57 research outputs found

    Extended Tailing of Bacteria Following Breakthrough at the Narrow Channel Focus Area, Oyster, Virginia

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    Extended tailing of low bacterial concentrations following breakthrough at the Narrow Channel focus area was observed for 4 months. Bacterial attachment and detachment kinetics associated with breakthrough and extended tailing were determined by fitting a one-dimensional transport model to the field breakthrough-tailing data. Spatial variations in attachment rate coefficient (k(f)) were observed under forced gradient conditions (i.e., k(f) decreased as travel, distance increased), possibly because of decreased bacterial adhesion with increased transport distance. When pore water velocity decreased by an order of magnitude at 9 days following injection, apparent bacterial attachment rate coefficients did not decrease with velocity as expected from filtration theory, but, instead, increased greatly for most of the wells. The coincidence of the increase in apparent attachment rate coefficient with the occurrence of protist blooms suggested-that the loss of bacteria from the aqueous phase during the protist blooms was not governed by filtration but rather was governed by predation. Simulations were performed to examine the transport distances achieved with and without detachment, using attachment and detachment rate coefficients similar to those obtained in this field study. Simulations that included detachment showed that transport distances of bacteria may significantly increase because of detachment under the conditions examined

    The History, Development, and Purpose of the Sensory Integration Global Network

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    The Sensory Integration Global Network (SIGN) is a Web-based resource developed by a loosely structured group of international volunteers dedicated to protecting the integrity and promoting the work of Ayres Sensory Integration® (ASI). SIGN provides an international resource to educate the public and professionals about A. Jean Ayres and sensory integration theory and practice to help them to discriminate between ASI and other interventions, especially those that use similar descriptors of improving sensory integration and sensory processing. This article aims to increase awareness of the existence of SIGN within the readership of the American Occupational Therapy Association\u27s (AOTA\u27 s) Sensory Integration Special Interest Section. The persons working with SIGN hope that by informing the public about the trademark and exposing both the public and professionals to the underlying principles incorporated within the trademarked ASI approach, consumers will be able to make educated choices about the types of interventions they access. Additionally, the network hopes to assist practitioners by clarifying the terminology used when describing sensory integration practice

    Hydrogeological Characterization of the South Oyster Bacterial Transport Site Using Geophysical Data

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    A multidisciplinary research team has conducted a field-scale bacterial transport study within an uncontaminated sandy Pleistocene aquifer near Oyster, Virginia. The overall goal of the project was to evaluate the importance of heterogeneities in controlling the field-scale transport of bacteria that are injected into the ground for remediation purposes. Geochemical, hydrological, geological, and geophysical data were collected to characterize the site prior to conducting chemical and bacterial injection experiments. In this paper we focus on results of a hydrogeological characterization effort using geophysical data collected across a range of spatial scales. The geophysical data employed include surface ground-penetrating radar, radar cross-hole tomography, seismic cross-hole tomography, cone penetrometer, and borehole electromagnetic flowmeter. These data were used to interpret the subregional and local stratigraphy, to provide high-resolution hydraulic conductivity estimates, and to provide information about the log conductivity spatial correlation function. The information from geophysical data was used to guide and assist the field operations and to constrain the numerical bacterial transport model. Although more field work of this nature is necessary to validate the usefulness and cost-effectiveness of including geophysical data in the characterization effort, qualitative and quantitative comparisons between tomographically obtained flow and transport parameter estimates with hydraulic well bore and bromide breakthrough measurements suggest that geophysical data can provide valuable, high-resolution information. This information, traditionally only partially obtainable by performing extensive and intrusive well bore sampling, may help to reduce the ambiguity associated with hydrogeological heterogeneity that is often encountered when interpreting field-scale bacterial transport data

    The Role of Physical, Chemical, and Microbial Heterogeneity on the Field-Scale Transport and Attachment of Bacteria

