63 research outputs found

    Sur des oxydes de cérium contenant du fer nanostructurés et de morphologies contrôlées

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    Dans le cadre de ce travail, des composés de formulation Ce1 xFexO2 x2 ont été synthétisésà l aide de deux protocoles : co-précipitation et synthèse assistée par chauffage micro-ondes.L utilisation de cette dernière a ainsi conduit à l obtention de nanoparticules de morphologiescubiques ou bâtonnets et ceci pour des temps de synthèse relativement courts. L analysepar diffraction X a montré notamment que le paramètre de maille diminue en fonction de lateneur en fer, x. L environnement local et le degré d oxydation du fer ont été analysés parspectroscopies Mössbauer, RPE et XANES mettant ainsi en évidence la présence d ions Fe3+isolés au sein de sites octaédriques distordus et sous forme de clusters. Une comparaison entreles deux voies de synthèse a montré que des différences apparaissent à l échelle locale. Lessolutions solides obtenues ont ensuite été caractérisées au cours du traitement thermique etsous différentes atmosphères. Indépendamment de l atmosphère de recuit, une démixtion dela solution solide intervient pour des températures proches de 600C.This work deals with the synthesis and characterization of Ce1 xFexO2 x2 nanoparticles.Two different synthesis routes were used : the coprecipitation technique and the microwaveassisted synthesis route. This later allowed the obtention of controled morphologies such asnanocubic or nanorod particles, characterized by HRTEM. Compared to hydrothermal synthesisroute the time of reaction was limited to one hour. X-Ray Diffraction analysis showedthat the lattice parameter decreases versus the iron content. Local environment and oxidationstate of iron were analyzed by Mössbauer, EPR and XANES spectroscopies showingthe presence of two kinds of iron sites : isolated (distorted) octahedral sites and clusters. Acomparison between both synthesis routes shows clearly the differences at a local scale. Thenanoparticles were then further characterized during annealing and under different atmospheres.The solid solution undergoes a demixtion phenomenon around 600C which does notdepend on the atmosphere conditions.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude de la précipitation et des mécanismes de dislocations dans l'alliage Al(CuMg)2650

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    Le cahier des charges de l'Avion de Transport Supersonique du Futur prévoit une vitesse de croisière proche de celle du Concorde, mais pendant une durée de vie 4 fois supérieure. L'alliage d'aluminium retenu par l'ONERA pour le fuselage, l'alliage 2650 (Al-Cu-Mg), doit être résistant à 100-130ʿC au fluage de longue durée et tolérant aux dommages. Ma thèse présente un double objectif : 1)comprendre les mécanismes dislocationnels contrôlant dans ces conditions la plasticité de l'alliage, 2)améliorer la connaissance de la précipitation durcissante de cet alliage. Pour cela, l'outil privilégié a été la microscopie électronique en transmission, notamment en modes conventionnel et haute résolution. Nous avons notamment montré que l'activation thermique provoque le mouvement dévié des dislocations ce qui favorise leur multiplication et le contournement des précipités. Ceux-ci sont de trois types dont deux qui créent une contrainte dans la matrice.Severe flying conditions have been retained for the future Supersonic Civil Transport aircraft: this aircraft is planned to have a four times longer lifetime than Concorde's one. The selected aluminium alloy for fuselage skin, the 2650(AlCuMg) one, has therefore to exhibit both a high damage tolerance and a strong resistance to long term creep in the 100ʿC-130ʿC temperature range. My thesis aims consequently at : 1)understanding the dislocation mechanisms which control the alloy plasticity under such conditions, 2)improving the knowledge of the hardening precipitation in this alloy. The main part of this investigation has been carried out using the transmission electron microscopy in its conventional and high resolution modes. We show that thermal activation allows cross-slip events on the dislocations and therefore, dislocation multiplication and precipitates by-passing. Three type of precipitates have been identified, two of them introducing strain fields in the matrixTOULOUSE-INSA (315552106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Corrélations compositions chimiques-structures d'oxydes mixtes (Ce / Zr) à base de Pr4+ / Pr3+ et propriétés de réductibilité

