28 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Paulo Freire & Al-Ghazali’s Pedagogical Comments

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    The goal of the present research was a comparative-analytic examination of common features existed between Paulo Freire & Al-Ghazali’s pedagogical comments. Such examination is of great importance in the sense that first, the common features between these two scientists in the area of pedagogy has been able to cause some reformation and changes in the field; and secondly, while living in two totally different cultures and eras, their attitudes toward pedagogy issue seem to resemble each other in a particular manner. Among such common ideas, the two scientists’ attention to the role of politics in pedagogy, the congruity between theory and practice, highlighting active teaching, critical pedagogy, anti-superstition during the flow of pedagogy and the importance of teacher training can be pointed out. However, some distinctions are observed between thoughts provoked by these great trainers in areas of adult pedagogy and dialogue-based pedagogy. Keywords: Al-Ghazali, Paulo Freire, active teaching, teacher training, dialogue

    Protocol Design for Large–Scale Cross–Sectional Studies of Surveillance of Risk Factors of Non–Communicable Diseases in Iran: STEPs 2016

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    INTRODUCTION: The rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has gained increasing attention. There is a great need for reliable data to address such problems. Here, we describe the development of a comprehensive set of executive and scientific protocols and instructions of STEPs 2016. METHODS/DESIGN: This is a large-scale cross-sectional study of Surveillance of Risk Factors of NCDs in Iran. Through systematic proportional to size cluster random sampling, 31,050 participants enrolled in three sequential processes, of completing questionnaires; physical measurements, and lab assessment. RESULTS: Out of 429 districts, samples were taken from urban and rural areas of 389 districts. After applying sampling weight to the samples, comparing the distribution of population and samples, compared classification was determined in accordance with the age and sex groups. Out of 31,050 expected participants, 30,541 participant completed questionnaires (52.31% female). For physical measurements and lab assessment, the cases included 30,042 (52.38% female) and 19,778 (54.04% female), respectively. DISCUSSION: There is an urgent need to focus on reviewing trend analyses of NCDs.To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first comprehensive experience on systematic electronic national survey. The results could be also used for future complementary studies

    Full Reduplication in Persian Language: A Corpus Based Study

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    Reduplication is one of the productive morphological processes which have been studied inclusively in different languages and in the frame of different linguistic theories (Generative Grammar, Optimality Theory and Minimalist Program). Now with the emergence and growth of corpus linguistics and corpus based studies, morphological processes of this kind could be studied and conducted more accurately. Most of the morphological studies and morphologists have referred to reduplication process in their studies and it’s considered as one of the universals of world’s languages which represent different semantic or syntactic properties in most of the languages (Stolz 2008). Reduplication has been studied in two kinds: Full and partial reduplication ( Shaghaghi 1389, Haspelmath 2002, Bauer 2003). Full reduplication is to repeat a base known as reduplicated element fully and partial reduplication is to add an element to the beginning or end of the one of the bases. In this paper we have studied the full reduplication in Persian so that we can get the dominant forms, meanings and the semantic properties of the reduplicated base. In order to achieve such results we needed to choose a perfect and acceptable corpus in the Persian language, so the authors chose Dehkhoda Medium Persian Dictionary. First of all the entire corpus was searched for the full reduplicated forms and then all of these forms were recorded along with their meanings and parts of speech. On the whole 299 reduplicated forms were extracted and categorized according to their meaning, form and the semantic properties of the reduplicated element. After investigating the extracted words, interesting results were seen. The results show that except the sounds which are among the common forms of the reduplicated structures, the dominant form in these structures are adverbs and in terms of the meaning, the dominant meaning is paucity and most of the structures are formed out of meaningful elements. Another point is that even the meaningless elements have been used in forming full reduplications and in some cases the produced meaning is irrelevant and new. The number of sounds is one third of the whole extracted forms, sounds which some of them are also meaningful. The results of this study could be helpful in teaching Persian language, building bilingual corpuses as well as facilitating Machine translation and lifting the problems on its way. A major use of the built corpus in this study, the corpus of full reduplications in Persian would be very useful in enhancing the current Persian net words

    Modeling between primary maladaptive schemas and suicidal personality traits: mediation of the meaning of life in Gachsaran high school students

