558 research outputs found

    Does Human Capital Expedite Economic Development? The Case of Pakistan

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    The population merely is not a guarantee of the economic development of a country. The human capital increases the productivity of the workforce and develops the good working environment characterized by commitment and motivation. The low level of the human capital is viewed as one of the factors that may hinder the process of economic development in low developed countries. This conjecture seems working in Pakistan. This study is an endeavor to examine how human capital influences the economic development of Pakistan by using the time series data for the period (1971-2009). For the data analysis, the bound testing approach to co integration within the framework of the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) was used. The empirical results of all the proxies of human capital except ‘expenditure on education’ supported the hypothesis

    The Impact of FDI on Economic Development of Pakistan

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    The foreign direct investment has made its position better as a bundle of benefits during the last three decades at the global level. The ultimate result of its benefits for the recipient countries is often sought in term of economic development. Such results do not appear in the same fashion in all recipient economies and so provide the space to investigate this nexus at country level. This study is an endeavor to examine empirically the impact of FDI on economic development of Pakistan. For this purpose, the time series data covering the period (1971-2009) were used. For data analysis, the bound testing approach to co integration within the framework of the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) was utilized. The findings of the study supported the hypothesis of positive impact of FDI on economic development of Pakistan. The results also endorsed the views that the FDI is more effective than that of domestic investment

    The Role of the Judicial System and Law Enforcement Agencies in Combating Terrorism in Pakistan

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    Two thousand years ago, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman philosopher, orator, lawyer, and politician once stated that: “The soul, mind, and meaning of a state lie in its laws.” That is, laws are a reflection of the state’s mindset and commitment to fight issues like terrorism. Terrorism is a global and seemingly intractable phenomenon that has become a global security concern in recent years with an ability to have an impact on virtually every country on the planet. Policymakers across the world have been working relentlessly to determine the most effective counter-terrorism response to this rising threat and it is fair to say that no single state has yet achieved a perfect solution. Since the end of the Cold War and the acceleration of globalisation, terrorist movements with broad transnational reach have increasingly spread their ideologies to numerous different parts of the world and have achieved tremendous agility and impact. The 9/11 attacks in the U.S. in 2001 brought the Al Qaeda movement very firmly to the world’s attention and launched a new era of struggle against such decentralised and transnational ideological movements. More recently, the rise of Daesh in the Levant region has provided a further recruiting-ground for the most radical and violent members of society, not just in the Middle East but across many parts of the world. The United Nations has called on nations throughout the world to enact new anti-terrorism laws and to take steps to co-operate with other countries in various counter-terrorism measures

    2-(tert-Butoxy­carbonyl­amino)-2-(2-fluoro­phen­yl)acetic acid

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    The title compound, C13H16FNO4, consists of conventional, centrosymmetric carboxyl­ate dimers. These dimers form infinite polymeric chains due to inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonding. The 2-fluoro­phenyl unit is disordered over two sets of sites with an ocupancy ratio of 0.915 (3):0.085 (3)

    Impact of Violent Cartoons on the Behaviour of Children: A Case Study of South Punjab

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    Basically, this is a survey research that investigates the impact of violent cartoons on the behaviour of children. Children often draw strong social or anti-social ideas from children’s movies and cartoons. Television is the most popular medium in which the children are exposed. The media is constantly creating new cartoons with increased violence and children do not realize how harmful this is to them. The study investigates that how children are being exposed to anti-social content and what impact is done on their behavior. Cartoons have much value in personality construction of children especially in very early age. Children try to become like their favorite cartoon character. They try to mimic and copy the actions performed by their favorite cartoon hero. The environment in which the children watch horror or violent cartoons is also very important. They may develop fears or anti-social behavior in the absence of parental guidance

    Trade Liberalisation and Industrial Productivity: Evidence from Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan

