6,017 research outputs found

    Quantum trajectories of interacting pseudo-spin-networks

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    We consider quantum trajectories of composite systems as generated by the stochastic unraveling of the respective Lindblad-master-equation. Their classical limit is taken to correspond to local jumps between orthogonal states. Based on statistical distributions of jump- and inter-jump-distances we are able to quantify the non-classicality of quantum trajectories. To account for the operational effect of entanglement we introduce the novel concept of "co-jumps".Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Gaussian quantum fluctuations in interacting many particle systems

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    We consider a many particle quantum system, in which each particle interacts only with its nearest neighbours. Provided that the energy per particle has an upper bound, we show, that the energy distribution of almost every product state becomes a Gaussian normal distribution in the limit of infinite number of particles. We indicate some possible applications.Comment: 10 pages, formulation made mathematically more precise, two examples added, accepted for publication in Letters in Mathematical Physic

    Scaling behavior of interactions in a modular quantum system and the existence of local temperature

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    We consider a quantum system of fixed size consisting of a regular chain of nn-level subsystems, where nn is finite. Forming groups of NN subsystems each, we show that the strength of interaction between the groups scales with N−1/2N^{- 1/2}. As a consequence, if the total system is in a thermal state with inverse temperature β\beta, a sufficient condition for subgroups of size NN to be approximately in a thermal state with the same temperature is N≫βδEˉ\sqrt{N} \gg \beta \bar{\delta E}, where δEˉ\bar{\delta E} is the width of the occupied level spectrum of the total system. These scaling properties indicate on what scale local temperatures may be meaningfully defined as intensive variables. This question is particularly relevant for non-equilibrium scenarios such as heat conduction etc.Comment: 7 pages, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Local effective dynamics of quantum systems: A generalized approach to work and heat

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    By computing the local energy expectation values with respect to some local measurement basis we show that for any quantum system there are two fundamentally different contributions: changes in energy that do not alter the local von Neumann entropy and changes that do. We identify the former as work and the latter as heat. Since our derivation makes no assumptions on the system Hamiltonian or its state, the result is valid even for states arbitrarily far from equilibrium. Examples are discussed ranging from the classical limit to purely quantum mechanical scenarios, i.e. where the Hamiltonian and the density operator do not commute.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    On the Optimal Choice of Spin-Squeezed States for Detecting and Characterizing a Quantum Process

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    Quantum metrology uses quantum states with no classical counterpart to measure a physical quantity with extraordinary sensitivity or precision. Most metrology schemes measure a single parameter of a dynamical process by probing it with a specially designed quantum state. The success of such a scheme usually relies on the process belonging to a particular one-parameter family. If this assumption is violated, or if the goal is to measure more than one parameter, a different quantum state may perform better. In the most extreme case, we know nothing about the process and wish to learn everything. This requires quantum process tomography, which demands an informationally-complete set of probe states. It is very convenient if this set is group-covariant -- i.e., each element is generated by applying an element of the quantum system's natural symmetry group to a single fixed fiducial state. In this paper, we consider metrology with 2-photon ("biphoton") states, and report experimental studies of different states' sensitivity to small, unknown collective SU(2) rotations ("SU(2) jitter"). Maximally entangled N00N states are the most sensitive detectors of such a rotation, yet they are also among the worst at fully characterizing an a-priori unknown process. We identify (and confirm experimentally) the best SU(2)-covariant set for process tomography; these states are all less entangled than the N00N state, and are characterized by the fact that they form a 2-design.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Identification of Decoherence-Free Subspaces Without Quantum Process Tomography

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    Characterizing a quantum process is the critical first step towards applying such a process in a quantum information protocol. Full process characterization is known to be extremely resource-intensive, motivating the search for more efficient ways to extract salient information about the process. An example is the identification of "decoherence-free subspaces", in which computation or communications may be carried out, immune to the principal sources of decoherence in the system. Here we propose and demonstrate a protocol which enables one to directly identify a DFS without carrying out a full reconstruction. Our protocol offers an up-to-quadratic speedup over standard process tomography. In this paper, we experimentally identify the DFS of a two-qubit process with 32 measurements rather than the usual 256, characterize the robustness and efficiency of the protocol, and discuss its extension to higher-dimensional systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Measurable Consequences of the Local Breakdown of the Concept of Temperature

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    Local temperature defined by a local canonical state of the respective subsystem, does not always exist in quantum many body systems. Here, we give some examples of how this breakdown of the temperature concept on small length scales might be observed in experiments: Measurements of magnetic properties of an anti-ferromagnetic spin-1 chain. We show that those magnetic properties are in fact strictly local. As a consequence their measurement reveals whether the local (reduced) state can be thermal. If it is, a temperature may be associated to the measurement results, while this would lead to inconsistencies otherwise.Comment: some comments added, results remain unchange

    Local Versus Global Thermal States: Correlations and the Existence of Local Temperatures

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    We consider a quantum system consisting of a regular chain of elementary subsystems with nearest neighbor interactions and assume that the total system is in a canonical state with temperature TT. We analyze under what condition the state factors into a product of canonical density matrices with respect to groups of nn subsystems each, and when these groups have the same temperature TT. While in classical mechanics the validity of this procedure only depends on the size of the groups nn, in quantum mechanics the minimum group size nminn_{min} also depends on the temperature TT ! As examples, we apply our analysis to a harmonic chain and different types of Ising spin chains. We discuss various features that show up due to the characteristics of the models considered. For the harmonic chain, which successfully describes thermal properties of insulating solids, our approach gives a first quantitative estimate of the minimal length scale on which temperature can exist: This length scale is found to be constant for temperatures above the Debye temperature and proportional to T−3T^{-3} below.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, discussion of results extended, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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