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    Ce travail est relatif à la synthèse et à la caractérisation d oxydes mixtes Pr1-zCezO2-y et Pr1-xZrxO2-y. Différentes compositions chimiques associées à une valence mixte Pr4+/Pr3+ concomitant à un taux précis de lacunes d oxygènes ont été isolées tant pour les composés à l état oxydé que pour ces derniers réduits sous Ar/H2. A l état réduit, différentes surstructures de la maille fluorine ont été caractérisées par diffraction des RX et de neutrons. Sur la base de mesures magnétiques, d analyses par spectroscopie d absorption X (XANES-EXAFS) aux seuils K du Zr et LIII du Ce/Pr et d analyses thermogravimétriques et/ou TPR (Temperature Programmed Reduction), les évolutions des taux de Pr4+/Pr3+ dans cette série ont été déterminées. Enfin, des mesures in-situ sous atmosphère réductrice par diffraction de neutrons et EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) ont été réalisées dans l objectif de corréler compositions chimiques- édifices structuraux et propriétés de réductibilité.This work deals with the synthesis and the characterization of Pr1-zCezO2-y and Pr1-xZrxO2-y oxides. Various chemical compositions associated with mixed valence state Pr4+/Pr3+ concomitant to precise oxygen vacancies rate were isolated for compounds in both oxidized and reduced compounds. In the reduced state, different superstructures of the fluorine network were characterized by X-ray and neutrons diffraction. On the basis of magnetic measurements, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES-EXAFS) at Zr K-edge and Pr and Ce LII/III-edges and the thermogravimetric analyses and\or TPR (Temperature Programmed Reduction), evolutions of Pr4+/Pr3+ rates in this series were estimated. Finally, in-situ measurements under reducing atmosphere by neutrons diffraction and EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) were realized to correlate chemical compositions- structural features and reducibility properties.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Influence de la morphologie d'oxydes à base de cérium sur les relations (micro)structures/propriétés

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    Les oxydes à base de Cérium, ont fait l objet de nombreuses études ces dernières décennies et se sont révélés des matériaux de choix, dans le domaine de la catalyse hétérogène. L objectif à l heure actuelle, est donc d accroître la réactivité de ces oxydes, tout en élargissant leur gamme de températures optimales d utilisation. Dans ce contexte particulier, il semble possible de moduler les propriétés des oxydes à base de cérium en contrôlant la morphologie des cristallites. Ce travail de thèse a donc été consacré à la détermination, l élaboration et à la caractérisation de matériaux oxydes à base de cérium de morphologies contrôlées. Nous avons tout d abord déterminé cristallographiquement et thermodynamiquement les morphologies accessibles au système étudié puis par traitement hydrothermale assistée par chauffage micro-ondes nous avons synthétisé les dites morphologies. Après caractérisation de la réactivité par ATG et thermographie Infrarouge nous avons optimisé ces matériaux par un dopage extrinsèque tout d abord (dépôt de métaux précieux), puis par un dopage intrinsèque ensuite (Yttrium et Fer). Enfin, l obtention de morphologies non accessibles cristallographiquement nous a amené à approfondir le(s) processus de germination croissance de ces particules et la forte réactivité des matériaux dopés fer nous a poussé à une caractérisation fine de la microstructure de ces matériaux. Au final nous avons pu corréler l influence de la morphologie des cristallites sur la réactivité propre de l ensemble des familles de matériaux étudiés.Recent decades, numerous studies on cerium-based oxides have been realized and have revealed that cerium-based oxides were materials of choice in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. The aim now is therefore to increase the reactivity of these oxides, while expanding their range of optimal temperatures of Use. In this particular context, it seems possible to modulate the properties of cerium-based oxides by controlling the morphology of the crystallites. This thesis has been devoted to the identification, development and characterization of materials based on cerium oxides of controlled morphology. We first determined possible morphologies for the studied system, by hydrothermal synthesis by micro-wave assisted heating we have synthesized these morphologies and we characterized reactivity of these materials by infrared thermography and TGA. We have optimized these materials first, by extrinsic doping (deposition of precious metals) and then by intrinsic doping (Yttrium and Iron). New morphologies have been synthesized so we have studied the processes of nucleation-growth set in. The high reactivity of iron-doped materials has led us to a detailed characterization of the microstructure of these materials. Finally correlation reactivity/morphologies of crystallites have been achieved.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Infrared absorptive properties of Al-doped ZnO divided powder

