21 research outputs found

    Multicriteria Personnel Selection by the Modified Fuzzy VIKOR Method

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    Personnel evaluation is an important process in human resource management. The multicriteria nature and the presence of both qualitative and quantitative factors make it considerably more complex. In this study, a fuzzy hybrid multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) model is proposed to personnel evaluation. This model solves personnel evaluation problem in a fuzzy environment where both criteria and weights could be fuzzy sets. The triangular fuzzy numbers are used to evaluate the suitability of personnel and the approximate reasoning of linguistic values. For evaluation, we have selected five information culture criteria. The weights of the criteria were calculated using worst-case method. After that, modified fuzzy VIKOR is proposed to rank the alternatives. The outcome of this research is ranking and selecting best alternative with the help of fuzzy VIKOR and modified fuzzy VIKOR techniques. A comparative analysis of results by fuzzy VIKOR and modified fuzzy VIKOR methods is presented. Experiments showed that the proposed modified fuzzy VIKOR method has some advantages over fuzzy VIKOR method. Firstly, from a computational complexity point of view, the presented model is effective. Secondly, compared to fuzzy VIKOR method, it has high acceptable advantage compared to fuzzy VIKOR method

    Methods of stabilization of mountain slopes near highways against landslides

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    In today’s transport sector, especially the highway sector, road safety remains an issue of high importance. Ensuring road safety, especially in mountainous areas, is one of the urgent problems of the industry. To increase the stability against displacement of landslides that may occur on highways and to ensure safe movement on roads. Road transport through mountainous areas faces a number of complexities and has to operate under several harsh conditions. Landslides are a constant threat to highways. In this regard, several countries have worked and presented their projects. This article proposes solutions to reduce the risk of landslides and landslides to highways. In this case, the statistics collected in the research were analyzed practically and engineering solutions suitable for different mountain conditions were used. The results and statistics collected as a result of field research and the proposed engineering solutions are specific to the mountain slopes and slopes of the “Kamchik” Pass, which passes through the mountainous region of the A-373 “Tashkent-Osh” highway of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The engineering solutions proposed in this paper, in accordance with the research findings, serve to effectively protect highways from landslides and to prevent economic losses caused by landslides on highways

    Радоновый мониторинг на территории Северного Таджикистана

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    The article presents the results of radon monitoring on the territory of Northern Tajikistan. Analysis of the results of the monitoring shows that at present, relatively high values of radon concentration in the atmospheric air are found in the areas where uranium tailings are located, primarily in the city of Istiklol and the Dehmoy tailings dam. This is primarily due to the lack of protective coatings on the surface of the tail material, which turns this area, in fact, into radon-prone areas of technogenic origin. In different parts of the Dehmoy tailings dam, the radon concentration in the atmospheric air varies between 200 and 1000 Bq/m3, and the radon flux density from the surface reaches 65,000 mBq/(m2∙s). On the territory of tailings dam in the city of Istiklol, the value of radon concentration in the atmospheric air is in the range of 44–195 Bq/m3. At the same time, it was found that the radon potential of the tailings dams, where the surface has a protective coating, is much lower. For example, the radon flux density from the surface of the Gafurov tailings dam, where surface is covered with loess-like loams up to 2.5–3.0 m thick, does not exceed 100 mBq/(m2∙s), with average values of 40-60 mBq/(m2∙s); the radon concentration in the atmospheric air is about 55 Bq/m3. Despite the intense exhalation of radon from the surface of some tailings dams, their territory is not currently a residential zone and, accordingly, does not affect the radon situation in buildings located in the settlements nearby. In the cities of Khujand, Buston, Gafurov, Istiklol and the village of Adrasman, the average values of indoor radon concentration do not exceed maximum permissible levels. It is recommended to conduct a full rehabilitation of uranium legacy sites, primarily uranium tailings dams in the city of Istiklol and Dehmoy tailings dam, for the improvement of the radon situation in Northern Tajikistan with consideration for possible expansion of the settlements.В статье приведены результаты радонового мониторинга на территории Северного Таджикистана. Анализ результатов выполненных работ показывает, что в настоящее время на обследованной территории относительно высокие значения объемной активности радона в атмосферном воздухе наблюдаются в зонах расположения урановых хвостохранилищ, в первую очередь в г. Истиклол и Дигмайском хвостохранилище. Данное обстоятельство обусловлено прежде всего отсутствием защитных покрытий на поверхности хвостового материала, что превращает эту местность по сути в радоноопасные территории техногенного происхождения. Так, на разных участках действующего Дигмайского хвостохранилища объемная автивность радона в атмосферном воздухе варьирует в пределах 200–1000 Бк/м3, а плотность потока радона с поверхности достигает  65 000 мБк/(м2∙с). На территории хвостохранилищ г. Истиклол значение объемной активности радона в атмосферном воздухе находится в пределах 44–195 Бк/м3. В то же время установлено, что потенциальная радоноопасность территории хвостохранилищ, поверхность которых имеет защитное покрытие, гораздо ниже. Например, плотность потока радона на территории хвостохранилища г. Гафуров, поверхность которого покрыта лёссовидными суглинками толщиной до 2,5–3,0 м, не превышает 100 мБк/(м2∙с) при средних значениях 40–60 мБк/(м2∙с), а объемная активность радона в атмосферном воздухе составляет в среднем 55 Бк/м3. Несмотря на высокое выделение радона с поверхности некоторых хвостохранилищ, их территория не является на данный момент селитебной зоной и, соответственно, не оказывает влияния на радоновую обстановку в зданиях, расположенных, поблизости населенных пунктов: в городах Худжанд, Бустон, Гафуров, Истиклол и поселке Адрасман средние значения объемной активности радона в воздухе помещений соответствуют установленным нормативам. Для улучшения радоновой обстановки на территории Северного Таджикистана с учетом возможного расширения территории застройки населенных пунктов рекомендуется провести комплекс мероприятий по рекультивации территории объектов уранового наследия, в первую очередь урановых хвостохранилищ г. Истиклол и Дигмайского хвостохранилища