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    This study examines the impact of trade liberalisation on the industrial productivity for a panel of twenty seven 3-digit manufacturing industries in Pakistan over the period 1980-2006. Using a variant of the Cobb-Douglas production function for industrial sector, we estimated output elasticities. The results show positive output elasticities with respect to labour, capital and raw materials for the pre-trade liberalisation period (1981 –1995) as well as post-trade liberalisation period (1996-2006). For the pre-liberalisation period, we observe positive output elasticity with respect to energy, while it turns out to be negative in the post-liberalisation period probably due to energy crisis in Pakistan. In the second stage, we calculate total factor productivity (TFP) and examine the impact of trade liberalisation on TFP for pre-and post-trade liberalisation periods. The results reveal that trade liberalisation proxied by import duty has positive but negligible impact on the TFP in the pre-as well as post-liberalisation periods. On the other hand, effective rates of protection exert large negative impact on the TFP in the post-liberalisation than the pre-liberalisation period. JEL Classifications: F14, F13, O53, L60 Keywords: Trade Liberalisation, Total Factor Productivity, Manufacturing Sector of Pakista

    Do Print Media Cater the Needs of Society? A Study to Analyze the Coverage of Health Issues in Major Dailies of Pakistan

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    This research study is conducted to identify the contribution of print media in highlighting the health specific information for their readers. A content analysis was made for five major Urdu and English dailies, to understand the importance given to health issues in terms of space given, frequency and tone of the contents. The findings of study concluded that mostly articles discussed the health education, specific diseases were less reported. Mostly articles were in neutral and positive tone respectively. Almost one fourth of the articles presented the multiple viewpoints with conclusion as elaborated multiple aspects such as diagnosis, precautionary measures, treatments and remedies/suggestions. Two-thirds of the articles discussed the non-scientific evidence. It was conclude that Information related to health was treated very casually and no serious and result oriented effort was made by the print media

    The Portrayal of the United States in the Context of Drone Attacks: A Study of Pakistani Print Media

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    The drone attacks from the United States on the tribal areas of Pakistan were in the spotlight Pakistani media since 2004. These attacks also remained as the debating issue that they have taken lives of incident people along with the terrorists. The present study is an exploratory study about the image of the United States in context to drone attacks. To do so, drawing on framing theory editorials from leading newspapers were analyzed by using the qualitative content analysis method. The study also compared the editorial coverage of two newspapers regarding the image of the United States have been treated in editorials related to the drone attacks. The findings revealed that daily Jang is more inclined to positively present the image of the United States than Nawa-i-waqt. The study also revealed that daily Nawa-i-waqt published editorials on drone attacks more frequently than the daily Jan

    Pharmacokinetics of Meloxicam in Healthy Donkeys

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    Abstract.-Meloxicam, a non-steroidal anti-Inflammatory drug (NSAID), has been reported as a safe substitute for diclofenac which was banned for veterinary use during 2005-06, due to its relay toxicity associated with the catastrophic decline in vulture populations in Indian subcontinent. It is a preferential cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibiter with higher therapeutic index as compared to diclofenac, indomethacin and piroxicam. The pharmacokinetics of meloxicam was studied in donkeys. Eight donkeys used in the experiment were administered 0.6 mg.kg -1 body weight as an intravenous bolus of meloxicam through jugular vein. Blood samples (5ml) were drawn pre medication and then up to 96 h post-medication. Plasma concentrations of meloxicam were measured in triplicate by HPLC. The plasma concentration versus time profile was prepared. Mean (+SEM) values of pharmacokinetic parameters viz., area under curve, steady state volume of distribution, half-life, mean residence time and clearance were 6.017±0.009 µg.h/ml, 0.136±0.002 L/kg, 1.002±0.008 h, 1.404±0.053 h and 0.094±0.002 L/h/kg, respectively. These pharmacokinetic parameters of meloxicam in donkeys were comparable to the reported values in donkeys but different from those of other species like sheep, goats, horses, chicken, rabbits and rats. A fast elimination with short half life and higher clearance are suggestive that current dosage regimens of meloxicam may not be clinically effective in donkeys and further research is recommended