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    Al-doped ZnO powders were synthesised by a Pechini process in order to obtain visible non-absorbent and near-Infrared absorbent particles. Firstly, it has been shown that synthesis under argon combined with the lowest synthesis temperatures (700 °C) allows getting the optimal properties for pure ZnO compounds due to creation of n-type defects segregated on oxide grain surface (Zn/O ratio superior to 1). Nevertheless, the near-Infrared absorption properties of the pure ZnO compounds remain low. The Al3+ doping of ZnO compounds was then investigated. The Al solubility limit inside ZnO doped compounds decreases drastically with the grain size, i.e. with the synthesis temperature. Then, the Al cations distribution varies inside ZnO grains, Al3+ segregation at the grain surfaces taking place for high synthesis temperatures. The optimal optical properties (high near-Infrared absorption) are reached combining Al-doping and adequate synthesis conditions: annealing under argon at low temperatures. In these conditions, the highest extrinsic (via Al doping) and intrinsic n-types defects rates are indeed reached

    Characterization of helium bubble size and faceting by electron holography

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    Iron-9% chromium alloy of controlled purity and microstructure was helium implanted and studied using transmission electron microscopy and electron holography (EH). Fresnel imaging is compared with electron holography for a set of identical helium bubbles of size 2–4 nm. Electron holography reveals that the bubbles are, in fact, faceted and the lateral and projected dimensions of the cavities are measured. Current measurements allow the detection of 1 nm diameter bubbles using EH. The merits of conventional and holographic techniques are discussed and future improvements anticipated. Electron holography seems to be the ideal technique for investigating the morphology of helium bubbles and cavities in general

    How chemistry affects the ion beam synthesis of PbS nanocrystals

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    Solid state chemical reactions involving the multiple oxidation states of sulfur are shown to dominate the synthesis of PbS nanocrystals in pure silica via co-implantation and annealing. The formation of PbSO4 as well as PbS nanocrystals and small amorphous clusters is evidenced, and related to atomic transport occurring during annealing. A mechanism is proposed

    Synthesis of Lead Chalcogenide Nanocrystals by Sequential Ion Implantation in Silica

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    Lead chalcogenide (PbS, PbSe, and PbTe) nanocrystals were synthesized by sequential implantation of Pb and one of the chalcogen species into pure silica. The implantation energy and fluence were chosen so that the implantation profiles practically overlap at a depth \approx 150 nm with a maximum concentration of about 0.3 atom %. Annealing for 1-8 h at 850-900 °C triggers nanocrystal growth, which is monitored by high-resolution (HRTEM) and conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM), secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). Striking differences are found in the depth distributions and microstructures of the resulting nanocrystals. We show that the differing chemical interactions of Pb and chalcogens (between each other and with silica) play a crucial role in chalcogenide nucleation and growth. Using available information on chalcogen redox states in silicate glass, we propose a nonclassical nucleation and growth mechanism consistent with our experimental results. The complex chemistry involved at the microscopic level is shown to impair control over the nanocrystal size distribution. Finally, PbS nanocrystal-doped silica is shown to emit intense photoluminescence (PL) in the 1.5-2 μ\mum wavelength range, an effect that we relate to the above nucleation and growth scheme

    Diffusion properties of chalcogens (S, Se, Te) into pure silica

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    The diffusion properties of chalcogens (S, Se, Te) implanted into SiO2 were studied via secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) profiling between room temperature and the glass transition temperature (800–950 °C). Annealing of Te-containing samples leads directly to precipitation of metallic tellurium nanocrystals within the implantation profile. The S and Se concentration profiles were fitted by using a simple diffusion model in order to provide estimates of the diffusion constant and approximate solubility of these fast moving chemical species. A comparison of their differing diffusion behavior with complementary data on these systems suggests that (i) their oxidation states play a crucial role and (ii) the chalcogen propagation mechanism actually involves complex chemical interactions