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    ABSTRAK: Pada saat ini para remaja tidak dapat dilepaskan dari teknologi dan media sosial menjadi wadahnya. Di antaranya, Tiktok saat ini sangat gemari kalangan remaja, karena media sosial ini adalah tempat untuk mereka mengekspresikan dirinya dan juga sebagai tempat untuk berkomunikasi. Terdapat variasi atau ragam bahasa yang ada dalam menggunakan media sosial Tiktok. Keragaman tersebut hadir karena beberapa faktor - faktor sosial dan faktor situasi yang menyebabkan variasi bahasa dalam bermedia sosial Tiktok semakin beragam saat ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah analisis pengaruh Tiktok Terhadap Variasi Bahasa Kolokial pada remaja dan teman sejawat. Masalah yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah "Bagaimana pengaruh tiktok pada bahasa kolokial remaja?" dan objek kajian adalah siswa SMA 1 Kejayan Jawa Timur dan Mahasiswa Universitas Kuningan Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah varasi bahasa Kolokial yang ditemukan dalam聽 dalam media sosial Tiktok: Anomatope, Pronomina dan Kalimat.KATA KUNCI: sosiolinguistik; variasi bahasa; variasi bahasa kolikial; aplikasi tiktok聽Tiktok Against Colloquial Language Variation among Indonesian Adolescents (Ethnolinguistic Study)聽ABSTRACT: Nowadays young people cannot be separated from technology and social media. One of the social media platforms that has a major influence on Indonesian teenagers is Tiktok which is currently very popular with young people because this is a place for them to express themselves and also a place to interact with others. There are variants of the existing language and a new language formed when using Tiktok. This linguistic diversity occurs due to a number of social and situational factors that make the language variation on the social network - Tiktok more and more diverse. This research aims to analyze the influence of TikTok on colloquial change in adolescents and their peers. The problem posed in this study is "How does TikTok affect colloquial change among adolescents?" and the study subjects were third-class students on SMA 1 Kejayan East Java and students in Kuningan University, West Java. This research uses mixed methods research, namely quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results of this research are the colloquial variations found on the social network TikTok including onomatopoeia, pronouns, and sentences.KEYWORDS: sociolinguistics, language variation, daily language variation (colicial), TikTok applicatio

    Exploring Tangible and Intangible Landscapes of Evocative Places: Case Study of the City of Vit贸ria in Brazil

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    This paper explores tangible and intangible characteristics of places. It concentrates on gathering characteristics, emotions, memories and stories related to self-selected evocative places in a city. Evocative places are defined as places that evoke images, memories or emotions. There are two goals identified for this article. The first goal is to study which words citizens use to describe the main characteristics of their self-selected evocative places. The second goal is to map emotions associated with the self-selected evocative places. The case study selected in this research is the city of Vit贸ria in Brazil. We collected 192 evocative places and their characteristics with the help of an online mapping platform that links an online questionnaire with an interactive map. This paper summarizes the main results gathered empirically about evocative places in Vit贸ria, their characteristics and the emotions felt at these places. These places are then mapped in a geographic information system (GIS) in order to understand their locations and concentrations. On the basis of this empirical work in Vit贸ria , and the work accomplished in the cities of Hamburg (Germany), Vienna (Austria), Ames and Grinnell (both Iowa, USA), we also designed and expanded the conceptual model of evocative places presented in this paper for the first time. The conceptual model includes four main categories with which an evocative place can be described including its physical characteristics, experiences, senses and values. We conclude the article with a discussion and further research directions