264 research outputs found

    What are effects of a spaced activation of virtual patients in a pediatric course?

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    BACKGROUND: Virtual patients (VPs) have a long tradition in the curriculum of the medical faculty at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich. However, the pediatric VPs were not well integrated into the curriculum and hardly used by students. METHODS: Therefore we created and implemented a self-contained E-learning module based on virtual patients (VPs), which was embedded into the pediatric curriculum. Students taking this course were divided into two groups. For Group A the virtual patients were activated in a timed order (“spaced activation”), whereas Group B could work on all VPs from the beginning. We investigated the performance of these two groups concerning usage pattern including number of sessions and session duration, score on questions integrated into the VP and results of the intermediate exam. RESULTS: The integration of the VPs into the pediatric course was successful for both groups. The usage pattern for the spaced activation turned out to be more balanced, however we did not find any significant differences in the results of the intermediate exam, the score on questions included in the VPs nor in the time students spent working on the VPs. CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that the spaced activation led to a more balanced VP usage pattern with a lower peak of sessions at the end of the course. Further studies will have to investigate whether a spaced activation of VPs leads to favorable long-term learning outcomes

    Serum glial fibrillary acidic protein and neurofilament light chain in patients with early treated phenylketonuria

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    To pave the way for healthy aging in early treated phenylketonuria (ETPKU) patients, a better understanding of the neurological course in this population is needed, requiring easy accessible biomarkers to monitor neurological disease progression in large cohorts. The objective of this pilot study was to investigate the potential of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and neurofilament light chain (NfL) as blood biomarkers to indicate changes of the central nervous system in ETPKU. In this single-center cross-sectional study, GFAP and NfL concentrations in serum were quantified using the Simoa® multiplex technology in 56 ETPKU patients aged 6–36 years and 16 age matched healthy controls. Correlation analysis and hierarchical linear regression analysis were performed to investigate an association with disease-related biochemical parameters and retinal layers assessed by optical coherence tomography. ETPKU patients did not show significantly higher GFAP concentrations (mean 73 pg/ml) compared to healthy controls (mean 60 pg/ml, p = 0.140). However, individual pediatric and adult ETPKU patients had GFAP concentrations above the healthy control range. In addition, there was a significant association of GFAP concentrations with current plasma tyrosine concentrations (r = −0.482, p = 0.036), a biochemical marker in phenylketonuria, and the retinal inner nuclear layer volume (r = 0.451, p = 0.04). There was no evidence of NfL alterations in our ETPKU cohort. These pilot results encourage multicenter longitudinal studies to further investigate serum GFAP as a complementary tool to better understand and monitor neurological disease progression in ETPKU. Follow-up investigations on aging ETPKU patients are required to elucidate the potential of serum NfL as biomarker

    Ten years of image analysis and machine learning competitions in dementia

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    Machine learning methods exploiting multi-parametric biomarkers, especially based on neuroimaging, have huge potential to improve early diagnosis of dementia and to predict which individuals are at-risk of developing dementia. To benchmark algorithms in the field of machine learning and neuroimaging in dementia and assess their potential for use in clinical practice and clinical trials, seven grand challenges have been organized in the last decade. The seven grand challenges addressed questions related to screening, clinical status estimation, prediction and monitoring in (pre-clinical) dementia. There was little overlap in clinical questions, tasks and performance metrics. Whereas this aids providing insight on a broad range of questions, it also limits the validation of results across challenges. The validation process itself was mostly comparable between challenges, using similar methods for ensuring objective comparison, uncertainty estimation and statistical testing. In general, winning algorithms performed rigorous data preprocessing and combined a wide range of input features. Despite high state-of-the-art performances, most of the methods evaluated by the challenges are not clinically used. To increase impact, future challenges could pay more attention to statistical analysis of which factors relate to higher performance, to clinical questions beyond Alzheimer's disease, and to using testing data beyond the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Grand challenges would be an ideal venue for assessing the generalizability of algorithm performance to unseen data of other cohorts. Key for increasing impact in this way are larger testing data sizes, which could be reached by sharing algorithms rather than data to exploit data that cannot be shared.Comment: 12 pages, 4 table

    Subcutaneous vitamin B12 administration using a portable infusion pump in cobalamin-related remethylation disorders: a gentle and easy to use alternative to intramuscular injections

