74 research outputs found

    Landau singularities and singularities of holonomic integrals of the Ising class

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    We consider families of multiple and simple integrals of the ``Ising class'' and the linear ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients they are solutions of. We compare the full set of singularities given by the roots of the head polynomial of these linear ODE's and the subset of singularities occurring in the integrals, with the singularities obtained from the Landau conditions. For these Ising class integrals, we show that the Landau conditions can be worked out, either to give the singularities of the corresponding linear differential equation or the singularities occurring in the integral. The singular behavior of these integrals is obtained in the self-dual variable w=s/2/(1+s2)w= s/2/(1+s^2), with s=sinh(2K)s= \sinh(2K), where K=J/kTK=J/kT is the usual Ising model coupling constant. Switching to the variable ss, we show that the singularities of the analytic continuation of series expansions of these integrals actually break the Kramers-Wannier duality. We revisit the singular behavior (J. Phys. A {\bf 38} (2005) 9439-9474) of the third contribution to the magnetic susceptibility of Ising model χ(3)\chi^{(3)} at the points 1+3w+4w2=01+3w+4w^2= 0 and show that χ(3)(s)\chi^{(3)}(s) is not singular at the corresponding points inside the unit circle s=1| s |=1, while its analytical continuation in the variable ss is actually singular at the corresponding points 2+s+s2=0 2+s+s^2=0 oustside the unit circle (s>1| s | > 1).Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur

    Symmetries of non-linear ODEs: lambda extensions of the Ising correlations

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    This paper provides several illustrations of the numerous remarkable properties of the lambda-extensions of the two-point correlation functions of the Ising model, sheding some light on the non-linear ODEs of the Painlev\'e type. We first show that this concept also exists for the factors of the two-point correlation functions focusing, for pedagogical reasons, on two examples namely C(0,5) and C(2,5) at ν=k\nu = -k. We then display, in a learn-by-example approach, some of the puzzling properties and structures of these lambda-extensions: for an infinite set of (algebraic) values of λ \lambda these power series become algebraic functions, and for a finite set of (rational) values of lambda they become D-finite functions, more precisely polynomials (of different degrees) in the complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind K and E. For generic values of λ \lambda these power series are not D-finite, they are differentially algebraic. For an infinite number of other (rational) values of λ \lambda these power series are globally bounded series, thus providing an example of an infinite number of globally bounded differentially algebraic series. Finally, taking the example of a product of two diagonal two-point correlation functions, we suggest that many more families of non-linear ODEs of the Painlev\'e type remain to be discovered on the two-dimensional Ising model, as well as their structures, and in particular their associated lambda extensions. The question of their possible reduction, after complicated transformations, to Okamoto sigma forms of Painlev\'e VI remains an extremely difficult challenge.Comment: 23 page

    Canonical decomposition of linear differential operators with selected differential Galois groups

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    We revisit an order-six linear differential operator having a solution which is a diagonal of a rational function of three variables. Its exterior square has a rational solution, indicating that it has a selected differential Galois group, and is actually homomorphic to its adjoint. We obtain the two corresponding intertwiners giving this homomorphism to the adjoint. We show that these intertwiners are also homomorphic to their adjoint and have a simple decomposition, already underlined in a previous paper, in terms of order-two self-adjoint operators. From these results, we deduce a new form of decomposition of operators for this selected order-six linear differential operator in terms of three order-two self-adjoint operators. We then generalize the previous decomposition to decompositions in terms of an arbitrary number of self-adjoint operators of the same parity order. This yields an infinite family of linear differential operators homomorphic to their adjoint, and, thus, with a selected differential Galois group. We show that the equivalence of such operators is compatible with these canonical decompositions. The rational solutions of the symmetric, or exterior, squares of these selected operators are, noticeably, seen to depend only on the rightmost self-adjoint operator in the decomposition. These results, and tools, are applied on operators of large orders. For instance, it is seen that a large set of (quite massive) operators, associated with reflexive 4-polytopes defining Calabi-Yau 3-folds, obtained recently by P. Lairez, correspond to a particular form of the decomposition detailed in this paper.Comment: 40 page

    Diagonals of rational functions, pullbacked 2F1 hypergeometric functions and modular forms (unabrigded version)

