of these two landraces are very low for conspecific populations (ca. 0.80). Southern Dent of the southeastern U.S. appears closely related to similar dent corns of southern Mexico, supporting a previously published hypothesis that U.S. Southern Dent is largely derived from the dent corns of southern Mexico. The Midwestern Dents, which resulted from crosses of Southern Dent and Northern Flint, are much more like Southern Dent than Northern Flint in their isozyme profile. Similarly, public inbreds show greater affinity to Southern Dent with the exception of sweet corn lines, which resemble Northern Flint in their isozyme allele frequencies. North American public inbreds do not contain appreciable isozymic variation beyond that found in Northern Flint and Southern Dent

    NMDA and GABAB (KIR) conductances: The "perfect couple" for bistability

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    Networks that produce persistent firing in response to novel input patterns are thought to be important in working memory and other information storage functions. One possible mechanism for maintaining persistent firing is dendritic voltage bistability in which the depolarized state depends on the voltage dependence of the NMDA conductance at recurrent synapses. In previous models, the hyperpolarized state is dependent on voltage-independent conductances, including GABAA. The interplay of these conductances leads to bistability, but its robustness is limited by the fact that the conductance ratio must be within a narrow range. The GABAB component of inhibitory transmission was not considered in previous analyses. Here, we show that the voltage dependence of the inwardly rectifying potassium (KIR) conductance activated by GABAB receptors adds substantial robustness to network simulations of bistability and the persistent firing that it underlies. The hyperpolarized state is robust because, at hyperpolarized potentials, the GABAB/KIR conductance is high and the NMDA conductance is low; the depolarized state is robust because, at depolarized potentials, the NMDA conductance is high and the GABAB/KIR conductance is low. Our results suggest that this complementary voltage dependence of GABAB/KIR and NMDA conductances makes them a “perfect couple” for producing voltage bistability

    Exploitation of distributed solar radiation databases through a smart network: the project SoDa

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    The project SoDa answers the needs of industry and research for information on solar radiation parameters with a satisfactory quality. The methodology is user-driven with a large involvement of users in the project, who will gauge the progresses and achievements. A prototype service will be developed, using Internet technology, that will integrate and efficiently exploit diverse networked information sources to supply value-added information. A multi-disciplinary consortium has been assembled, which gathers companies and researchers with the necessary expertise in solar radiation and information and communication technologies. Customers and potential users are also represented as partners in the consortium via the involvement of commercial private vendors of solar radiation databases and of representatives of large research and development programs. A call is launched to recruit customers to assess the prototype. The project SoDa builds on the expertise gained in previous projects, such as the digital atlases MeteoNorm and European Solar Radiation Atlas, the Web servers Satel-Light and Helioserve, and the Guide of the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers of United Kingdom. Access to data and applications will be improved; efforts will be made on interpolation methods and satellite data processing to achieve better quality; emphasis will be put on applications to supply information actually needed by customers, instead of raw data

    The Size and Culturability of Patient-Generated SARS-CoV-2 Aerosol

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    BACKGROUND: Aerosol transmission of COVID-19 is the subject of ongoing policy debate. Characterizing aerosol produced by people with COVID-19 is critical to understanding the role of aerosols in transmission. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the presence of virus in size-fractioned aerosols from six COVID-19 patients admitted into mixed acuity wards in April of 2020. METHODS: Size-fractionated aerosol samples and aerosol size distributions were collected from COVID-19 positive patients. Aerosol samples were analyzed for viral RNA, positive samples were cultured in Vero E6 cells. Serial RT-PCR of cells indicated samples where viral replication was likely occurring. Viral presence was also investigated by western blot and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). RESULTS: SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected by rRT-PCR in all samples. Three samples confidently indicated the presence of viral replication, all of which were from collected sub-micron aerosol. Western blot indicated the presence of viral proteins in all but one of these samples, and intact virions were observed by TEM in one sample. SIGNIFICANCE: Observations of viral replication in the culture of submicron aerosol samples provides additional evidence that airborne transmission of COVID-19 is possible. These results support the use of efficient respiratory protection in both healthcare and by the public to limit transmission

