18 research outputs found

    Використання рідких жирових відходів закладів ресторанного господарства як альтернативної сировини для харчової промисловості, біомедич-них і фармацевтичних застосувань та виготовлення біопалива

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    There is an active search for alternative types of raw materials for the needs of the national economy. Fossil fuel reserves are noticeably depleted, the ecological condition of the environment is deteriorating, and at the same time, the amount of industrial waste that needs to be disposed of is increasing. The number of polymers for production based on natural raw materials and the need for them for the food industry, biomedical and pharmaceutical applications is constantly growing. About 250,000 liters of used vegetable oil and other fats are generated every week in catering establishments of Ukraine. The largest share belongs to spent frying fats. A significant volume of promising raw materials ends up in the sewage system. The resources of the treatment plants are excessively depleted. Also, emissions of spent fatty raw materials cause enormous damage to the environment. A study was conducted on: the dynamics of changes in quality indicators of sunflower oil during prolonged heating; evaluation of the quality indicators of the samples of the studied spent fats; dynamics of changes in cooking fat quality indicators during prolonged heating; the dynamics of changes in the quality indicators of frying fat during prolonged heating; the physico-chemical indicators of the quality of samples of experimental used fats were investigated. The possibility of using spent frying fats for the production of targeted products, which is a promising resource for the synthesis and production of polymer materials and secondary raw materials in the processes of the technical sphere and the production of biofuel, was investigated. The use of spent liquid fats as a raw material for the production of diesel fuel is appropriate, however, among the tested samples, heated sunflower oil is the least suitable. Spent deep-frying and cooking fats showed a fairly high resistance to long-term heating and after contact with a hot surface are characterized by acceptable values of thermo-oxidative stability, namely 46.5 and 44.1 %, respectively.Відбувається активний пошук альтернативних видів сировини для потреб народного господарства. Запаси викопного палива помітно виснажуються, погіршується екологічний стан навколишнього середовища і одночасно зростає кількість промислових відходів, що потребують утилізації. Харчова промисловість, біомедицина та фармацевтична сфера формують постійно зростаючий попит на полімерну продукцію, виготовлену на основі природної сировини. Щотижня у закладах харчування України утворюється близько 250 тисяч літрів відпрацьованої рослинної олії та інших жирів, найбільша частка в яких належить відпрацьованим фритюрним жирам. Значний обсяг перспективної сировини потрапляє в каналізацію, надмірно виснажуючи ресурси очисних споруд підприємств. Також, викиди відпрацьованої жирової сировини наносять колосальний збиток навколишньому середовищу. Досліджено динаміку змін показників якості соняшникової олії при тривалому нагріванні; проведено оцінку показників якості зразків досліджуваних відпрацьованих жирів; вивчено динаміку зміни показників якості кулінарного жиру при тривалому нагріванні; проаналізовано динаміку зміни показників якості фритюрного жиру при тривалому нагріванні; досліджено фізико-хімічні показники якості зразків дослідних відпрацьованих жирів. Досліджено можливість використання відпрацьованих фритюрних жирів на виробництво цільових продуктів, які є перспективним ресурсом для синтезу та виробництва полімерних матеріалів і вторинної сировини у процесах технічної сфери та виготовлення біопалива. Використання відпрацьованих рідких жирів як сировини для виробництва дизельного пального є доцільним, однак серед досліджених зразків найменш придатною є гріта соняшникова олія. Відпрацьовані фритюрний і кулінарний жири виявили досить високу стійкість до тривалого нагрівання і після контакту з гарячою поверхнею характеризуються допустимими значеннями термоокиснювальної стабільності, а саме 46,5 і 44,1 %, відповідно

    Validation of the technique aimed at the determination of FMD antibodies in liquid phase blocking sandwich Elisa

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    The paper describes the process of the validation of the technique aimed at the determination of FMD antibodies in liquid phase blocking sandwich ELISA for FMD types A, 0 and Asial. The results were analyzed and the following main validation characteristics were determined: sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, consistency, predictability of positive and negative results, reproducibility and intermediate precision under the conditions of repeatability and reproducibility. The results of the ELISA procedure validation were in compliance with the acceptability criteria

    Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in children: the minimal sufficiency principle

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    Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) occupy a special place in pediatric practice. This is due to several factors including high incidence, increased morbidity, frequently severe course and risk of complications especially in children with premorbidities, as well as a significant economic and social burden [1]. It should be specifically noted that ARVI in children is the main reason for seeking medical care on an outpatient basis, accounting for more than 90% of all doctor visits during the epidemic outbreak of the disease [2]


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    Acute obstructive laryngitis is a life-threatening upper respiratory tract disease of various aetiologies that is characterized by laryngostenosis and manifests itself by barking cough, dysphonia and inspiratory dyspnoea [8]. A child showing these clinical symptoms needs urgent medical care. Delay in emergency treatment of a child with acute obstructive laryngitis may lead to serious complications and even to an unfavourable outcome [1–15]


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    Acute upper respiratory tract infections maintain leadership in the overall morbidity patterns of the Russian Federation population. The highest prevalence of acute respiratory infections is reported in the pediatric population. For example, if in 2016 there were 21,703.38 cases of acute upper respiratory tract infections per 100,000 population nationwide, the incidence rate in children aged 0–14 years was 4.1 times higher and amounted to 88,621.04 per 100,000 [1]


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    The study estimated vitamin D provision for babies in relation to the type of their feeding and the efficiency of drug donations of cholecalciferol preparations. A total of 132 babies aged 1 to 12 months were examined. Vitamin D deficiency was shown to occur in more than half (58.3%) of the babies at the solar minimum. If hypovitaminosis D was not prevented using drugs, the serum 25(OH)D level in the breastfed babies was 8.7 (6.3-14.8) ng/ml, which was significantly lower than that in formula-fed ones [24.55 (19.0-32.0) ng/ml] (p=0.00002). Cholecalciferol taken by the infants in a preventive dose of 500-1500 IU/day substantially increased their provision with vitamin D from 19.8 (10.4–26.3) to 32.7 (24.5-45.7) ng/ml (p=0.0000007), regardless of the feeding pattern. The serum calcidiol level is closely correlated with the dose of cholecalciferol (r=0.57; p<0.0001), the use of preparations containing vitamin D in a dose of 1000-1500 IU/day significantly improves the level of its provision throughout the first year of life, without increasing the risk of overdose

    Frequently ill children: has everything been resolved?

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    The article presents an analysis of causes of recurrent respiratory infections in children. The special attention is drawn to the need for improvement of the epidemiological, anamnestic, social and other data to clarify the causes and provoking factors for increased respiratory morbidity. It has been shown that allergic diseases, immunodeficiency states, persistent herpetic infections, functional gastrointestinal disorders, etc. are often hidden.under the mask of “frequently ill children”. This determines the importance of a detailed assessment of clinical manifestations of each episode of the disease and the correct interpretation of examination results for the timely diagnosis specification. It was proposed to move from targeting the “frequently ill children” group to nosological verification, which have a high level of respiratory morbidity. It has been proved that early arriving at a diagnosis makes it possible to timely prescribe etiopathogenetic therapy, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. The article presents an analysis of clinical studies of the effectiveness and safety of OM-85 immunomodulator of bacterial origin in children with recurrent respiratory diseases

    Vitamin D status in children in the south of Rusia in the autumn-winter period

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    The recent decades have generated increasing interest in vitamin D due to better understanding of its role in the organism. [1] At present, specialists involved in the study of metabolic and physiological effects of vitamin D are convinced that its active forms are prohormones, i.e. precursors of the hormone calcitriol. [2-8]