109 research outputs found

    Hog butchers no longer: 20 years of employment change in metropolitan Chicago

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    Employment - Chicago ; Federal Reserve District, 7th

    Chicago's economy: twenty years of structural change

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    Regional economics ; Chicago (Ill.) ; Federal Reserve District, 7th

    Orally administered anti-cancer nanocarriers loaded with therapeutic proteins

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     Anti-cancerous ability of orally fed therapeutic proteins was potentiated by further strengthening their digestive resistance by means of nano encapsulation. In this regard, formulation of a novel polymer encapsulated ceramic anti-cancer nanocarriers (ACSC NCs) loaded with anti-cancer proteins (Fe-bLf and SurR9-C84A) were synthesized. These NCs were successfully evaluated for their anti-cancer efficacy in vitro and in nude mice bearing human cancers


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    Konflik sengketa tanah antara Negeri Porto dengan Negeri Haria di Kecamatan Saparua, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah ini telah terjadi sejak tahun 1925 yang memperebutkan kepemilikan Mata Air Raja. Namun, hingga saat ini konflik ini masih sering terjadi karena tidak adanya penyelesaian secara utuh yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Penelitian ini mengangkat topik tentang bagaimana peran pemangku kepentingan yaitu pemerintah negeri dan pemerintah daerah dalam menangani konflik sengketa tanah antara Negeri Porto dengan Negeri Haria. Guna mendapatkan data tersebut peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif eksplanatif. Dimana data didapatkan melalui proses wawancara dan data sekunder didapatkan dari jurnal, buku, pemberitaan media online, serta undang-undang yang berlaku. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu upaya manjemen konflik yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah telah sesuai dengan ruang lingkup manajemen konflik yang terdapat pada PERDA Maluku No.3 Tahun 2022 yang terdiri atas Pencegahan konflik, penghentian konflik, dan pemulihan pasca konflik. Dalam menyelesaikan konflik sengketa tanah, pemerintah melakukan proses mediasi melalui gereja dan para pemangku kepentingan lain. Secara garis besar peran pemangku kepentingan sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses manajemen konflik di Negeri Porto dan Haria. Kata Kunci: Konflik, Manajemen Konflik, Sengketa Tanah, Pemangku Kepentingan, Medias

    Oral administration of iron-saturated bovine lactoferrin-loaded ceramic nanocapsules for breast cancer therapy and influence on iron and calcium metabolism

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    We determined the anticancer efficacy and internalization mechanism of our polymeric-ceramic nanoparticle system (calcium phosphate nanocores, enclosed in biodegradable polymers chitosan and alginate nanocapsules/nanocarriers [ACSC NCs]) loaded with iron-saturated bovine lactoferrin (Fe-bLf) in a breast cancer xenograft model. ACSC-Fe-bLf NCs with an overall size of 322±27.2 nm were synthesized. In vitro internalization and anticancer efficacy were evaluated in the MDA-MB-231 cells using multicellular tumor spheroids, CyQUANT and MTT assays. These NCs were orally delivered in a breast cancer xenograft mice model, and their internalization, cytotoxicity, biodistribution, and anticancer efficacy were evaluated. Chitosan-coated calcium phosphate Fe-bLf NCs effectively (59%, P≤0.005) internalized in a 1-hour period using clathrin-mediated endocytosis (P≤0.05) and energy-mediated pathways (P≤0.05) for internalization; 3.3 mg/mL of ACSC-Fe-bLf NCs completely disintegrated (~130-fold reduction, P≤0.0005) the tumor spheroids in 72 hours and 96 hours. The IC50 values determined for ACSC-Fe-bLf NCs were 1.69 mg/mL at 10 hours and 1.62 mg/mL after 20 hours. We found that Fe-bLf-NCs effectively (P≤0.05) decreased the tumor size (4.8-fold) compared to the void NCs diet and prevented tumor recurrence when compared to intraperitoneal injection of Taxol and Doxorubicin. Receptor gene expression and micro-RNA analysis confirmed upregulation of low-density lipoprotein receptor and transferrin receptor (liver, intestine, and brain). Several micro-RNAs responsible for iron metabolism upregulated with NCs were identified. Taken together, orally delivered Fe-bLf NCs offer enhanced antitumor activity in breast cancer by internalizing via low-density lipoprotein receptor and transferrin receptor and regulating the micro-RNA expression. These NCs also restored the body iron and calcium levels and increased the hematologic counts

    Chicago's economic transformation from 1970 to 2000

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    Chicago (Ill.) ; Manufactures ; Service industries

    OncomiRdbB: a comprehensive database of microRNAs and their targets in breast cancer

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    Background: Given the estimate that 30% of our genes are controlled by microRNAs, it is essential that we understand the precise relationship between microRNAs and their targets. OncomiRs are microRNAs (miRNAs) that have been frequently shown to be deregulated in cancer. However, although several oncomiRs have been identified and characterized, there is as yet no comprehensive compilation of this data which has rendered it underutilized by cancer biologists. There is therefore an unmet need in generating bioinformatic platforms to speed the identification of novel therapeutic targets. Description: We describe here OncomiRdbB, a comprehensive database of oncomiRs mined from different existing databases for mouse and humans along with novel oncomiRs that we have validated in human breast cancer samples. The database also lists their respective predicted targets, identified using miRanda, along with their IDs, sequences, chromosome location and detailed description. This database facilitates querying by search strings including microRNA name, sequence, accession number, target genes and organisms. The microRNA networks and their hubs with respective targets at 3'UTR, 5'UTR and exons of different pathway genes were also deciphered using the 'R' algorithm. Conclusion: OncomiRdbB is a comprehensive and integrated database of oncomiRs and their targets in breast cancer with multiple query options which will help enhance both understanding of the biology of breast cancer and the development of new and innovative microRNA based diagnostic tools and targets of therapeutic significance

    The Complement Anaphylatoxin C5a Induces Apoptosis in Adrenomedullary Cells during Experimental Sepsis

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    Sepsis remains a poorly understood, enigmatic disease. One of the cascades crucially involved in its pathogenesis is the complement system. Especially the anaphylatoxin C5a has been shown to have numerous harmful effects during sepsis. We have investigated the impact of high levels of C5a on the adrenal medulla following cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)-induced sepsis in rats as well as the role of C5a on catecholamine production from pheochromocytoma-derived PC12 cells. There was significant apoptosis of adrenal medulla cells in rats 24 hrs after CLP, as assessed by the TUNEL technique. These effects could be reversed by dual-blockade of the C5a receptors, C5aR and C5L2. When rats were subjected to CLP, levels of C5a and norepinephrine were found to be antipodal as a function of time. PC12 cell production of norepinephrine and dopamine was significantly blunted following exposure to recombinant rat C5a in a time-dependent and dose-dependent manner. This impaired production could be related to C5a-induced initiation of apoptosis as defined by binding of Annexin V and Propidium Iodine to PC12 cells. Collectively, we describe a C5a-dependent induction of apoptotic events in cells of adrenal medulla in vivo and pheochromocytoma PC12 cells in vitro. These data suggest that experimental sepsis induces apoptosis of adrenomedullary cells, which are responsible for the bulk of endogenous catecholamines. Septic shock may be linked to these events. Since blockade of both C5a receptors virtually abolished adrenomedullary apoptosis in vivo, C5aR and C5L2 become promising targets with implications on future complement-blocking strategies in the clinical setting of sepsis
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