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    We recall that diagonals of rational functions naturally occur in lattice statistical mechanics and enumerative combinatorics. We find that a seven-parameter rational function of three variables with a numerator equal to one (reciprocal of a polynomial of degree two at most) can be expressed as a pullbacked 2F1 hypergeometric function. This result can be seen as the simplest non-trivial family of diagonals of rational functions. We focus on some subcases such that the diagonals of the corresponding rational functions can be written as a pullbacked 2F1 hypergeometric function with two possible rational functions pullbacks algebraically related by modular equations, thus showing explicitely that the diagonal is a modular form. We then generalise this result to eight, nine and ten parameters families adding some selected cubic terms at the denominator of the rational function defining the diagonal. We finally show that each of these previous rational functions yields an infinite number of rational functions whose diagonals are also pullbacked 2F1 hypergeometric functions and modular forms.Comment: 39 page

    Ising n-fold integrals as diagonals of rational functions and integrality of series expansions: integrality versus modularity

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    We show that the n-fold integrals χ(n)\chi^{(n)} of the magnetic susceptibility of the Ising model, as well as various other n-fold integrals of the "Ising class", or n-fold integrals from enumerative combinatorics, like lattice Green functions, are actually diagonals of rational functions. As a consequence, the power series expansions of these solutions of linear differential equations "Derived From Geometry" are globally bounded, which means that, after just one rescaling of the expansion variable, they can be cast into series expansions with integer coefficients. Besides, in a more enumerative combinatorics context, we show that generating functions whose coefficients are expressed in terms of nested sums of products of binomial terms can also be shown to be diagonals of rational functions. We give a large set of results illustrating the fact that the unique analytical solution of Calabi-Yau ODEs, and more generally of MUM ODEs, is, almost always, diagonal of rational functions. We revisit Christol's conjecture that globally bounded series of G-operators are necessarily diagonals of rational functions. We provide a large set of examples of globally bounded series, or series with integer coefficients, associated with modular forms, or Hadamard product of modular forms, or associated with Calabi-Yau ODEs, underlying the concept of modularity. We finally address the question of the relations between the notion of integrality (series with integer coefficients, or, more generally, globally bounded series) and the modularity (in particular integrality of the Taylor coefficients of mirror map), introducing new representations of Yukawa couplings.Comment: 100 page

    Complexity spectrum of some discrete dynamical systems

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    We first study birational mappings generated by the composition of the matrix inversion and of a permutation of the entries of 3×3 3 \times 3 matrices. We introduce a semi-numerical analysis which enables to compute the Arnold complexities for all the 9!9! possible birational transformations. These complexities correspond to a spectrum of eighteen algebraic values. We then drastically generalize these results, replacing permutations of the entries by homogeneous polynomial transformations of the entries possibly depending on many parameters. Again it is shown that the associated birational, or even rational, transformations yield algebraic values for their complexities.Comment: 1 LaTex fil

    Ising n-fold integrals as diagonals of rational functions and integrality of series expansions

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    We show that the n-fold integrals χ(n)\chi^{(n)} of the magnetic susceptibility of the Ising model, as well as various other n-fold integrals of the "Ising class", or n-fold integrals from enumerative combinatorics, like lattice Green functions, correspond to a distinguished class of function generalising algebraic functions: they are actually diagonals of rational functions. As a consequence, the power series expansions of the, analytic at x=0, solutions of these linear differential equations "Derived From Geometry" are globally bounded, which means that, after just one rescaling of the expansion variable, they can be cast into series expansions with integer coefficients. We also give several results showing that the unique analytical solution of Calabi-Yau ODEs, and, more generally, Picard-Fuchs linear ODEs, with solutions of maximal weights, are always diagonal of rational functions. Besides, in a more enumerative combinatorics context, generating functions whose coefficients are expressed in terms of nested sums of products of binomial terms can also be shown to be diagonals of rational functions. We finally address the question of the relations between the notion of integrality (series with integer coefficients, or, more generally, globally bounded series) and the modularity of ODEs.Comment: This paper is the short version of the larger (100 pages) version, available as arXiv:1211.6031 , where all the detailed proofs are given and where a much larger set of examples is displaye