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    A field-scale bacterial transport experiment was conducted at the Narrow Channel Focus Area of the South Oyster field site located in Oyster, Virginia. The goal of the field experiment was to determine the relative influence of subsurface heterogeneity and microbial population parameters on flow direction, velocity, and attachment of bacteria at the field scale. The field results were compared with results from laboratory-scale column experiments to develop a method for predicting field-scale bacterial transport. The field site is a shallow, sandy, unconfined, aerobic aquifer that has been characterized by geophysical, sedimentological, and hydrogeological methods. Comamonas sp. strain DA001 and a conservative tracer, bromide (Br), were injected into an area of high permeability for 12 hours. The Br and bacterial concentrations in the groundwater were monitored for 1 week at 192 sampling ports spaced over a 2-m vertical zone located from 0.5 to 7 m down-gradient of the injection well. The bacterial and Br plume was observed to move past 95 sampling ports. The densely characterized field site enabled the comparison of variations in DA001 transport to the aquifer properties. The velocity of the injected plume was correlated with geophysical estimates of hydraulic conductivity. The bacterial and Br plume appeared to follow flow paths not coincident with the hydraulic gradient but through a zone of higher permeability located off the flow axis. The amount of breakthrough of the bacteria was similar in both the high and low permeability layers with only a weak correlation between the observed hydraulic conductivity and amount of bacterial breakthrough. The uniformity in the observed attachment rates across varying grain sizes could be explained by heterogeneity of microbial properties within the single strain of injected bacteria. Application of colloid filtration theory to the field data indicated that variations in the microbial population were described by a lognormal distribution of the collision efficiency (a). Core-scale studies were used to predict the a distribution and field-scale transport distances of DA001. In sandy aquifers, physical heterogeneity may play a secondary role in controlling field-scale bacterial transport, and future research should focus on the microbial factors affecting transport

    Megacity pumping and preferential flow threaten groundwater quality

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    Many of the world’s megacities depend on groundwater from geologically complex aquifers that are over-exploited and threatened by contamination. Here, using the example of Dhaka, Bangladesh, we illustrate how interactions between aquifer heterogeneity and groundwater exploitation jeopardize groundwater resources regionally. Groundwater pumping in Dhaka has caused large-scale drawdown that extends into outlying areas where arsenic-contaminated shallow groundwater is pervasive and has potential to migrate downward. We evaluate the vulnerability of deep, low-arsenic groundwater with groundwater models that incorporate geostatistical simulations of aquifer heterogeneity. Simulations show that preferential flow through stratigraphy typical of fluvio-deltaic aquifers could contaminate deep (>150 m) groundwater within a decade, nearly a century faster than predicted through homogeneous models calibrated to the same data. The most critical fast flowpaths cannot be predicted by simplified models or identified by standard measurements. Such complex vulnerability beyond city limits could become a limiting factor for megacity groundwater supplies in aquifers worldwide.National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Superfund Research Program (Grant P42 ES010349)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant EAR-115173

    A Field Procedure To Screen Soil for Hazardous Lead

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    Soils retain lead contamination from possible sources such as mining, smelting, battery recycling, waste incineration, leaded gasoline, and crumbling paint. Such contamination is often concentrated in toxic hot spots that need to be identified locally. To address this need, a simple field procedure was designed to screen soil for hazardous Pb for use by the general public. The procedure is a modification of the in vitro soil Pb extraction described by Drexler and Brattin (Hum. Ecol. Risk Assess. 2007, 13, 383) and EPA Method 1340, and uses a 0.4 M glycine solution at pH 1.5. A higher soil-to-solution ratio of 1:10 allows for classifying soil samples based on extractable Pb concentrations of/ kg (low), 200−400 mg/kg (medium), and \u3e400 mg/kg (high) using sodium rhodizonate as a color indicator. The 1:10 soil-to-solution ratio also makes it possible to measure Pb concentrations in the glycine extract solutions on a continuous scale using a portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer. The procedure rather consistently extracts about one-third of the Pb extracted by the standard method across a wide range of Pb concentrations. Manufacturing the kit in larger quantities could reduce the cost of the materials well below the current $5/test

    Fecal Contamination of Shallow Tubewells in Bangladesh Inversely Related to Arsenic

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    The health risks of As exposure due to the installation of millions of shallow tubewells in the Bengal Basin are known, but fecal contamination of shallow aquifers has not systematically been examined. This could be a source of concern in densely populated areas with poor sanitation because the hydraulic travel time from surface water bodies to shallow wells that are low in As was previously shown to be considerably shorter than for shallow wells that are high in As. In this study, 125 tubewells 6−36 m deep were sampled in duplicate for 18 months to quantify the presence of the fecal indicator Escherichia coli. On any given month, E. coli was detected at levels exceeding 1 most probable number per 100 mL in 19−64% of all shallow tubewells, with a higher proportion typically following periods of heavy rainfall. The frequency of E. coli detection averaged over a year was found to increase with population surrounding a well and decrease with the As content of a well, most likely because of downward transport of E. coli associated with local recharge. The health implications of higher fecal contamination of shallow tubewells, to which millions of households in Bangladesh have switched in order to reduce their exposure to As, need to be evaluated

