14 research outputs found

    Prehistoric Pottery from Garbinovica Cave near Poreč: a Trial Archaeological Exploration Performed in 2013

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    Oko 200 m jugoistočno od sela Garbine, u neposrednoj blizini Poreča, u rujnu i listopadu 2013. godine probnim arheološkim istraživanjem potvrđeno je postojanje dosad javnosti nepoznate pećine. U osam probnih sondi prikupljeni su ulomci novovjekovne, antičke, brončanodobne, eneolitičke i neolitičke keramike, kremene alatke, ostaci životinjskih i ljudskih kostiju, morskih školjaka i puževa. Ovaj se rad temelji na tipološkoj obradi najkarakterističnijih ulomaka prapovijesne keramike.Approximately 200 m to the southeast of the village of Garbina, in the immediate vicinity of Poreč, the existence of a heretofore unknown cave was confirmed as a result of trial archaeological explorations in September and October of 2013. Eight probes yielded fragments from the early and late modern era, the period of antiquity, the Bronze Age, as well as Eneolithic and Neolithic pottery, flint utensils, and the remains of human and animal bones, seashells and snails. This paper is based on a typological study of the most characteristic fragments of prehistoric pottery. KEY WORDS: Istria, cave, stratigraphy, typology, Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze Ag

    A Typological Analysis of Selected Prehistoric Pottery Fragments from Pećina Ispod Sela Srbani

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    Na sjevernom obronku doline rijeke Mirne smještena je pećina koja je svojim bogatim arheološkim nalazima privukla pažnju jednog od pionira moderne istarske arheologije, Borisa Baćića, koji je 1974. i 1975. godine obavio njezino istraživanje. Tom je prilikom skupio veću količinu prapovijesne keramike, a tipološka obrada odabranih ulomaka čini temelj ovog rada. Uz pomoć raznih analogija pokušala se donijeti preciznija stratigrafija pećine pošto je veći dio slojeva bio disturbiran. Pronađeni ulomci keramike nepobitno dokazuju da se život u pećini kontinuirano odvijao u periodu eneolitika i brončanog doba, dok je u doba antike i srednjeg vijeka pećina imala ulogu kratkotrajnog refugija. Najvažniji pronađeni nalazi pripadaju ljubljanskoj kulturi koja je na području Istre zastupljena u tek nekoliko skromnih ulomaka, pa samim time, ovi, pronađeni u Pećini ispod sela Srbani, uvelike doprinose boljem poznavanju ljubljanske kulture na području Istre. Velika količina brončanodobnih nalaza, s druge pak strane, svjedoči da su se na području Istre osim brončanodobnih gradina i pećine koristile kao jedan vid naseobina. Daljnjim istraživanjima ovoga značajnog lokaliteta dobila bi se preciznija stratigrafija te bi se konačno potvrdilo je li njezin početak zaista započeo u doba eneolitika ili su u njezinim slojevima skriveni i stariji nalazi.Located on the northern slopes of the Mirna River Valley is a cave that with its rich archaeological finds attracted the attention of one of the pioneers of modern Istrian archaeology, Boris Baćić, who in 1974 and 1975 conducted a series of excavations there. During the exploration of the cave he collected a rather large amount of prehistoric pottery, and the typological analysis of some of these selected fragments forms the backbone of this work. We endeavored to establish a more precise stratigraphy of the cave with the help of different analogies, because the majority of the layers were disturbed. The discovered pottery fragments represent irrefutable proof that life in the cave flowed continuously in the periods of the Eneolithic and Bronze Age, whereas in the subsequent Roman and medieval periods the cave was used only as a temporary refuge. The most important finds that were unearthed belong to the Ljubljana culture that is on the territory of Istria represented by a very small number of fragments, which in turn means that these that were discovered in Pećina ispod sela Srbani greatly contribute to a better understanding of the Ljubljana culture in the Istrian region. The great amount of Bronze Age finds, on the other hand, bear witness that alongside Bronze Age hillforts, caves too were used as settlements on the Istrian Peninsula. By further exploration of this important site we would obtain a more precise stratigraphy, and we would finally be in a position to verify whether its beginnings really start in the Eneolithic period, or, if there are still older finds that the cave hides amongst its layers

    Revolution without Marianne: public celebrations of the French administration in Dalmatia

