1,782 research outputs found

    Language Advice Networks: a form of social capital in the multinational corporation

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    This thesis introduces the emerging phenomenon of Language Advice Networks (LANs) in multilingual, multinational corporations. As an informal network of individuals, a LAN is utilized on a need basis to seek and offer language-related advice, with the common goal of performing efficiently and avoiding more time-consuming traditional translation. Through three separate yet related studies, I introduce the LAN, its structural and relational formation, and the career implications of LAN engagement for individuals. The three studies entail both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Conducted in QatarCo (a pseudonym), the MNC’s headquarters is located in Qatar and operates with English as its lingua franca. I accumulated participant observation fieldnotes for 10 consecutive months, conducted 65 one-to-one, semistructured interviews and two focus groups, and surveyed 107 employees representing four departments. Study 1 explores how employees with varying degrees of lingua franca fluency deploy their intra-firm social capital to exchange – seek and offer – language-related knowledge, on a need basis. Using a mixed methods approach, I define the LAN, elaborate its properties and dimensions, and distinguish its structure from that of general advice networks. Study 2 extends the structural exposition by examining the relational dimension of LANs. To investigate the individual and dyadic attributes of the language advisors. I apply exponential random graph modelling to reveal that that the advisory role is predicted by a cosmopolitan mindset: ability to articulate advice in a manner understood by a culturally dissimilar counterpart. Study 3 uses grounded theory to demonstrate that advising in a LAN entails generalized reciprocity with career implications, including enhanced status, non-financial rewards, financial incentives, and sense of empowerment. The data also indicate that the relationship between LAN engagement and career success can be explained through two mechanisms: establishing a rewarding reputation and enhancing one’s intra-firm social capital. I conclude by discussing the thesis’s theoretical contributions to the International Business, career, and social capital literature, as well as managerial implications, research limitations, and future research directions

    The Effectiveness of Applying Educational Activities in Secondary Schools in Al Muwaqqar Education from the Point of View of Principals and Their Assistants

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    The current study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of applying educational activities in secondary schools in Al Muwaqqar education from the point of view of the principals and their assistants. The study used the descriptive survey method, and to achieve this researcher designed a questionnaire consisting of (30) items,divided into four areas. It was applied to the study sample, which consisted of (92) principals and assistants. The results indicated the effectiveness of the application of educational activities in secondary schools in Al Muwaqqar education from the point of view of the principals and their assistants, in the field of objectives came to a weak degree, and the field of desire, time and field of possibilities came to a medium degree, and the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the degree of effectiveness of application Educational activities in secondary schools in Al Muwaqqar education from the point of view of principals and their assistants, due to the variables of gender and educational qualification. Keywords: Educational Activities, Principal, Assistant. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-22-07 Publication date:August 31st 2022

    Pola Pembentukan Karakter Peduli Lingkungan melalui Program Adiwiyata di MTsN 6 Sleman

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    Sejak 1 Januari 2020 Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNBP) mencatat ada 1.453 bencana yang terjadi di Indonesia. Bencana ini terjadi karena faktor alam dan kerusakan lingkungan yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Untuk itu dibutuhkan pendidikan yang bisa membentuk karakter peduli lingkungan pada masyarakat yang dimulai dari pendidikan formal di sekolah/madrasah, sehingga kerusakan lingkungan yang telah terjadi dapat diperbaiki dan meminimalisir terjadinya kerusakan lingkungan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif-analitik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam membentuk karakter peserta didik di MTsN 6 Sleman dilakukan pola pengintegrasian nilai-nilai peduli lingkungan dan program adiwiyata. Ada 4 indikator dalam membentuk karakter peduli lingkungan yang berhasil diterapkan oleh MTsN 6 Sleman, yaitu; Aspek Kebijakan madrasah, aspek kurikulum berbasis lingkungan, aspek pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana yang ramah lingkungan dan aspek kegiatan di madrasah berbasis partisipatif berupa piket kelas, piket membuang sampah, menjadikan sampah sebagai uang, menjaga kebersihan di lingkungan madrasah, memanfaatkan limbah air wudhu sebagai kolam ikan dan tanaman aquaponik, membuat slogan-slogan di dinding madrasah untuk menjaga kebersihan membersihkan lingkungan madrasah. Pola pembentukan karakter peduli lingkungan bagi peserta didik di MTsN 6 Sleman tersebut adalah memberikan pelatihan, pendidikan, penyadaran, dan evaluasi berkelanjutan dengan tujuan setiap proses tersebut kemudian dapat terpatri dalam jiwa peserta didik hingga seterusnya menjadi karakter yang peduli lingkungan

    Adverse effects of Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine among Egyptian healthcare workers

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    Background: The Coronavirus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) sparked a global pandemic that resulted in huge health and economic losses. There have been almost two hundred million affirmed cases of COVID-19 to date, with over seven million deaths. Clinical trials on all three vaccines approved for use in the Egypt (Pfizer–Biotech, Oxford–AstraZeneca and Moderna) have demonstrated substantial vaccination efficacy. Numerous research groups had developed possible vaccines as early as December 2020. Despite promises from the World Health Organization and European Medicines Agency (EMA) that there was no evidence tying vaccination to potential adverse events including blood clots, numerous European countries interrupted utilization of the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine on March 11, 2021, and noted the adverse effects revealed. We aimed to characterize and analyze the adverse effects associated with the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccination. Methods: This study was done following vaccination of 113 medical healthcare personnel and documentation of each participant's adverse event at the Research Institute of Ophthalmology between March and June 2021. Results: 45 (39.8%) patients with no vaccine related adverse effects symptoms, 62 (54.9%) patients with mild/moderate symptoms, and 6 patients with severe side effects (5.3%). The most frequently reported adverse effects in mild/moderate symptoms were bony aches 43 (69.3%), fever 32 (51.6%), localized arm pain 7 (11.3%), and GIT symptoms 2 (3.2%). Conclusion: AstraZeneca vaccinations have been associated with mild to moderate adverse events


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    Objective: To prepare stable amorphous solid dispersions of candesartan cilexetil (CAN) with different types of silica, including non-porous (aerosil 200) and porous silica (sylysia 350) using the spray-drying method. Methods: various ratios of candesartan cilexetil (CAN) were spray dried with aerosil and sylysia. Powder x-ray diffraction (x-ray) differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), SEM were used to characterize the spray dried powders in addition to dissolution and stability studies. Results: X-ray results showed that the spray–dried (CAN) in the prepared solid dispersion were in amorphous form irrespective of the used silica. In (DSC) analysis, the melting peak of spray-dried (CAN-silica) solid dispersion disappeared. Dissolution property of (CAN) was remarkably improved by formulating with silica particles. In comparing the effect of the type of the silica particles, the dissolution rate of (CAN) from the spray-dried (CAN-sylysia) was faster than that (CAN-aerosil 200) irrespective of the drug content. It was also shown that the spray-dried formulation with silica did not recrystallize when storing at severe storage conditions (40 °C, 75% RH) for three months, while spray-dried (CAN) without silica easily re-crystallized under the same conditions. Conclusion: Spray drying of (CAN) with sylysia 350 is an efficient method to enhance the dissolution and stability of the drug
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