14 research outputs found

    A Personal Respirator to Improve Protection for Healthcare Workers Treating COVID-19 (PeRSo)

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    Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 infection is a global pandemic. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect healthcare workers has been a recurrent challenge in terms of global stocks, supply logistics and suitability. In some settings, around 20% of healthcare workers treating COVID-19 cases have become infected, which leads to staff absence at peaks of the pandemic, and in some cases mortality.Methods: To address shortcomings in PPE, we developed a simple powered air purifying respirator, made from inexpensive and widely available components. The prototype was designed to minimize manufacturing complexity so that derivative versions could be developed in low resource settings with minor modification.Results: The “Personal Respirator – Southampton” (PeRSo) delivers High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtered air from a battery powered fan-filter assembly into a lightweight hood with a clear visor that can be comfortably worn for several hours. Validation testing demonstrates that the prototype removes microbes, avoids excessive CO2 build-up in normal use, and passes fit test protocols widely used to evaluate standard N95/FFP2 and N99/FFP3 face masks. Feedback from doctors and nurses indicate the PeRSo prototype was preferred to standard FFP2 and FFP3 masks, being more comfortable and reducing the time and risk of recurrently changing PPE. Patients report better communication and reassurance as the entire face is visible.Conclusion: Rapid upscale of production of cheaply produced powered air purifying respirators, designed to achieve regulatory approval in the country of production, could protect healthcare workers from infection and improve healthcare delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Laser-patterned paper-based sensors for rapid point-of-care detection and antibiotic-resistance testing of bacterial infections

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been identified by the World Health Organisation as a global threat that currently claims at least 25,000 deaths each year in Europe and 700,000 globally; the number is projected to reach 10 million per year between 2015 and 2050. Therefore, there is an urgent need for low-cost but reliable point-of-care diagnostics for early screening of infections especially in developing countries lacking in basic infrastructure and trained personnel. This work is aimed at developing such a device, a paper-based microfluidic device for infection testing by an unskilled user in a low resource setting. Here, we present our work relating to the use of our laser-patterned paper-based devices for detection and susceptibility testing of Escherichia coli, via a simple visually observable colour change. The results indicate the suitability of our integrated paper devices for timely identification of bacterial infections at the point-of-care and their usefulness in providing a hugely beneficial pathway for accurate antibiotic prescribing and thus a novel route to tackling the global challenge of AMR.</p

    Powered respirators are effective, sustainable, and cost-effective personal protective equipment for SARS-CoV-2

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    Objectives: The provision of high-quality personal protective equipment (PPE) has been a critical challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic. We evaluated an alternative strategy, mass deployment of a powered air-purifying respirator (PeRSo), in a large university hospital.Methods: We performed prospective user feedback via questionnaires sent to healthcare workers (HCWs) issued PeRSos, economic analysis, and evaluated the real-world impact.Results: Where paired responses were available, PeRSo was preferred over droplet precautions for comfort, patient response, overall experience, and subjective feeling of safety. For all responses, more participants reported the overall experience being rated “Very good” more frequently for PeRSo. The primary limitation identified was impairment of hearing. Economic simulation exercises revealed that the adoption of PeRSo within ICU is associated with net cost savings in the majority of scenarios and savings increased progressively with greater ITU occupancy. In evaluation during the second UK wave, over 3,600 respirators were deployed, all requested by staff, which were associated with a low staff absence relative to most comparator hospitals.Conclusions: Health services should consider a widespread implementation of powered reusable respirators as a safe and sustainable solution for the protection of HCWs as SARS-CoV-2 becomes an endemic viral illness