614 research outputs found

    Interplay between security providers, consumers, and attackers: a weighted congestion game approach

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    Network users can choose among different security solutions to protect their data. Those solutions are offered by competing providers, with possibly different performance and price levels. In this paper, we model the interactions among users as a noncooperative game, with a negative externality coming from the fact that attackers target popular systems to maximize their expected gain. Using a nonatomic weighted congestion game model for user interactions, we prove the existence and uniqueness of a user equilibrium, compute the corresponding Price of Anarchy, that is the loss of efficiency due to user selfishness, and investigate some consequences for the (higher-level) pricing game played by security providers.Game theory;Weighted games; Security


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    Réception de la théorie postcoloniale dans le féminisme québécois

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    Ce texte propose d’utiliser le fĂ©minisme postcolonial comme point d’appui pour explorer les discours identitaires Ă  l’oeuvre dans le fĂ©minisme quĂ©bĂ©cois. La premiĂšre partie du texte aborde la gĂ©nĂšse du fĂ©minisme postcolonial Ă  partir des Ă©crits de Gayatri Spivak, Chandra Talpade Mohanty et Uma Narayan. Dans la seconde partie, l’auteure discute de la figure centrale Ă  l’oeuvre dans le fĂ©minisme quĂ©bĂ©cois, marquĂ© au cours des annĂ©es 60 par le rĂ©cit politique de l’oppression nationale. Selon son analyse, cet hĂ©ritage a permis au fĂ©minisme quĂ©bĂ©cois d’occulter le difficile exercice d’identifier les rapports de pouvoir entre les femmes de la majoritĂ© et les autres femmes.In this text, postcolonial feminism is the starting point of an exploration of identity discourses operating within Quebec feminism. The first part of the text is devoted to the origins of postcolonial feminism through the works of Gayatri Spivak, Chandra Talpade Mohanty and Uma Narayan. In the second part of the text, we discuss the leading representations in Quebec feminism, shaped by the political narration of national oppression. According to our analysis, this heritage has made it possible for Quebec feminism to escape from the difficult exercise of identifying power relations between majority-culture women and other women