    Unsealed tubewells lead to increased fecal contamination of drinking water

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    Bangladesh is underlain by shallow aquifers in which millions of drinking water wells are emplaced without annular seals. Fecal contamination has been widely detected in private tubewells. To evaluate the impact of well construction on microbial water quality 35 private tubewells (11 with intact cement platforms, 19 without) and 17 monitoring wells (11 with the annulus sealed with cement, 6 unsealed) were monitored for cultured E. coli over 18 months. Additionally, two “snap shot” sampling events were performed on a subset of wells during late-dry and early-wet seasons, wherein the fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) E. coli, Bacteroidales and the pathogenicity genes eltA (ETEC E. coli), ipaH (Shigella) and 40/41 hexon (adenovirus) were detected using qPCR. No difference in E. coli detection frequency was found between tubewells with and without platforms. Unsealed private wells, however, contained cultured E. coli more frequently and higher concentrations of FIB than sealed monitoring wells (p<0.05), suggestive of rapid downward flow along unsealed annuli. As a group the pathogens ETEC, Shigella and adenovirus were detected more frequently (10/22) during the wet season than the dry season (2/20). This suggests proper sealing of private tubewell annuli may lead to substantial improvements in microbial drinking water quality

    Implications of Fecal Bacteria Input from Latrine-Polluted Ponds for Wells in Sandy Aquifers

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    Ponds receiving latrine effluents may serve as sources of fecal contamination to shallow aquifers tapped by millions of tube-wells in Bangladesh. To test this hypothesis, transects of monitoring wells radiating away from four ponds were installed in a shallow sandy aquifer underlying a densely populated village and monitored for 14 months. Two of the ponds extended to medium sand. Another pond was sited within silty sand and the last in silt. The fecal indicator bacterium E. coli was rarely detected along the transects during the dry season and was only detected near the ponds extending to medium sand up to 7 m away during the monsoon. A log-linear decline in E. coli and Bacteroidales concentrations with distance along the transects in the early monsoon indicates that ponds excavated in medium sand were the likely source of contamination. Spatial removal rates ranged from 0.5-1.3 log10/m. After the ponds were artificially filled with groundwater to simulate the impact of a rain storm, E. coli levels increased near a pond recently excavated in medium sand, but no others. These observations show that adjacent sediment grain-size and how recently a pond was excavated influence how much fecal contamination ponds receiving latrine effluents contribute to neighboring groundwater

    Comparison of fecal indicators with pathogenic bacteria and rotavirus in groundwater

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    Groundwater is routinely analyzed for fecal indicators but direct comparisons of fecal indicators to the presence of bacterial and viral pathogens are rare. This study was conducted in rural Bangladesh where the human population density is high, sanitation is poor, and groundwater pumped from shallow tubewells is often contaminated with fecal bacteria. Five indicator microorganisms (E. coli, total coliform, F+RNA coliphage, Bacteroides and human-associated Bacteroides) and various environmental parameters were compared to the direct detection of waterborne pathogens by quantitative PCR in groundwater pumped from 50 tubewells. Rotavirus was detected in groundwater filtrate from the largest proportion of tubewells (40%), followed by Shigella (10%), Vibrio (10%), and pathogenic E. coli (8%). Spearman rank correlations and sensitivity-specificity calculations indicate that some, but not all, combinations of indicators and environmental parameters can predict the presence of pathogens. Culture-dependent fecal indicator bacteria measured on a single date did not predict total bacterial pathogens, but annually averaged monthly measurements of culturable E. coli did improve prediction for total bacterial pathogens. A qPCR-based E. coli assay was the best indicator for the bacterial pathogens. F+RNA coliphage were neither correlated nor sufficiently sensitive towards rotavirus, but were predictive of bacterial pathogens. Since groundwater cannot be excluded as a significant source of diarrheal disease in Bangladesh and neighboring countries with similar characteristics, the need to develop more effective methods for screening tubewells with respect to microbial contamination is necessary