24 research outputs found

    S3 Fig -

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    a) Unrooted neighbour-joining tree and b) an UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) cluster dendrogram showing genetic relationships between the four proposed lines (IR83484-3-B-7-1-1-1: BRRI dhan97, BR9011-67-4-1: BRRI dhan98, HHZ5-DT20-DT2-DT1: BRRI dhan99, HHZ12-SAL2-Y3-Y2 and three check varieties (BR26, BRRI dhan28, and BRRI dhan67) based on the 1K Rice Custom Amplicon assay or 1k-RiCA SNP markers. All four lines and three checks showed distinct molecular variations/differences among them. (PDF)</p

    The illustrative view of grain quality properties of the studied new and check varieties.

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    The breeding lines IR83484-3-B-7-1-1-1 (BRRI dhan97), HHZ5-DT20-DT2-DT1 (BRRI dhan99); the checks BRRI dhan67, and BRRI dhan28 are displayed in the figure as paddy, parboiled, unparboiled, and cooked rice, respectively. Parboiled rice indicates partially boiling the rice within its husk, whereas unparboiled rice was dehusked without boiling.</p

    The field condition at Kaliganj location under salt-stress and grain quality parameters.

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    The proposed varieties A) IR83484-3-B-7-1-1-1 (BRRI dhan97) and HHZ5-DT20-DT2-DT1 (BRRI dhan99) were completely survived at B) 8–16 dS/m salinity level, whereas the susceptible check BRRI dhan28 and the salt-tolerant check BRRI dhan67 were entirely damaged due to severe salinity stress in the Kaliganj, Satkhira site during Boro 2018–2019, C) Performance of BRRI dhan97 at maturity under salt stress, D) grain and cooked rice of BRRI dhan97.</p

    Geographic illustration of the different experimental locations across Bangladesh.

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    The green color indicates the studied area where trials were conducted. Most studied areas were located in the southern coastal regions of Bangladesh, near the Bay of Bengal is the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean.</p