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    Rad prati javne proslave kojima je francuski režim u Dalmaciji popratio značajnije unutrašnje i međunarodne događaje. Javne manifestacije predočili su monarhijsku ideologiju i simboliku francuske uprave u pokrajini koja je naglasila Napoleonov kult, snagu francuske vojske i slavu glasovitih generala. Prigodnim manifestacijama nastojala se proširiti tanka osnovica režima i doprijeti do konzervativnih masa koje su režim uglavnom poistovjetili s ateističkim jakobinskim razdobljem i njegovim terorom. U tim propagandnim naporima osobito se koristio utjecaj Katoličke crkve koja je usprkos formalnoj podršci ostala rezervirana prema režimu.The work describes public celebrations with which the French regime followed signifi cant internal and international events. Public manifestations introduced the Monarchy’s ideology and the symbolics of the French administration in the region which emphasized the cult of the Napoleon, the strength of the French army and the glory of the famous generals. The purpose of these manifestations was to expand the basis of the regime, and to reach the conservative masses which identifi ed the regime with the Jacobean era and its terror. These indoctrination efforts used especially the infl uence of the Catholic Church which remained reserved towards the regime regardless of its formal support

    A Contribution to a Better Understanding of the Underwater Eneolithic Site at the Zambratija Cove

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    U podmorju uvale Zambratija (Umag) nalazi se potopljeno nalazište iz razdoblja ranog eneolitika, koje se pripisuje tzv. nakovanskoj kulturi. Nalazište se nalazi na dubini od -2.40 do -3.10 m, a dosad prikupljeni arheološki podaci upućuju da se najvjerojatnije radi o sojeničarskom naselju, koje je bilo smješteno u prirodnoj geološkoj depresiji. Od otvorenog mora bilo je odijeljeno prirodnim vapnenačkim hrptovima.The bottom of Zambratija Cove (Umag) is the location of a submerged site from the Early Eneolithic period attributed to the “Nakovana” culture. The site is found at a depth of from 2.40 to 3.10 m. The archaeological data gathered to date indicates that it is most likely a pile dwelling located in a natural geological depression. It was separated from the open sea by natural limestone ridges

    Monbrodo - New Research on the Hillfort South of Rovinj near the Cisterna Bay

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    Istra je poznata po brojnim utvrđenim gradinskim naseljima na brdima, koja se pojavljuju od početka ranog brončanog razdoblja, oko 2000. g. pr. n. e. Premda postoji više od 400 takvih poznatih naselja, istraženo ih je tek manje od desetak. Stoga za većinu njih nije sigurno točno kronološko određenje i veličina u različitim razdobljima, što otežava istraživanja fenomena gradina i sustava naselja brončanog i željeznog doba. Osim toga, mnoga su naselja ugrožena poljoprivrednom ili građevinskom djelatnošću. Ne bi li se stavio veći naglasak na istraživanje istarskih gradina, međunarodni tim započeo je, kao zajednički korejskohrvatski projekt 2016. godine1, s iskopavanjima na gradini Monbrodo južno od uvale Cisterna pokraj Rovinja.Istria is well-known for numerous hillfort settlements that have been built there since the beginning of the Early Bronze Age around 2000 BC. More than 400 are known, but fewer than a dozen have been researched. Therefore for most of them exact dating and assignment to different periods of occupation is uncertain and research on the development of hillforts and settlement systems in the Bronze and Iron Ages are difficult. Furthermore many of the settlements are endangered by agricultural or construction activities. To bring the Istrian hillfort settlements more into the focus of the research, an international team started a Korean-Croatian joint project in 20161 with excavations on the hillfort of Monbrodo south of the Cisterna Bay near Rovinj

    Monbrodo - a Prehistoric Hillfort near Cisterna Beach South of the City of Rovinj in the Light of New Researches

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    U razdoblju između 2016. i 2018. godine, u sklopu zajedničkog korejsko-hrvatskog projekta provedena su arheološka istraživanja gradine Monbrodo, južno od Rovinja, u blizini plaže Cisterna. Cilj projekta bio je prikupiti nove podatke o sustavu gradina oko središnjeg naselja Monkodonje, koje je oko 5 km udaljeno od Monbroda. U ovom su radu predstavljeni preliminarni rezultati triju istraživačkih kampanja koje su rasvijetlile razne podatke o povijesti naseljavanja ovog lokaliteta, od razvijenog ranog i srednjeg brončanog doba pa do zadnjih stoljeća prije Krista.Between 2016 and 2018, in the context of a Korean-Croatian joint project, research excavations were carried out on the hilltop settlement Monbrodo near Cisterna beach south of the modern city of Rovinj. Objective of the project was to gain new data on the settlement system of hillforts around the presumed central settlement of Monkodonja, which is located in around 5 km distance from Monbrodo. This paper presents preliminary results of the three excavation campaigns, which brought to light a variety of data regarding the occupation history of the site spanning two millennia from the developed Early and Middle Bronze Ages until the last centuries before Christ

    Ljubićeva pećina: Preliminary Analysis of the Pottery Recovered during Archaeological Investigation in 2021