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    Background and Aim: In the present study, the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and personality traits with suicidal tendency was investigated through the mediation of the meaning of life. Method: The current research was descriptive and correlational (structural equation modeling). 420 secondary school students of Gachsaran city (215 girls and 205 boys) were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. In order to measure the studied variables, Yang et al.'s (1998) maladaptive schema questionnaires, Neo's personality traits (McCree and Costa, 1985), Steger et al.'s meaning of life (2006) and Mehrabi's suicide tendency (2009) were used. In this research, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used with AMOS version 26 software. Mediation relationships in the proposed model were tested using the bootstrap method. Results: The findings showed that the proposed model has a good fit with the data. Early maladaptive schemas had a negative and significant effect on the meaning of life (β=-0.11; P=0.017), but their effect on suicide tendency was not significant. Also, the findings showed that the personality traits of neuroticism (β=0.23, P<0.001), extroversion (β=0.19, P<0.002), agreeableness (β=0.17, P<0.003), and conscientiousness (β=0.48, P<0.001), had a significant predictive power of the meaning of life among students. Conclusion: The results related to indirect relationships also showed that primary maladaptive schemas and characteristics of neuroticism, extroversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness through the meaning of life had significant indirect effects on suicidal tendencies, but the indirect path of trait empiricism to suicidal tendency through the meaning of life was not significant

    The development and evaluation of Persian rhyme awareness tasks for normal 5-6 year-old Persian-speaking children

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    Background and Aim: Rhyme awareness is an important criterion for speech, language and writing processing. In Iran, there is no auditory tasks of rhyme awareness available for assessment of 5-6 year-old Persian-speaking children. The aim of this study was to develop and to evaluate Persian rhyme awareness tasks in 5-6 year-old Persian-speaking children.Methods: A hundred normal 5-6 year-old Persian-speaking children (50 girls and 50 boys) were randomly selected. The two rhyme awareness tasks of this study were rhyme detection and rhyme production. The validity and reliability of these tasks were studied by content validity index, intraclass correlation coefficient, and standard error of measurement. The correlation between tasks was studied by Pearson correlation and the mean scores of two sections were compared by easiness level method. The comparison of mean scores of girls and boys were evaluated by independent t-test.Results: The results showed that the proposed tasks had appropriate validity and reliability. The ability of children in production section was significantly more than in detection section. The correlation of each of two sections with total tasks was significant (p0.05).Conclusions: The proposed tasks are appropriate for assessment of rhyme awareness skills with appropriate validity and reliability in both genders. Two Sections of the tasks had significant correlations and influence on together. The abilities of girls and boys were the same

    Syllabic Elision Ability in 5 to 6 Year-Old Normal Persian-Speaking Children of Tehran Kindergartens, Iran

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    Background and Aim: phonological awareness skill is an integrated ability that is manifested in 4 skills including syllable, rhyme, and phoneme awareness and alliteration. The aim of the present study is to explore development of syllabic elision skill as an aspect of syllabic awareness.Methods: It was a descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study. Thirty normal Persian-speaking children, 15 girls and 15 boys, were randomly selected throughout Tehran kindergartens. The participants were monolingual. Children should eliminate a syllable from any word presented, and to state the remaining section of the word. The responses were analyzed using SPSS software.Results: Ability of 5 to 6 year-old children in eliminating a syllable in two syllabic words was significantly higher than those of three and four syllabic words and syllabic elision of three and four syllable words was significantly different (p=0.000). Two, three and four syllabic task correlations were statistically significant and the correlation between syllabic elision ability and the syllabic construct and the positioning of elision syllable was significant (p<0.05).Conclusion: Syllabic elision skill blossoms in 5 to 6 year-old Persian-speaking children. The maximum ability of syllabic elision evolves after phonological recoding and after learning reading and writing skills. Syllabic elision ability is also influenced by the syllabic construct and the positioning of elision syllable

    The Trend of the Extended Program of Immunization (EPI) in Iran from the Beginning (1984) to 2013

