24 research outputs found

    Time spent in physical activities 2 hourly between 8 am to 10 pm averaged across seven days by the number of participants of each group where activity counts are greater and equal to 100.

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    Time spent in physical activities 2 hourly between 8 am to 10 pm averaged across seven days by the number of participants of each group where activity counts are greater and equal to 100.</p

    Process flowchart including data inclusion/exclusion criteria for individuals with acute insomnia (AI) and the healthy controls (HC).

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    Process flowchart including data inclusion/exclusion criteria for individuals with acute insomnia (AI) and the healthy controls (HC).</p

    Total number of subjects, male and female, average age and the total number of days of actigraphy recordings for the subjects used in this study.

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    Total number of subjects, male and female, average age and the total number of days of actigraphy recordings for the subjects used in this study.</p

    Logistic regression coefficients calculated for seven days average sedentary bouts data for AI (labelled as 0) and HC (labelled as 1) cohorts.

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    β are calculated parameter estimates, and SE indicate standard errors for the parameter estimates. p values are provided for the null hypothesis (absence of dependence, the corresponding coefficient is equal to zero).</p

    Boxplots of average time spent in sedentary bouts of different duration on a day-by-day basis by AI (red) and HC (blue) cohorts.

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    Sedentary bouts are shown for: top—96-30 minutes; middle—31-60 minute; bottom—>60 minutes.</p

    The physical activities between 8 am to 10 pm averaged across seven days by the number of participants of each group where activity counts are greater than and equal 100.

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    The physical activities between 8 am to 10 pm averaged across seven days by the number of participants of each group where activity counts are greater than and equal 100.</p

    Boxplots of total sedentary time day-wise averaged over the participants in AI (red) and HC (blue) groups.

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    Boxplots of total sedentary time day-wise averaged over the participants in AI (red) and HC (blue) groups.</p

    Box plots of 2-hour mean of sedentary activity counts (where activity counts are less than 100 per minute) averaged across 7 days for AI (red) and HC (blue) individuals.

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    Box plots of 2-hour mean of sedentary activity counts (where activity counts are less than 100 per minute) averaged across 7 days for AI (red) and HC (blue) individuals.</p

    The mean and standard deviation (sd) of the raw activity signals (counts per minutes, cpm) over the seven days for the AI (adults with acute insomnia) and HC (healthy control) cohorts.

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    The mean and standard deviation (sd) of the raw activity signals (counts per minutes, cpm) over the seven days for the AI (adults with acute insomnia) and HC (healthy control) cohorts.</p

    Box plots of total time spent in sedentary activity 2 hourly across 7 days for AI (red) and HC (blue) individuals where activity counts are less than 100 counts per minute.

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    Box plots of total time spent in sedentary activity 2 hourly across 7 days for AI (red) and HC (blue) individuals where activity counts are less than 100 counts per minute.</p