234 research outputs found

    CAPM and Option Pricing with Elliptical Disbributions

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    In this paper, we offer an alternative proof of the Capital Asset Pricing Model when the returns follow a multivariate elliptical distribution. Empirical studies continue to demonstrate the inappropriateness of the normality assumption in modelling asset returns. The class of elliptical distributions,which includes the more familiar Normal distribution, provides flexibility in modelling the thickness of tails associated with the possibility that asset returns take extreme values with non-negligible probabilities. Within this framework, we prove a new version of Stein's lemma for elliptical distribution and use this result to derive the CAPM when returns are elliptical. We also derive a closed form solution of call option prices when the underlying is elliptically distributed. We use the probability distortion function approach based on the dual utility theory of choice under uncertainty.


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    Objective: The ancient tradition habits of consuming seaweeds in Asian and Middle East countries have been made a key part of their diet, and as an antioxidant, sulphated polysaccharides have made a large number of researches as one of the ocean's greatest treasures. Therefore, the scope of the present study was conducted to investigate the chemopreventive actions of sulphated polysaccharides and aqueous extract of Ulva lactuca on N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) promoted by phenobarbital (PB) induced renal toxicity in male albino rats. Methods: Adult male albino rats were divided into four groups. Group B received a single dose of NDEA intra peritonealy (200 mg/kg body weight) for 2, 12 and 24 weeks to induce renal toxicity. Groups (C& D) simultaneously received (50 mg/kg body weight) sulphated polysaccharides and aqueous extract of U. lactuca, respectively by oral gavage. Further, the B, C& D groups received PB (0.05%) in drinking water after two weeks of NDEA administration along the entire period of study. Saline (0.9%) treated control group (A) was also built-in. Several In vivo enzymatic antioxidant defense system like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione-s-transferase (GST), myeloperoxidase (MPO), and non-enzymatic system like reduced glutathione (GSH) were evaluated to determine the reno-protective and antioxidant activity of U. lactuca extracts. The oxidative stress markers like lipid peroxidation (LPO) and nitric oxide (NOx) were also investigated as the products of NDEA metabolism. Results: NDEA followed by PB provoked renal and nephrotoxicity was evident from the decreased activity of almost antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, GST, GR and MPO) and increased oxidants (LPO & NOx) in renal tissues. A significant rise in the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) throughout the entire period of study along with the striking decline of the above enzymic and non-enzymic antioxidants marks the severity of oxidative stress in NDEA-induced rats. However, concomitant treatment with sulphated polysaccharides restored the above antioxidant enzyme levels in the kidneys near to normal better than the aqueous extract, and exhibited a significant dose dependent protective effect against NDEA induced nephrotoxicity, which might be attributed to the antioxidant properties of the extracts. Conclusion: The present study provides evidence, for the first time, that sulphated polysaccharides exert a chemoreceptive significant effect on NDEA-initiated nephrotoxicity through induction of apoptosis. In addition, the restoration effect of enzymic and non-enzymic antioxidant to their normal levels. The study justified the ethno-medicinal use of sulphated polysaccharide extract for protection against renal toxicity