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    Introduction The extended program of immunization (EPI) in Iran is started in 1984, and it played an important and effective role in controlling many infectious diseases in community. The objective of this study was to determine the time trends of vaccination coverage by the type of vaccine among children, in the age group of 0-24 months, in Iran from the beginning of EPI (1984) to 2013. Materials and Methods This study has been conducted as a descriptive analytical research to evaluate the vaccines of extended program of immunization in Iran from 1984 to 2013. The data of this study have been obtained from the World Health Organization and UNICEF. The data of this study included the percentage of coverage for routine vaccines in Iran National immunization program in children, aged 0-24 months. The data analysis has been done by STATA, Version12. Results The coverage of all vaccines has been continuously increased from 1984 to 2013, and now the coverage for all of them is about 99 percent. All coefficients in the regression models are positive and statistically significant (

    Low birth weight and its association factors in Iran: according world health organization model

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    Objective: Birth weight is one of the most important ,simplest and common determinations for assessments infants status in each country. this study has been designed to investigate the articles that published in its prevalence and related factors. Materials & Methods: This study is a review articles that focuses on the prevalence and association factors whit low birth weight in the last 10 years. Articles were searched in 6 data base (PubMed ،Iranmedex ،SID، Irandoc، Scholargoogle، magiran) ، the refrences of each articles with the use of keywords : low birth weight ,infant mortality ,risk factors,related factors, prevalence and social determinants of health. Results: Overall, 36 articles were assess,14 article reported low birth weight related factors and 22 articles reported prervalence and its related factors, that in 70% prevalence was (5-12%) and in 5 articles prevalence were reported( 13-19/1%).association factors that were reported include demographic ,socioeconomic ,lifestyle factors and social support. demographic factors had the most relationship whit low birth weight. Conclusion: Although there was some different in their studies (differences in the definition of low birth weight, non or low reporting , low sample size, etc),the overall prevalence of low birth weight is relatively high in Iran so we suggest education, increasing prenatal care particularly for high –risk age groups that can be useful for reducing the consequences of this adverse pregnancy outcom

    Pattern of infectious diseases in northern Iran: An approach to internal medicine management

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    Background: Despite the development of their prevention and treatment, infectious diseases cause high mortality, many disabilities and inadequate living conditions worldwide. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of infectious diseases in northern Iran with an approach to internal medicine management. Methods: This cross-sectional research was conducted in 2019 on all 7095 infectious diseases patient records that referred to Ghaemshahr Razi Hospital, Mazandaran Province, Iran during 2012-2018. A checklist prepared by investigator was used to collect the data. The extracted data were coded and entered into SPSS 22 and analyzed using K2 and independent t-test at p&#60;.05. Results: The mean age of the study patients was 29.7&#177;26.4. 4372 (61) of the cases were males and the mean duration of hospitalization was 41.6&#177;33.5. Age was significantly correlated to infectious diseases (P=.001). Gastroenteritis was the most common infectious disease among the men and women with 2442 (60.5) and 1594 (39.47), respectively. Based on the&#160; Pearsonchr('39')s correlation test, the relationship between leptospirosis, brucellosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, shigellosis, sepsis and infectious mononucleosis with gender, habitation, admission mode, discharged mode and age was significant (p&#60;.05). Conclusion: As the high frequent diseases were gastroenteritis, leptospirosis, brucellosis and sepsis and an increasing trend was in the prevalence of gastroenteritis, leptospirosis and lung tuberculosis, health system managers should consider training courses, preventive strategies, real-time interventions, increased hospital bed rate for patients with infectious diseases and so on

    The size of expressive lexicon in 18-to-36-month-old children raised in farsi-speaking families: a comparative study

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    Introduction: The acquisition of the lexicon is a central and complex component of language development. The ultimate goal of this study was to survey the expressive lexicon size of 18-to-36-month-old children growing up in Farsi-speaking families. Materials and Methods: In a descriptive cross-sectional study, expressive lexicon size of 42 normal children with the age range of 18 to 36 months was evaluated by CDI (form II). Subjects were divided into three age groups, each of which covered a six-month period. The forms were completed individually by each subject’s mother. Size of expressive lexicon was compared across the three age groups. Results: Generally speaking, the difference of expressive lexicon size was significant among the three studied age groups (P < 0.01). Moreover, the categories of common nouns and grammatical function words comprised the maximum (P = 0.001) and the minimum (P = 0.02) proportions of lexicon respectively. Conclusion: Study results showed that as children grew older, their respective size of expressive lexicon increased. Also, the variation of the vocabulary size for different lexical categories was wide at this age range. Keywords: Expressive lexicon, 18-36 month of age, Normal child, CD