110 research outputs found

    The dictatorship of the obscure? Values and the secular adjudication of fundamental rights

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    Der Staat der Zukunft : eine Einleitung

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    Der Titel der Tagung, deren BeitrĂ€ge dieser Band dokumentiert, ist Programm: Jenseits der postmodernen Abschiedsstimmung, in die manche Reflexion ĂŒber die Zukunft des Staates je nach theoretischer und politischer Orientierung melancholisch oder mit Schadenfreude verfĂ€llt, setzt er voraus, was eigentlich selbstverstĂ€ndlich sein sollte: dass es auch in Zukunft den Staat weder theoretisch noch praktisch zu verabschieden gilt. Er versucht deutlich zu machen, dass es im Jahre 1 eines neuen Jahrtausends in der Berliner Republik nicht mehr um eine Fortsetzung der allgemeinen Verunsicherung der achtziger und neunziger Jahre gehen kann. Es reicht nicht theoretisch (und manchmal – so scheint es – nur theoretisch und ohne zur Kenntnis zu nehmen, welche Rolle moderne Staaten in den Industriegesellschaften faktisch spielen) zu bezweifeln, ob der Staat der Zukunft noch souverĂ€n, national, sozial, steuernd, intervenierend etc. sein könne, um nur einige Attribute des Staates zu nennen, die Gegenstand der skeptischen Überlegungen sind. RĂŒckblickend auf die Debatten um die SteuerungsfĂ€higkeit des Staates, die Krise des Sozialstaats, Deregulierung, Privatisierung und EntbĂŒrokratisierung sowie Internationalisierung und Globalisierung ist es an der Zeit, Lösungswege zur Diskussion zu stellen. Nach der soziologischen Entzauberung und philosophischen Dekonstruktion des Staates bedarf es gegenwĂ€rtig einer Gegenbewegung: der praxisfĂ€higen Rekonstruktion normativer Leitbilder. ...The editors of this volume, collecting the contributions to a congress which took place in April 2001 in Berlin, start with a brief summary of the ongoing debate on the modernisation of the State, its foundations and justifications, tasks, means, and limits. In the following they do not only provide an overview over these contributions, but try to contextualise them in the framework of the theory of modern statehood. Finally they formulate eight theses on "The State of the Future", meant to be normative propositions in the necessary process of a positive reconstruction of the theory of the State under modern social conditions

    Recht in Ethikkommissionen

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    Strafrecht und Demokratie

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    Criminal law and democracy are closely intertwined. A closer view of this connection, however, reveals manifold challenges that arise from pandemics or fake news, but also from the actors influencing the legislative process. In addition, fundamental legal-theoretical and legal-practical questions emerge in dealing with the principle of legality in criminal matters. The 9th Young Criminal Law Symposium examined selected research questions that arise from this for the criminal law sciences. Topics of the contributions include the internationalisation of criminal law, the actors shaping criminal law as well as constitutional-theoretical and legal-philosophical emphases of the principle of legality. With contributions by Francesca Bonzanigo, MLaw; Dr. Luka Breneselović, LL.M.; Giulia Canova, B.A.; Jun.-Prof. Dr. IvĂł Coca-Vila; Tommaso Giardini, M.A.; Jessica KrĂŒger, MPhil (Cantab); Lisa Kujus; Prof. Dr. Maria Ludwiczak Glassey; Prof. Dr. Matthias Mahlmann; Mag. Lukas Emanuel MĂŒller, BA, LL.M. (Leiden); StA Simon Pschorr; Hugo Soares, LL.M. (Lisbon) and Dr. Alexandra Windsberger.</p

    Esports Analytics Through Encounter Detection

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    Esports is computer games played in a competitive environment, and analytics in this domain is focused on player and team behavior. Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games are among the most played digital games in the world. In these es, teams of players fight against each other in enclosed arena environs, with a complex gameplay focused on tactical combat. Here we present a technique for segmenting matches into spatio‐temporally defined components referred to as encounters, enabling performance analysis. We apply encounter‐based analysis to match data from the popular esport game DOTA, and present win probability predictions based on encounters. Finally,metrics for evaluating team performance during match runtime are proposed

    Introduction to Swiss Law

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    What are the origins of direct democracy in Switzerland? How does the Swiss judiciary function? What are the principles of Swiss civil, contract and administrative law? What is the role of public service broadcasting in the political decision-making process? What are the leading cases in tax law? What forms of euthanasia are legal in Switzerland? In this introduction 19 legal scholars of the University of Zurich Law Faculty try to answer these questions and give the reader an overview of Swiss public, private, and criminal law. As the first comprehensive introduction to Swiss law in English, it is addressed to both lawyers from abroad and incoming students to the University of Zurich

    The basic law at 60 – human dignity and the culture of republicanism

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    Mind and rights: Neuroscience, philosophy, and the foundations of legal justice

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    Bertrand Russell

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