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    هدفت هذه الدراسة الى التعرف على مدى توجه الأندية الرياضية بالتسويق وذلك من خلال اتجاهات الإدارة العليا بالأندية الرياضية نحو المخاطرة ، مدى اعتماد الأندية الرياضية على الإستخبارات التسويقية ، اتجاهات الأندية نحو عملية نشر وتبادل المعلومات ، مدى اهتمام الأندية بتنمية قدرات العاملين ، مدى اهتمام الأندية الرياضية بتطبيق التسويق الإلتكروني ، الوضع الحالي لنظم المعلومات التسويقية من أجل تحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تطبيق البرنامج على عينة بالطريقة العشوائية من بين العاملين في أندية (الأهلي الرياضي بدبي – الجزيرة الرياضي بأبوظبي – الشارقة الرياضي بالشارقة – الشعب الرياضي بالشارقة) وكان عددهم (249) فرداً ، في حين بلغ حجم عينة الدراسة الإستطلاعية لحساب المعاملات العلمية لمتغيرات البحث (30) فرداً من خارج عينة الدراسة . بعد جمع البيانات من خلال المقابلة الشخصية و واستمارة الاستبيان وتحليل هذه البيانات احصائيا توصل الباحثان الى مايلي ،إن غالبية الأندية التي تطبق التسويق الرياضي تعاني من قصر النظر التسويقي استراتيجيات وخطط الأندية الرياضية لا تعتمد على نتائج بحوث التسويق ، تطبيق التسويق الألكتروني بالأندية الرياضية يحقق أهداف النادي في ظل التطور التكنولوجي في مجال الإتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات ، العاملين بالأندية الرياضية يتخوفون من تطبيق التسويق الإلكتروني بسبب المعوقات الخارجية بشكل أكبر من المعوقات التي يمكن أن تظهر بالبيئة الداخلية لأندية هناك أهمية كبيرة لإنشاء موقع ألكتروني Website على شبكة الإنترنت بهدف التعريف بالنادي ومكانته وطرق الوصول إليه . إن عامل الإهتمام بتنمية قدرات العاملين هي مسألة نسبية بين الأندية ، وهي في الغالب تتأثر بعاملين أساسيين هما مدى كفاية التمويل وثقافة النادي الداعمة للتدريب المستمر للعاملين وتنمية قدرتهم على التعلم ، إن أوجه الضعف التي يعاني منها أداء نظم المعلومات التسويقية تنحصر بنسبة أكبر في المشاكل المتعلقة بإدارة وتنظيم قواعد البيانات .The study aimed to identify the orientation of sports clubs marketing through recognition (trends in senior management clubs sports towards risk, the extent of adoption of sports clubs on intelligence, marketing trends clubs towards the process of dissemination and exchange of information), the attention span of clubs to the development of the capacities of personnel, the attention span of clubs Sports applying e-marketing , the current status of marketing information systems, and use descriptive approach style survey of its relevance to the nature of the study, and was selected the sample randomly from among workers in the clubs (Al-Ahli Sports in Dubai - Al Jazeera Sports, Abu Dhabi - Sharjah Sports Sharjah - Elshaab Sports Sharjah) and the number was (249 ) individuals, while the sample size of the survey to calculate the transaction scientific variables Search (30) individuals from outside the study sample, and use the survey as a tool to collect data, and the most important results that the majority of the clubs that applied sports marketing suffer from myopia catalog, although in most those clubs may extend the marketing function club to include the sector, but the club as a whole does not have directed marketing, and found it is not a strong degree lead to a radical change in the way the performance of the business club, there are meetings between workers in marketing management with workers administrations other within the club to the development of the marketing process, strategies and plans of sports clubs do not rely on the results of marketing research, the application of e-marketing sports clubs achieve the objectives of the club in light of technological development in the field of telecommunications and information technology

    Textiles Printing Using Microencapsulated Pigments in Biodegradable Thickeners

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    Micro-encapsulated pigments were formulated into biodegradable printing pastes and their properties were analyzed. The pigment was used as the core material and polylactic-based biodegradable thickener was used as the wall-former. Cotton/polyester blend fabric was printed with micro-encapsulated pigment using screen-printing technique without dispersing agents, penetrating agents, leveling agents or other auxiliaries. Micro-encapsulated pigment has been characterized in terms of average particle size and size distribution, morphological structure and elemental composition using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The variations in viscosity and paste stability were observed upon storing over 7 days at ambient temperature. For permanence, the micro-encapsulation process afforded better colorfastness properties against light, washing, rubbing, and perspiration