    Antithrombotic Therapy in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: The State of the Problem in the Real Clinical Practice of a Family Medicine Doctor

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    Introduction. The research aimed at studying the efficacy and safety of anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), especially in older age groups, is now increasingly relevant.The aim of the study is to analyze the situation with prescribing anticoagulant therapy in elderly and senile persons with atrial fibrillation in real clinical practice and to demonstrate the possibility of improving the quality of observation and management of a group of patients as part of the work of a specialized team.Materials and methods. A total of 2,770 medical records of outpatient patients with atrial fibrillation were studied for the period from 2017 to 2019. Of this number, 320 patients with AF of nonvalvular etiology were selected, the average age of which was 70.3 ± 8.15 years. There were 270 women and 50 men. An observational prospective study in 45 elderly and senile patients with AF of non-valvular etiology was carried out by a team of specialized doctors for 12 months.Results. Of the 301 patients, anticoagulant therapy was prescribed to 166 (55.1 %), of which only 17 (10.2 %) people received proper anticoagulant therapy. The excessive activity was observed in 114 (37.9 %) patients, who underwent antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, and 21 (7.0 %) patients remained without any treatment with anticoagulants nor antiplatelet agents. Although, in the case of both, prescribing aspirin and not prescribing, anticoagulants have been indicated. In the prospective part of the study (for 12 months), all 45 patients continued to take anticoagulants and were systematically monitored. The INR in the target range over 60 % of the time was achieved in 37 % of patients receiving warfarin therapy.Conclusion. In the actual clinical practice of Kyrgyzstan family medicine centers, older patients with atrial fibrillation receive inadequate antithrombotic therapy. The main drug of choice for specialists remains warfarin, a therapy that can be recognized as adequate only in a small number (16 %) of patients. The ability to improve the quality of surveillance and management of a group of patients with AF and high adherence to treatment was demonstrated by the work of a specialized team of doctors

    An Innovative Mechanisms to Increase the Effectiveness of Independent Education of Future Defectologists

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    This article provides recommendations for the organization of methodological services based on innovative approaches that affect the quality of education in general and special education institutions

    Problems of Improving Reforms to Improve the Business Environment in Uzbekistan

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    This article emphasizes the importance of structural institutional reforms in Uzbekistan to ensure sustainable economic growth and the standard of living of the population by involving the population in entrepreneurship, employment and important aspects of financial measures to support entrepreneurshi