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    Rad donosi rezultate preliminarne obrade keramičkih nalaza pronađenih prilikom arheološkog istraživanja Ljubićeve pećine 2021. godine, u sklopu projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost pod nazivom „Prapovijesni lovci i sakupljači u Istri i obližnjim regijama: obrasci života i kretanja tijekom kasnog pleistocena (PREHISTRIA)“. Prilikom tog arheološkog istraživanja zabilježeni su brojni ulomci keramike koji obuhvaćaju razdoblje od ranog neolitika do brončanog doba. Ulomci koji pokazuju karakteristike srednjeg/kasnog neolitika i ranog eneolitika od iznimnog su značaja jer to razdoblje u Istri nije jasno definirano i s njime u vezi brojne su nepoznanice.This paper presents the results of the preliminary analysis of pottery recovered in the course of the 2021 archaeological investigation of the Ljubićeva pećina cave site in the frame of the Croatian Science Foundation’s “Prehistoric Hunter and Gatherers in Istria and Adjacent Regions: Patterns of Late Pleistocene Lifestyle and Mobility” (PREHISTRIA) project. The archaeological investigative work identified numerous potsherds covering the period from the Early Neolithic to the Bronze Age. The recorded potsherds, with characteristics of the Middle/Late Neolithic and Early Eneolithic periods, are exceptionally significant because the period in question has yet to be clearly defined in Istria and presents numerous open questions

    Siti fortificati e ceramiche dell’età del Bronzo nell’area attorno a Rovigno, costa occidentale dell’Istria

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    Since the 19th century, the interest of scholars and lovers of antiquity has been focused on the prehistoric hillfort settlements, also known as gradine, castellieri or kastelliere, on the Istrian peninsula. Several hundred of these fortified settlements, located on the tops of the countless hills of the Karst, are registered today. However, only a few of them have been explored through systematic archaeological research. The site that is currently best investigated and excavated with modern methods is the Gradina of Monkodonja near the small port town of Rovinj on the west coast of Istria, which is dated to the developed Early and to the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age. The research has led to numerous new findings, for example regarding chronology, settlement organisation and long-distance contacts. But they have also raised new questions. Given the size of Gradina Monkodonja, with an outer fortification wall almost 1 km long, and its prominent location, it was considered by the excavators to be the centre within a settlement system consisting of a large central settlement and various smaller satellite settlements. However, not much is known about these smaller, presumed satellite settlements to date - especially with regard to their chronology. Therefore, it is especially unclear whether they actually lived at the same time as the presumed central settlement of Monkodonja and whether a hierarchical system of hillforts existed in the Bronze Age. New research, funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea and supported by the Archaeological Museum of Istria in Pula and the Rovinj Heritage Museum, has been aiming to explore the system of hillforts around Rovinj since 2016. One step in the investigation is aimed at obtaining new data on the chronological classification of the smaller hillforts. Significant new results come from Gradina Monbrodo, which shed new light on the above-mentioned questions about the settlement system around Rovinj. With a view to the pottery spectrum of Monkodonja, we will discuss some previously unpublished ceramic finds in this paper.Fin dal XIX secolo l'interesse degli studiosi di antichità si è concentrato sugli insediamenti preistorici dell’Istria, corrispondenti a siti fortificati, denominati anche gradine, castellieri o kastelliere. Nel Carso sono oggi note alcune centinaia di questi insediamenti fortificati, posti sulla sommità delle alture, ma solo alcuni di essi sono stati oggetto di una ricerca archeologica sistematica. Il sito attualmente meglio indagato e scavato con metodi moderni è la Gradina di Monkodonja, datata all'inizio e alla fase avanzata della Media età del Bronzo, posta presso la città portuale di Rovigno sulla costa occidentale dell'Istria. Le recenti ricerche hanno portato a nuovi dati sulla cronologia, sull'organizzazione degli insediamenti e sui contatti a lunga distanza, ma hanno anche sollevato nuove domande. La Gradina di Monkodonja, per le dimensioni, il muro di fortificazione esterno con un perimetro di quasi 1 km e per la sua posizione prominente, è considerata l’insediamento principale al centro di un sistema insediativo con vari abitati satellite più piccoli. Tuttavia, fino ad oggi non si sa molto di questi insediamenti minori, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la loro cronologia. Non è del tutto chiarito se fossero contemporanei all’abitato di Monkodonja e se sia confermato nell'età del Bronzo il sistema gerarchico dei siti fortificati. Una ricerca iniziata nel 2016, finanziata dalla National Research Foundation of Korea, dal Museo Archeologico dell'Istria di Pola e dal Museo di Rovigno, ha come obiettivo l’indagine del sistema di siti fortificati nell’area attorno a Rovigno. Una fase della ricerca ha come oggetto la classificazione cronologica dei siti minori e ha portato significativi risultati dai sondaggi effettuati alla Gradina Monbrodo. In particolare, si affronta in questo articolo la tipologia ceramica, con la presentazione di alcuni reperti ceramici inediti