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    Background: Ventricular septal defects (VSDs) are still one of the most prevalent surgical indications in newborns and children with congenital heart disease. With advances in echocardiography, cardiac catheterization is no longer necessary in the treatment of these individuals. Although perioperative mortality and morbidity for isolated defects are still low, unique scenarios such as surgical care of numerous VSDs and decision-making in patients with pulmonary hypertension remain difficult. This chapter examines both classic and recent evidence that has shaped the management of this condition, as well as the facts underlying developing interventional methods utilized in both the catheterization lab and the operating room. Conclusion: VSD is the most common congenital abnormality at birth. Small flaws should close on their own within the first year of life; however, larger faults can cause serious difficulties. The major interventions for big problems are surgical VSD closure and device closure


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    إستهدفت الدراسة التعرف على مدى توجه الأندية الرياضية بالتسويق وذلك من خلال التعرف على (اتجاهات الإدارة العليا بالأندية الرياضية نحو المخاطرة ، مدى اعتماد الأندية الرياضية على الإستخبارات التسويقية ، اتجاهات الأندية نحو عملية نشر وتبادل المعلومات) ، مدى اهتمام الأندية بتنمية قدرات العاملين ، مدى اهتمام الأندية الرياضية بتطبيق التسويق الإلكتروني ، الوضع الحالي لنظم المعلومات التسويقية ، وإستخدم المنهج الوصفي بالأسلوب المسحي لملاءمته لطبيعة الدراسة ، وأُختيرت العينة بالطريقة العشوائية من بين العاملين في أندية (الأهلي الرياضي بدبي – الجزيرة الرياضي بأبوظبي – الشارقة الرياضي بالشارقة – الشعب الرياضي بالشارقة) وكان عددهم (249) فرداً ، في حين بلغ حجم عينة الدراسة الإستطلاعية لحساب المعاملات العلمية لمتغيرات البحث (30) فرداً من خارج عينة الدراسة ، وإستخدم الإستبيان كأداة لجمع البيانات ، وكانت أهم النتائج أن غالبية الأندية التي تطبق التسويق الرياضي تعاني من قصر النظر التسويقي ، ورغم أنه في أغلب تلك الأندية قد تمتد وظيفة التسويق بالنادي لتشمل قطاع إلا أن النادي في مجمله ليس لديها توجه تسويقي ، وإن وجد فهو ليس قوي بدرجة تؤدي إلى تغيير جذري في طريقة أداء الأعمال بالنادي ، هناك لقاءات بين العاملون في إدارة التسويق مع العاملون في الإدارت الأخرى داخل النادي لما فيه تطوير لعملية التسويق ، استراتيجيات وخطط الأندية الرياضية لا تعتمد على نتائج بحوث التسويق ، تطبيق التسويق الألكتروني بالأندية الرياضية يحقق أهداف النادي في ظل التطور التكنولوجي في مجال الإتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات.The study aimed to identify the orientation of sports clubs marketing through recognition (trends in senior management clubs sports towards risk, the extent of adoption of sports clubs on intelligence, marketing trends clubs towards the process of dissemination and exchange of information), the attention span of clubs to the development of the capacities of personnel, the attention span of clubs Sports applying e-marketing , the current status of marketing information systems, and use descriptive approach style survey of its relevance to the nature of the study, and was selected the sample randomly from among workers in the clubs (Al-Ahli Sports in Dubai - Al Jazeera Sports, Abu Dhabi - Sharjah Sports Sharjah - Elshaab Sports Sharjah) and the number was (249 ) individuals, while the sample size of the survey to calculate the transaction scientific variables Search (30) individuals from outside the study sample, and use the survey as a tool to collect data, and the most important results that the majority of the clubs that applied sports marketing suffer from myopia catalog, although in most those clubs may extend the marketing function club to include the sector, but the club as a whole does not have directed marketing, and found it is not a strong degree lead to a radical change in the way the performance of the business club, there are meetings between workers in marketing management with workers administrations other within the club to the development of the marketing process, strategies and plans of sports clubs do not rely on the results of marketing research, the application of e-marketing sports clubs achieve the objectives of the club in light of technological development in the field of telecommunications and information technology