968 research outputs found

    Mathematical models of avascular cancer

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    This review will outline a number of illustrative mathematical models describing the growth of avascular tumours. The aim of the review is to provide a relatively comprehensive list of existing models in this area and discuss several representative models in greater detail. In the latter part of the review, some possible future avenues of mathematical modelling of avascular tumour development are outlined together with a list of key questions

    Mathematical models of avascular cancer

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    This review will outline a number of illustrative mathematical models describing the growth of avascular tumours. The aim of the review is to provide a relatively comprehensive list of existing models in this area and discuss several representative models in greater detail. In the latter part of the review, some possible future avenues of mathematical modelling of avascular tumour development are outlined together with a list of key questions

    Object-Oriented Paradigms for Modelling Vascular\ud Tumour Growth: a Case Study

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    Motivated by a family of related hybrid multiscale models, we have built an object-oriented framework for developing and implementing multiscale models of vascular tumour growth. The models are implemented in our framework as a case study to highlight how object-oriented programming techniques and good object-oriented design may be used effectively to develop hybrid multiscale models of vascular tumour growth. The intention is that this paper will serve as a useful reference for researchers modelling complex biological systems and that these researchers will employ some of the techniques presented herein in their own projects

    Models for pattern formation in somitogenesis: a marriage of cellular and molecular biology

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    Somitogenesis, the process by which a bilaterally symmetric pattern of cell aggregations is laid down in a cranio-caudal sequence in early vertebrate development, provides an excellent model study for the coupling of interactions at the molecular and cellular level. Here, we review some of the key experimental results and theoretical models related to this process. We extend a recent chemical pre-pattern model based on the cell cycle Journal of Theoretical Biology 207 (2000) 305-316, by including cell movement and show that the resultant model exhibits the correct spatio-temporal dynamics of cell aggregation. We also postulate a model to account for the recently observed spatio-temporal dynamics at the molecular level

    Variable renewal rate and growth properties of cell populations in colon crypts

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    A nonlinear mathematical model is used to investigate the time evolution of the cell populations in colon crypts (stem, semidifferentiated and fully differentiated cells). To mimic pathological alteration of the biochemical pathways leading to abnormal proliferative activity of the population of semidifferentiated cells their renewal rate is assumed to be dependent on the population size. Then, the effects of such perturbation on the population dynamics are investigated theoretically. Using both theoretical methods and numerical simulations it is shown that the increase in the renewal rate of semidifferentiated cells strongly impacts the dynamical behavior of the cell populations

    Examples of mathematical modeling tales from the crypt

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    Mathematical modeling is being increasingly recognized within the biomedical sciences as an important tool that can aid the understanding of biological systems. The heavily regulated cell renewal cycle in the colonic crypt provides a good example of how modeling can be used to find out key features of the system kinetics, and help to explain both the breakdown of homeostasis and the initiation of tumorigenesis. We use the cell population model by Johnston et al. (2007) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 4008-4013, to illustrate the power of mathematical modeling by considering two key questions about the cell population dynamics in the colonic crypt. We ask: how can a model describe both homeostasis and unregulated growth in tumorigenesis; and to which parameters in the system is the model most sensitive? In order to address these questions, we discuss what type of modeling approach is most appropriate in the crypt. We use the model to argue why tumorigenesis is observed to occur in stages with long lag phases between periods of rapid growth, and we identify the key parameters

    On the proportion of cancer stem cells in a tumour

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    It is now generally accepted that cancers contain a sub-population, the cancer stem cells (CSCs), which initiate and drive a tumour’s growth. At least until recently it has been widely assumed that only a small proportion of the cells in a tumour are CSCs. Here we use a mathematical model, supported by experimental evidence, to show that such an assumption is unwarranted. We show that CSCs may comprise any possible proportion of the tumour, and that the higher the proportion the more aggressive the tumour is likely to be

    On a model mechanism for the spatial patterning of teeth primordia in the Alligator

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    We propose a model mechanism for the initiation and spatial positioning of teeth primordia in the alligator,Alligator mississippiensis. Detailed embryological studies by Westergaard & Ferguson (1986, 1987, 1990) show that jaw growth plays a crucial role in the developmental patterning of the tooth initiation process. Based on biological data we develop a reaction-diffusion mechanism, which crucially includes domain growth. The model can reproduce the spatial pattern development of the first seven teeth primordia in the lower half jaw ofA. mississippiensis. The results for the precise spatio-temporal sequence compare well with detailed developmental experiments

    Complex networks generated by the Penna bit-string model: emergence of small-world and assortative mixing

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    The Penna bit-string model successfully encompasses many phenomena of population evolution, including inheritance, mutation, evolution, and aging. If we consider social interactions among individuals in the Penna model, the population will form a complex network. In this paper, we first modify the Verhulst factor to control only the birth rate, and introduce activity-based preferential reproduction of offspring in the Penna model. The social interactions among individuals are generated by both inheritance and activity-based preferential increase. Then we study the properties of the complex network generated by the modified Penna model. We find that the resulting complex network has a small-world effect and the assortative mixing property
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