25 research outputs found

    Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia shows high frequency of chromosome 1q aberrations and dismal outcome

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    Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia (AMKL) is associated with poor prognosis. Limited information is available on its cytogenetics, molecular genetics and clinical outcome. We performed genetic analyses, evaluated prognostic factors and the value of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) in a homogenous adult AMKL patient cohort. We retrospectively analysed 38 adult patients with AMKL (median age: 58 years, range: 21–80). Most received intensive treatment in AML Cooperative Group (AMLCG) trials between 2001 and 2016. Cytogenetic data showed an accumulation of adverse risk markers according to ELN 2017 and an unexpected high frequency of structural aberrations on chromosome arm 1q (33%). Most frequently, mutations occurred in TET2 (23%), TP53 (23%), JAK2 (19%), PTPN11 (19%) and RUNX1 (15%). Complete remission rate in 33 patients receiving intensive chemotherapy was 33% and median overall survival (OS) was 33 weeks (95% CI: 21–45). Patients undergoing allo-HSCT (n = 14) had a superior median OS (68 weeks; 95% CI: 11–126) and relapse-free survival (RFS) of 27 weeks (95% CI: 4–50), although cumulative incidence of relapse after allo-HSCT was high (62%). The prognosis of AMKL is determined by adverse genetic risk factors and therapy resistance. So far allo-HSCT is the only potentially curative treatment option in this dismal AML subgroup

    Prognostic impact of <i>CEBPA </i>mutational subgroups in adult AML

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    Despite recent refinements in the diagnostic and prognostic assessment of CEBPA mutations in AML, several questions remain open, i.e. implications of different types of basic region leucin zipper (bZIP) mutations, the role of co-mutations and the allelic state. Using pooled primary data analysis on 1010 CEBPA-mutant adult AML patients, a comparison was performed taking into account the type of mutation (bZIP: either typical in-frame insertion/deletion (InDel) mutations (bZIP InDel), frameshift InDel or nonsense mutations inducing translational stop (bZIP STOP) or single base-pair missense alterations (bZIP ms), and transcription activation domain (TAD) mutations) and the allelic state (single (smCEBPA) vs. double mutant (dmCEBPA)). Only bZIP InDel patients had significantly higher rates of complete remission and longer relapse free and overall survival (OS) compared with all other CEBPA-mutant subgroups. Moreover, co-mutations in bZIP InDel patients (e.g. GATA2, FLT3, WT1 as well as ELN2022 adverse risk aberrations) had no independent impact on OS, whereas in non-bZIP InDel patients, grouping according to ELN2022 recommendations added significant prognostic information. In conclusion, these results demonstrate bZIP InDel mutations to be the major independent determinant of outcome in CEBPA-mutant AML, thereby refining current classifications according to WHO (including all dmCEBPA and smCEBPA bZIP) as well as ELN2022 and ICC recommendations (including CEBPA bZIP ms). (Figure presented.)</p

    Allelic Imbalance of Recurrently Mutated Genes in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

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    The patho-mechanism of somatic driver mutations in cancer usually involves transcription, but the proportion of mutations and wild-type alleles transcribed from DNA to RNA is largely unknown. We systematically compared the variant allele frequencies of recurrently mutated genes in DNA and RNA sequencing data of 246 acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients. We observed that 95% of all detected variants were transcribed while the rest were not detectable in RNA sequencing with a minimum read-depth cut-off (10x). Our analysis focusing on 11 genes harbouring recurring mutations demonstrated allelic imbalance (AI) in most patients. GATA2, RUNX1, TET2, SRSF2, IDH2, PTPN11, WT1, NPM1 and CEBPA showed significant AIs. While the effect size was small in general, GATA2 exhibited the largest allelic imbalance. By pooling heterogeneous data from three independent AML cohorts with paired DNA and RNA sequencing (N = 253), we could validate the preferential transcription of GATA2-mutated alleles. Differential expression analysis of the genes with significant AI showed no significant differential gene and isoform expression for the mutated genes, between mutated and wild-type patients. In conclusion, our analyses identified AI in nine out of eleven recurrently mutated genes. AI might be a common phenomenon in AML which potentially contributes to leukaemogenesis.Peer reviewe

    Prognostic impact of CEBPA mutational subgroups in adult AML

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    Despite recent refinements in the diagnostic and prognostic assessment of CEBPA mutations in AML, several questions remain open, i.e. implications of different types of basic region leucin zipper (bZIP) mutations, the role of co-mutations and the allelic state. Using pooled primary data analysis on 1010 CEBPA-mutant adult AML patients, a comparison was performed taking into account the type of mutation (bZIP: either typical in-frame insertion/deletion (InDel) mutations (bZIPInDel), frameshift InDel or nonsense mutations inducing translational stop (bZIPSTOP) or single base-pair missense alterations (bZIPms), and transcription activation domain (TAD) mutations) and the allelic state (single (smCEBPA) vs. double mutant (dmCEBPA)). Only bZIPInDel patients had significantly higher rates of complete remission and longer relapse free and overall survival (OS) compared with all other CEBPA-mutant subgroups. Moreover, co-mutations in bZIPInDel patients (e.g. GATA2, FLT3, WT1 as well as ELN2022 adverse risk aberrations) had no independent impact on OS, whereas in non-bZIPInDel patients, grouping according to ELN2022 recommendations added significant prognostic information. In conclusion, these results demonstrate bZIPInDel mutations to be the major independent determinant of outcome in CEBPA-mutant AML, thereby refining current classifications according to WHO (including all dmCEBPA and smCEBPA bZIP) as well as ELN2022 and ICC recommendations (including CEBPA bZIPms)

    Clonal heterogeneity of FLT3-ITD detected by high-throughput amplicon sequencing correlates with adverse prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia

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    In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), internal tandem duplications (ITDs) of FLT3 are frequent mutations associated with unfavorable prognosis. At diagnosis, the FLT3-ITD status is routinely assessed by fragment analysis, providing information about the length but not the position and sequence of the ITD. To overcome this limitation, we performed cDNA-based high-throughput amplicon sequencing (HTAS) in 250 FLT3-ITD positive AML patients, treated on German AML Cooperative Group (AMLCG) trials. FLT3-ITD status determined by routine diagnostics was confirmed by HTAS in 242 out of 250 patients (97%). The total number of ITDs detected by HTAS was higher than in routine diagnostics (n = 312 vs. n = 274). In particular, HTAS detected a higher number of ITDs per patient compared to fragment analysis, indicating higher sensitivity for subclonal ITDs. Patients with more than one ITD according to HTAS had a significantly shorter overall and relapse free survival. There was a close correlation between FLT3-ITD mRNA levels in fragment analysis and variant allele frequency in HTAS. However, the abundance of long ITDs (≄75nt) was underestimated by HTAS, as the size of the ITD affected the mappability of the corresponding sequence reads. In summary, this study demonstrates that HTAS is a feasible approach for FLT3-ITD detection in AML patients, delivering length, position, sequence and mutational burden of this alteration in a single assay with high sensitivity. Our findings provide insights into the clonal architecture of FLT3-ITD positive AML and have clinical implications