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    BACKGROUND Cobalamin (cbl)-related remethylation disorders are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders comprising the remethylation of homocysteine to methionine and affecting multiple organ systems, most prominently the nervous system and the bone marrow. To date, the parenteral, generally intramuscular, lifelong administration of hydroxycobalamin (OHCbl) is the mainstay of therapy in these disorders. The dosage and frequency of OHCbl is titrated in each patient to the minimum effective dose in order to account for the painful injections. This may result in undertreatment, a possible risk factor for disease progression and disease-related complications. RESULTS We describe parenteral administration of OHCbl using a subcutaneous catheter together with a portable infusion pump in a home therapy setting in four pediatric patients with remethylation disorders, two patients with cblC, one patient with cblG, and one patient with cblE deficiency, in whom intramuscular injections were not or no longer feasible. The placement of the subcutaneous catheters and handling of the infusion pump were readily accomplished and well accepted by the patients and their families. No adverse events occurred. The use of a small, portable syringe driver pump allowed for a most flexible administration of OHCbl in everyday life. The concentrations of total homocysteine levels were determined at regular patient visits and remained within the therapeutic target range. This approach allowed for the continuation of OHCbl therapy or the adjustment of therapy required to improve metabolic control in our patients. CONCLUSIONS Subcutaneous infusion using a subcutaneous catheter system and a portable pump for OHCbl administration in combined and isolated remethylation disorders is safe, acceptable, and effective. It decreases disease burden in preventing frequent single injections and providing patient independence. Thus, it may promote long-term adherence to therapy in patients and parents

    Self-immobilizing Biocatalysts for fluidic Reaction Cascades

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    The industrial implementation of whole-cells and enzymes in flow biocatalysis microreactors is essential for the emergence of a biobased circular economy. Major challenges concern the efficient immobilization of delicate enzymes inside miniaturized reactors without compromising their catalytic activity. We describe the design and application of four different immobilization techniques including self-immobilizing whole-cells and purified enzymes on magnetic microbeads, as well as reactor modules manufactured by 3D printing of bioinks containing thermostable enzymes. To increase the volumetric activity of our microreactors we furthermore developed and applied self-assembling all-enzyme hydrogels with cofactor-regenerating capabilities. The resulting reactor formats have excellent operational stability times of > 14 days and maximum space-time yields of > 450 g product/L-1day-1 paving the way for mild and effective immobilization techniques of biocatalysts in microfluidic systems

    A Magnetosome-Based Platform for Flow Biocatalysis

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    Biocatalysis in flow reactor systems is of increasing importance for the transformation of the chemical industry. However, the necessary immobilization of biocatalysts remains a challenge. We here demonstrate that biogenic magnetic nanoparticles, so-called magnetosomes, represent an attractive alternative for the development of nanoscale particle formulations to enable high and stable conversion rates in biocatalytic flow processes. In addition to their intriguing material characteristics, such as high crystallinity, stable magnetic moments, and narrow particle size distribution, magnetosomes offer the unbeatable advantage over chemically synthesized nanoparticles that foreign protein “cargo” can be immobilized on the enveloping membrane via genetic engineering and thus, stably presented on the particle surface. To exploit these advantages, we develop a modular connector system in which abundant magnetosome membrane anchors are genetically fused with SpyCatcher coupling groups, allowing efficient covalent coupling with complementary SpyTag-functionalized proteins. The versatility of this approach is demonstrated by immobilizing a dimeric phenolic acid decarboxylase to SpyCatcher magnetosomes. The functionalized magnetosomes outperform similarly functionalized commercial particles by exhibiting stable substrate conversion during a 60 h period, with an average space–time yield of 49.2 mmol L–1 h–1. Overall, our results demonstrate that SpyCatcher magnetosomes significantly expand the genetic toolbox for particle surface functionalization and increase their application potential as nano-biocatalysts

    Optical Coherence Tomography to Assess Neurodegeneration in Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency

