1,142 research outputs found

    Eksistensi Partai Politik dan Degradasi Moral Bangsa

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    In the political system in Indonesia, political parties are one of the pillars of democracy. As the only institutional framework for the process of representation and governance, political parties are required to be more proactive in creating conditions and possibilities for fundamental change in the political, economic and cultural nations of the nation. So the great task for the elite of political parties is to show the existence of political parties as the institution most responsible for the nation\u27s moral upholding. The problem that often arises is the moral degradation shown by the rampant cases of corruption and other cases. This paper dictates the importance of oversight by political parties over the political power of the executive, legislative and judiciary. This assumption is built on the premise that leaders in a country are a product of recruitment and regeneration by political parties

    The Factors That Influence the Firm Performance in the Furniture Industry Jepara

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    Furniture industryinJeparais one ofIndonesias main commoditiesto be proud ofandbe maintainedevenif itneeds to be improved. The industryoccupiesa strategicpositionof being ableto contributeto regional revenueby 26% byvalue ofexports ofU.S.130millionormorethanRp1trillionin2010andin2011reachedU.S. 130million ormorethanRp1trillionin 2010andin 2011reachedU.S. 111.65million. However,exportsfromJeparafurnitureislikely to declinedue toa variety of things. This study aimstoanalyze firm performance through, market orientation, learning orientation, and innovationin furnitureindustryinJepara. The samplesin this study were110smallandmedium-sizedenterprises. Sixthhypothesis with SEManalysis resultsof the researchare: (1) learningorientationhave a significant effecton firm performance, (2) learningorientationsignificant effect oninnovation, (3) marketorientation havea significant effect oninnovation, (4) marketorientationsignificantly influence on firms performance, (5) innovationno significant effect on firm performance. Indicatorvariablesthatneed to be consideredinlearningorientationisopen-mindednessandsharingof knowledge, whiletheindicatorvariable of themarket-orientation is competitororientationasa significant effect oninnovationandfirm performance

    Kualitas Pelayanan Publik di Desa Potanga Kecamatan Boliyohuto Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    This research used a qualitative method through natulastic approach as the part of the government research, with the aim to determine the public services quality also obstacles in improving of public services effort quality in village of Potanga sub-district of Boliyohuto. Source of research data enable two data sources are sources of primary data and source secondary data. Based on the research result can be described; (1) Effort to improve public services in village of Potanga can be identified as follow; a) to improve the principle of public services; b) the principle of public services; and c) to improve public service standarts. (2) Efforts to improve the public services in village of Potanga can be caterogized as good and in accordance with the public service policies, laws, public service, and the role, duties and responsibilities of the village government to the public service. (3) Obstackle in improving of the public services effort quality in villafe of Potanga, that is internal resistance in the form of problem officer/staff both the term of quantity nor in term of the quality of human resources. (4) External obstacles sourced from the society reason of physical and phycological and environmental. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan naturalistik sebagai bagaian dari penelitian pemerintahan, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan publik serta hambatan dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik didesa Potanga Kecmatan Boliyohuto. Sumber data penelitian memfungsikan dua sumber data yaitu sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diuraikan; (1) Upaya peningkatan pelayanan publik didesa Potanga dapat diidentifikasi sebagai berikut; a) peningkatan azas layanan publik; b) prinsip layanan publik; dan c) peningkatan standar layanan publik. (2) Upaya peningkatan pelayanan publik didesa Potanga dapat dikategorikan baik dan telah sesuai dengan kebijakan pelayanan publik, undang-undang pelayanan publik, serta peran, tugas dan tanggung jawab pemerintah desa terhadap pelayanan publik. (3) Hambatan upaya-upaya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik di desa Potanga, yaitu hambatan internal berupa masalah aparat/staf baik dari segi kuantitas maupun dalam hal kualitas sumber daya manusia (4) Hambatan eksternal bersumber dari masyarakat karena alasan fisik dan psikis dan lingkunga

    Forecasting Saving Deposit in Malaysian Islamic Banking: Comparison Between Artificial Neural Network and Arima

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    The aim of this paper is to test the ability of artificial neural network (ANN) as an alternative method in time series forecasting and compared to autoregres­sive integrated moving average (ARIMA) in studying saving deposit in Malay­sian Islamic banks. Artificial neural network is getting popular as an alterna­tive method in time series forecasting for its capability to capture vola­tility pattern of non-linear time series data. In addition, the use of an estab­lished tool of analysis such as ARIMA is of importance here for comparative purposes. These two methods are applied to monthly data of the Malaysian Islamic bank­ing deposits from January 1994 to November 2005. The result provides evidence that ANN using “early stopping” approach can be used as an alterna­tive forecasting engine with univariate time series model. It can predict non-lin­ear time series using the pattern of the data directly without any statisti­cal analysis