516 research outputs found

    The legal regulation of internal party democracy - a study of South Africa and Germany

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    This paper attempts to expand the knowledge on these issues and therefore seeks to get a deeper understanding on the legal regulation of internal party democracy, which is widely considered as one of the most controversial topics concerning party regulation. This will be done by carrying out a case study of two constitutional democracies that handle party regulation differently. Germany, known as 'heart land of party law', constitutes the example of a state in which the internal organisation and functioning of political parties is regulated by both the Basic Law (the German Constitution) and federal laws. South Africa will be provided as the contrast example of a state that lacks express provisions that regulate the internal organisation and functioning of political parties. This paper does therefore not seek to conduct a 'classical' comparative study as the legal framework of two countries will be examined which deal in different ways with internal party democracy. However, this research approach promises to create a more holistic - even though certainly not complete - image of the challenges of the legal regulation of internal party democracy

    Die europäische Geldpolitik in der Potentialfalle?

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    Die Geldpolitik der Bundesbank basiert seit 1974 auf dem Konzept der potentialorientierten Geldmengensteuerung. Dr. Gerhard Maier-Rigaud vertritt die These, daß die potentialorientierte Geldpolitik ihre eigene Bezugsbasis systematisch verkleinert1. Er sieht im Übergang der geldpolitischen Kompetenz auf die Europäische Zentralbank für lange Zeit die letzte Chance für einen geldpolitischen Strategiewechsel. --

    Reproductive characteristics of invasive gammarids in the Rhine-Main-Danube catchment, South Germany

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    AbstractThe gammarid composition at 25 sites in the rivers Danube, Main and the southern reaches of the Rhine were studied during the years 2002–2004. Dikerogammarus villosus and Echinogammarus ischnus were the most frequent species prevailing at 17 sites. Sympatric occurrence of D. villosus and E. ischnus was observed at 12 sites. Dikerogammarus haemobaphes was recorded at 7 sites; this species prevailed in the Danube, west of the Weltenburger Enge and in the Isar mouth where it co-existed with native species (Gammarus pulex and/or G. roeseli) at 6 sites. Dikerogammarus bispinosus and E. berilloni were found at only 1 site, where they co-existed with D. villosus and E. ischnus, and with D. villosus and native species, respectively. Investigation of reproductive characteristics at 3 sites showed that females of D. villosus and D. haemobaphes produced the biggest clutches with more than 100 eggs. Females of E. ischnus produced much smaller clutches (10–35 eggs on an average), but very big eggs. Clutch sizes and egg volumes of D. bispinosus and E. berilloni resembled those of native species. Our results suggest that the most successful invaders (D. villosus, D. haemobaphes and E. ischnus) display reproductive traits that facilitate their success. Both Dikerogammarus sp. allocate energy into production of many but small eggs, thus maximizing offspring number, while E. ischnus allocates its energy into production of fewer but large eggs which could be beneficial at sites where food is scarce

    Rotating system for four-dimensional transverse rms-emittance measurements

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    Knowledge of the transverse four-dimensional beam rms-parameters is essential for applications that involve lattice elements that couple the two transverse degrees of freedom (planes). Of special interest is the removal of inter-plane correlations to reduce the projected emittances. A dedicated ROtating System for Emittance measurements (ROSE) has been proposed, developed, and successfully commissioned to fully determine the four-dimensional beam matrix. This device has been used at the High Charge injector (HLI) at GSI using a beam line which is composed of a skew quadrupole triplet, a normal quadrupole doublet, and ROSE. Mathematical algorithms, measurements, and results for ion beams of 83Kr13+ at 1.4 MeV/u are reported in this paper.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Transport and magnetic properties of La_(1-x)Ca_xMnO_3-films (0.1<x<0.9)

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    By laser ablation we prepared thin films of the colossal magnetoresistive compound La_(1-x)Ca_xMnO_3 with doping levels 0.1<x<0.9 on MgO substrates. X-ray diffraction revealed epitaxial growth and a systematic decrease of the lattice constants with doping. The variation of the transport and magnetic properties in this doping series was investigated by SQUID magnetization and electrical transport measurements. For the nonmetallic samples resistances up to 10^13 Ohm have been measured with an electrometer setup. While the transport data indicate polaronic transport for the metallic samples above the Curie temperature the low doped ferromagnetic insulating samples show a variable range hopping like transport at low temperature.Comment: 2 pages, 3 EPS figures, LT22 Proceedings to appear in Physica

    Restriktionen falsch gesetzt

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    Umweltpolitik steht immer noch im Verdacht, das Wirtschaftswachstum zu begrenzen. Insbesondere Umweltzertifikate oder Lizenzen gelten als Instrumente zur ökologischen Deckelung des Wachstums. Tatsächlich aber erfolgt dies durch die monetaristische Geldmengenpolitik. Die "Wachstumslizenzen" der Zentralbank halten die Volkswirtschaft in einer Situation der Unterbeschäftigung, bei der wirksame Schritte in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit politisch keine Chance haben. Eine fundamentale Änderung der geldpolitischen Strategie ist eine notwendige Bedingung für den ökologischen Strukturwandel

    Monetary control in open economies: National versus global monetarism

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    UNILAC Status Report

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    UNILAC status report

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    Innovations in the international financial markets

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