2 research outputs found

    A Theoretical Approach to Time Rates of Settlements and Pore Water in Clayey Soils

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    In this study, the phenomenon of hydrodynamic dispersion is considered and the effects of time rates of settlements and pore water to consolidation are discussed. It is expressed that dry unit weight and plasticity of a soil are primary parameters in hydrodynamic dispersion. By means of comparing the theoretical results obtained for hydrodynamic dispersion parameters of clayey soils with the corresponding results of the performed experiments, the reliability of the theory is proven by reaching to values in a very close agreement to each other. On the other hand, it is pointed out in this study that viscous properties of soil grains can also be determined in primary consolidation. This aspect carries a great importance in slope stability problems of soils

    Grain diffusion and dispersion properties of clayey soils taken from Bogacay Antalya

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    As clayey soils get compressed, settled and reach to a more compact state by means of consolidation, they are subjected to grain diffusion and dispersion. Considering this phenomenon, information can he obtained on both settlement properties und time rates of settlement of soils. Percentages of dry unit weight variations before and after a consolidation process und plasticity properties olsoils appear to be two important aspects M dispersion and g ruin diffusion. In this study, clayey soils obtained from Bogacay Antalya are evaluated in terms of grain diffusion and dispersion by means of performing consolidation tests. Obtained results of the experiments are compared to theoretical counterparts and related comments ure given. By that means, diffusive and dispersive characteristic of the region in a consolidation process is defined