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    In phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) deficiency, an easily feasible method to access the progression of neurodegeneration is warranted to contribute to current discussions on treatment indications and targets. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether optical coherence tomography (OCT) measures as markers of neurodegeneration differ between patients with PAH deficiency and healthy controls (HCs) according to phenotype and metabolic control. In this single-center cross-sectional study, 92 patients with different phenotypes of PAH deficiency [PAH deficiency not requiring treatment, early treated phenylketonuria (ETPKU), and late-diagnosed phenylketonuria (PKU)] compared with 76 HCs were examined using spectral-domain OCT. Indices of phenylalanine elevation and variability were correlated with OCT parameters. Late-diagnosed PKU patients showed reduced peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL) thickness and combined ganglion cell and inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) volume. Adult ETPKU patients were found to have lower GCIPL volume (p = 0.016), which correlated with the indices of phenylalanine control. In pediatric ETPKU patients with poor metabolic control, pRNFL was significantly reduced (p = 0.004). Patients with PAH deficiency not requiring treatment did not exhibit retinal degeneration. Inner nuclear layer (INL) was significantly increased in the pediatric ETPKU patients, driven by those with current poor metabolic control (p = 0.006). Our data provide evidence of retinal neuroaxonal degeneration and INL swelling, depending on the phenotype, current age, and metabolic control. These findings suggest that OCT is suitable to investigate neurodegeneration in PKU and we propose OCT as a sensitive, reliable, safe, low-burden, and low-cost examination for future multicenter studies

    Ernährung bei angeborenen Stoffwechselerkrankungen — ein Spagat zwischen Genuss und Therapie

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    For many inborn metabolic diseases, a lifelong diet is a crucial part of the therapy since pharmacological therapy is available for only a few conditions and patients. The implementation of a low natural protein diet with a reduced intake of natural protein and the complementary use of synthetic amino acid mixtures is described using the examples of phenylketonuria and urea cycle disorders focusing on children and adolescents. For phenylketonuria, the amino acid supplement is free of phenylalanine whereas for urea cycle disorders, it exclusively consists of essential amino acids. The dietary treatment aims to maintain metabolic stability and to prevent accumulation of toxic metabolites. At the same time, the nutritional requirements to ensure growth and development must be met. Therefore, patients need to follow strict rules regarding the choice of food products. This restrictive therapy interferes with the desire for autonomy and the joy of eating and often results in a reduced quality of life.Following the diet is crucial for a favorable outcome. To meet its requirements, patients and their families are provided with training. It is a~great challenge not only to support the patients and their families in all practical aspects of dietary management, but also to motivate them to lifelong adherence in order to ensure the best possible outcome.Bei vielen angeborenen Stoffwechselkrankheiten ist eine lebensbegleitende Diät von Geburt an fester Bestandteil der Therapie. Alternative medikamentöse Therapieansätze stehen erst für einige wenige Patienten zur Verfügung. Am Beispiel der Phenylketonurie und der Harnstoffzyklusstörungen wird das Prinzip der eiweißdefinierten Diät mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Kinder und Jugendliche erläutert. Die Herausforderungen, die sich bei dieser Ernährungstherapie ergeben, werden aufgezeigt. Bei der eiweißdefinierten Diät erfolgt eine verminderte Zufuhr von natürlichem Protein, ergänzt durch die Gabe spezieller Aminosäuremischungen. Diese enthalten bei der Phenylketonurie kein Phenylalanin, bei den Harnstoffzyklusdefekten ausschließlich essenzielle Aminosäuren. Mithilfe der Diät soll zum einen eine gute metabolische Einstellung erreicht und die Anhäufung toxischer Metabolite vermieden werden. Zum anderen muss eine bedarfsdeckende Energie- und Nährstoffversorgung für das adäquate Wachstum und die Entwicklung des Kindes gewährleistet sein. Für die Patienten bedeutet dies, sich an restriktive Vorgaben bei der Lebensmittelauswahl halten zu müssen. Diese konkurrieren oft mit dem Bedürfnis nach Freiheit/Spontaneität und dem Genuss bei der Nahrungsaufnahme. Viele Patienten empfinden ihre Diät daher als drastische Einschränkung der Lebensqualität. Eine konsequente Umsetzung der Diät ist entscheidend für die Prognose der Erkrankungen. Hierfür bringen die Patienten und ihre Familien oft unterschiedliche Voraussetzung und Fähigkeiten mit. Für Therapeuten stellt es eine große Herausforderung dar, die Patienten nicht nur bei der praktischen Umsetzung ihrer Diät in allen Lebensabschnitten zu unterstützen, sondern auch zu einer langfristigen Adhärenz zu motivieren, um ein bestmögliches Outcome zu erreichen