    Assessment of a Program for SARS-CoV-2 Screening and Environmental Monitoring in an Urban Public School District

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    Importance: Scalable programs for school-based SARS-CoV-2 testing and surveillance are needed to guide in-person learning practices and inform risk assessments in kindergarten through 12th grade settings. Objectives: To characterize SARS-CoV-2 infections in staff and students in an urban public school setting and evaluate test-based strategies to support ongoing risk assessment and mitigation for kindergarten through 12th grade in-person learning. Design, Setting, and Participants: This pilot quality improvement program engaged 3 schools in Omaha, Nebraska, for weekly saliva polymerase chain reaction testing of staff and students participating in in-person learning over a 5-week period from November 9 to December 11, 2020. Wastewater, air, and surface samples were collected weekly and tested for SARS-CoV-2 RNA to evaluate surrogacy for case detection and interrogate transmission risk of in-building activities. Main Outcomes and Measures: SARS-CoV-2 detection in saliva and environmental samples and risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Results: A total of 2885 supervised, self-collected saliva samples were tested from 458 asymptomatic staff members (mean [SD] age, 42.9 [12.4] years; 303 women [66.2%]; 25 Black or African American [5.5%], 83 Hispanic [18.1%], 312 White [68.1%], and 35 other or not provided [7.6%]) and 315 students (mean age, 14.2 [0.7] years; 151 female students [48%]; 20 Black or African American [6.3%], 201 Hispanic [63.8%], 75 White [23.8%], and 19 other race or not provided [6.0%]). A total of 46 cases of SARS-CoV-2 (22 students and 24 staff members) were detected, representing an increase in cumulative case detection rates from 1.2% (12 of 1000) to 7.0% (70 of 1000) among students and from 2.1% (21 of 1000) to 5.3% (53 of 1000) among staff compared with conventional reporting mechanisms during the pilot period. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in wastewater samples from all pilot schools as well as in air samples collected from 2 choir rooms. Sequencing of 21 viral genomes in saliva specimens demonstrated minimal clustering associated with 1 school. Geographical analysis of SARS-CoV-2 cases reported district-wide demonstrated higher community risk in zip codes proximal to the pilot schools. Conclusions and Relevance: In this study of staff and students in 3 urban public schools in Omaha, Nebraska, weekly screening of asymptomatic staff and students by saliva polymerase chain reaction testing was associated with increased SARS-CoV-2 case detection, exceeding infection rates reported at the county level. Experiences differed among schools, and virus sequencing and geographical analyses suggested a dynamic interplay of school-based and community-derived transmission risk. Collectively, these findings provide insight into the performance and community value of test-based SARS-CoV-2 screening and surveillance strategies in the kindergarten through 12th grade educational setting

    Inflammation causes remodeling of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase mediated by the bifunctional gene C15orf48

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    Dysregulated mitochondrial function is a hallmark of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), which mediates the rate-limiting step in mitochondrial respiration, is remodeled during development and in response to changes of oxygen availability, but there has been little study of CcO remodeling during inflammation. Here, we describe an elegant molecular switch mediated by the bifunctional transcript C15orf48, which orchestrates the substitution of the CcO subunit NDUFA4 by its paralog C15ORF48 in primary macrophages. Expression of C15orf48 is a conserved response to inflammatory signals and occurs in many immune-related pathologies. In rheumatoid arthritis, C15orf48 mRNA is elevated in peripheral monocytes and proinflammatory synovial tissue macrophages, and its expression positively correlates with disease severity and declines in remission. C15orf48 is also expressed by pathogenic macrophages in severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Study of a rare metabolic disease syndrome provides evidence that loss of the NDUFA4 subunit supports proinflammatory macrophage functions
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