4 research outputs found

    On the Robustness of Vision Transformers to Adversarial Examples

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    Recent advances in attention-based networks have shown that Vision Transformers can achieve state-of-the-art or near state-of-the-art results on many image classification tasks. This puts transformers in the unique position of being a promising alternative to traditional convolutional neural networks (CNNs). While CNNs have been carefully studied with respect to adversarial attacks, the same cannot be said of Vision Transformers. In this paper, we study the robustness of Vision Transformers to adversarial examples. Our analyses of transformer security is divided into three parts. First, we test the transformer under standard white-box and black-box attacks. Second, we study the transferability of adversarial examples between CNNs and transformers. We show that adversarial examples do not readily transfer between CNNs and transformers. Based on this finding, we analyze the security of a simple ensemble defense of CNNs and transformers. By creating a new attack, the self-attention blended gradient attack, we show that such an ensemble is not secure under a white-box adversary. However, under a black-box adversary, we show that an ensemble can achieve unprecedented robustness without sacrificing clean accuracy. Our analysis for this work is done using six types of white-box attacks and two types of black-box attacks. Our study encompasses multiple Vision Transformers, Big Transfer Models and CNN architectures trained on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet

    Back in Black: A comparative evaluation of recent state-of-the-art black-box attacks

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    The field of adversarial machine learning has experienced a near exponential growth in the amount of papers being produced since 2018. This massive information output has yet to be properly processed and categorized. In this paper, we seek to help alleviate this problem by systematizing the recent advances in adversarial machine learning black-box attacks since 2019. Our survey summarizes and categorizes 20 recent black-box attacks. We also present a new analysis for understanding the attack success rate with respect to the adversarial model used in each paper. Overall, our paper surveys a wide body of literature to highlight recent attack developments and organizes them into four attack categories: score based attacks, decision based attacks, transfer attacks and non-traditional attacks. Further, we provide a new mathematical framework to show exactly how attack results can fairly be compared

    Back in Black: A comparative evaluation of recent state-of-the-art black-box attacks

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    The field of adversarial machine learning has experienced a near exponential growth in the amount of papers being produced since 2018. This massive information output has yet to be properly processed and categorized. In this paper, we seek to help alleviate this problem by systematizing the recent advances in adversarial machine learning black-box attacks since 2019. Our survey summarizes and categorizes 20 recent black-box attacks. We also present a new analysis for understanding the attack success rate with respect to the adversarial model used in each paper. Overall, our paper surveys a wide body of literature to highlight recent attack developments and organizes them into four attack categories: score based attacks, decision based attacks, transfer attacks and non-traditional attacks. Further, we provide a new mathematical framework to show exactly how attack results can fairly be compared