    Retinal axonal degeneration in Niemann–Pick type C disease

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    Objective Niemann–Pick disease type C1 (NPC1) is a rare autosomal-recessive lysosomal storage disorder presenting with a broad clinical spectrum ranging from a severe infantile-onset neurovisceral disorder to late-onset neurodegenerative disease. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is established to detect retinal degeneration in vivo. We examined NPC1-patients (NPC1-P), clinically asymptomatic NPC1-mutation carriers (NPC1-MC), and healthy controls (HC) to (1) identify retinal degeneration in NPC1-disease and (2) to investigate possible subclinical retinal degeneration in NPC1-MC. Methods Fourteen NPC1-P, 17 NPC1-MC, and 31 age-matched HC were examined using spectral-domain OCT. Neurological examinations, clinical scales [modified Disability Rating Scale (mDRS); Scale for the Rating and Assessment of Ataxia (SARA); Spinocerebellar Ataxia Functional Index (SCAFI)], and video-oculography (VOG) were correlated with OCT data. Results Macular retinal nerve fiber layer and volumes of combined ganglion cell and inner plexiform layer were significantly lower in NPC1-P compared to HC [mRNFL (µm):0.13 ± 0.01 vs. 0.14 ± 0.02; p = 0.01; GCIPL (mm3):0.60 ± 0.05 vs. 0.62 ± 0.04; p = 0.04]. No significant differences were found in NPC1-MC in comparison to HC. In NPC1-P, the amplitude of upward vertical saccades showed positive associations with peripapillary RNFL (ρ = 0.645; p < 0.05), and thinned GCIP (ρ = 0.609; p < 0.05), but not in NPC1-MC. In NPC1-P correlations between combined outer plexiform layer and outer nuclear layer (OPONL) with mDRS (r = − 0.617; p < 0.05) and GCIP with SARA (r = − 0.622; p < 0.05) were observed. Furthermore, in NPC1-MC, motor scores were negatively associated with pRNFL (ρ = − 0.677; p < 0.01). Conclusions Using OCT, we showed retinal degeneration in NPC1-P and significant correlation between retinal neuroaxonal degeneration with clinical measurements. We observed a non-significant trend of retinal degeneration in NPC1-MC correlating with subclinical motor abnormalities. Based on these preliminary data, OCT may be an important marker of neurodegeneration in NPC1-disease after onset of clinical symptoms

    The Domain-Specific and Temperature-Dependent Protein Misfolding Phenotype of Variant Medium-Chain acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase

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    The implementation of expanded newborn screening programs reduced mortality and morbidity in medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) caused by mutations in the ACADM gene. However, the disease is still potentially fatal. Missense induced MCADD is a protein misfolding disease with a molecular loss-of-function phenotype. Here we established a comprehensive experimental setup to analyze the structural consequences of eight ACADM missense mutations (p. Ala52Val, p. Tyr67His, p. Tyr158His, p. Arg206Cys, p. Asp266Gly, p. Lys329Glu, p. Arg334Lys, p. Arg413Ser) identified after newborn screening and linked the corresponding protein misfolding phenotype to the site of side-chain replacement with respect to the domain. With fever being the crucial risk factor for metabolic decompensation of patients with MCADD, special emphasis was put on the analysis of structural and functional derangements related to thermal stress. Based on protein conformation, thermal stability and kinetic stability, the molecular phenotype in MCADD depends on the structural region that is affected by missense-induced conformational changes with the central beta-domain being particularly prone to structural derangement and destabilization. Since systematic classification of conformational derangements induced by ACADM mutations may be a helpful tool in assessing the clinical risk of patients, we scored the misfolding phenotype of the variants in comparison to p. Lys329Glu (K304E),the classical severe mutation, and p. Tyr67His (Y42H),discussed to be mild. Experiments assessing the impact of thermal stress revealed that mutations in the ACADM gene lower the temperature threshold at which MCAD loss-of-function occurs. Consequently, increased temperature as it occurs during intercurrent infections, significantly increases the risk of further conformational derangement and loss of function of the MCAD enzyme explaining the life-threatening clinical courses observed during fever episodes. Early and aggressive antipyretic treatment thus may be life-saving in patients suffering from MCADD