8 research outputs found

    Isolation and Characterization Endophytic Fungal Isolate from Peronema canescens Jack Leaf and Coptosapelta tomentosa Val. K. Heyne Root

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    Has been done Isolation, Characterization and Secondary Metabolite Endophytic Fungal Isolate from Peronema canescens Jack Leave and Coptosapelta tomentosa Valeton K. Heyne Root. The aim of this research is to know the number of fungal isolates, chromatogram profile and secondary metabolite group of endophytic fungal isolates from P. canencens leaves and C. tomentosa root. Characterization of endophytic fungal isolates was done macroscopically and microscopically. Identification of secondary metabolites endophytic fungal isolates were performed by chemical reaction test and TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) method with specific spray reagents. The data of this study were obtained based on the number of endophytic fungal that can be isolated, observing macroscopic and microscopic morphological profiles, chromatogram profile and secondary metabolites of each endophytic fungal isolated. The results showed that endophytic fungal that can be isolated from P. canencens leaves four isolates, and two isolates from C. tomentosa root. Morphological profile macroscopic endophytic fungal of the six isolates showed a greenish-colored colony, white gray, clear black. Microscopic profile of each fungal isolate having spores, sprangiosphora, sporangium, conidia, hyphae and stolon. The identified secondary metabolites are: alkaloids, terpenoids, and flavonoids, and polyphenols

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Fungi Endofit Tanaman Tapak Dara (Catharanthus Roseus)

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    This study aims to determine the diversity of endophytic fungi Tread Dara (Catharanthus roseus) as one of the potential plants that can produce medicinal efficacious compounds. This study includes the isolation and identification of endophytic fungi on Tapak Dara plant using PDA medium. Based on the results obtained 6 endophytic fungal isolates originating from roots and leaves Tread Dara

    Skrining Fitokimia dan Profil Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) Tumbuhan Antimalaria Asal Indonesia: Phytochemical Screening and Thin Layer Chromatography Profile of Indonesia Plants

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    Phytochemical screening tests have been carried out to detect secondary metabolites in several plants, namely Brotowali stem (Tinospora crispa), Jambu Biji leaves (Psidium guajava), Manggis rind (Garcinia mangostana), Pare fruit (Momordica charantia), Pepaya leaves (Carica papaya), Pulai sari stem bark (Alstonia scholaris), Sirsak leaves (Annona muricata). The test results obtained the state that each sample of the plant contains secondary metabolites which have the potential as antimalarial compounds

    Uji Antioksidan Ekstrak Metanol Kulit Batang Pule (Alstonia scholaris) khas Kalimantan dengan Metode DPPH: Antioxidant Test of Methanol Extract of Pule Bark (Alstonia scholaris) typical of Kalimantan with the DPPH Method

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    Pule (Alstonia scholaris) is one of the plants that are empirically often used in medicine. Pule bark contains flavonoids which can generally be used as antioxidants. This study aims to determine the content of secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of pule bark by determining the IC50 value of the extract. The secondary metabolite test was carried out by reacting the extract with phenolic test reagents, steroids, terpenoids, saponins, flavonoids and alkaloids. The antioxidant activity test was carried out using the DPPH method (2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazil). Antioxidant activity was measured by the ability of the methanol extract of Pule bark to reduce DPPH which was measured using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer so that absorbance data was obtained and then processed by linear regression method. The results showed that the extract contained phenolic and flavonoid compounds. While the DPPH test showed that the extract had weak antioxidant activity with an IC50 value of 472.473 ppm

    Karakterisasi Senyawa Bioaktif Antimikroba Ekstrak Umbi Bawang Tiwai (Eleutherine Bulbosa (MILL.) URB.)

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    bulbosa adalah tanaman khas suku Kalimantan yang telah digunakan secara turun-temurun sebagai antibakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakterisasi senyawa aktif antimikroba E. bulbosa. Tahapan penelitian diawali dengan ekstraksi E.bulbosa dengan pelarut metanol dan partisi cair-cair menggunakan pelarut n-heksan, etil asetat, n-butanol. Uji Skrining antimikroba ekstrak methanol, n-heksan, etil asetat, dan n-butanol dengan konsentrasi 1 mg/mL. Ekstrak n-heksan difraksinasi dengan kromatografi cair vakum dan direfraksinasi kembali menggunakan sepacore. Fraksi aktif diisolasi dengan kromatografi lapis tipis preparatif dan diperoleh isolat aktif E. bulbosa. Hasil Identifikasi berdasarkan kromatogram menunjukkan isolat aktif E.bulbosa adalah golongan naphthalene. interpretasi data spektroskopi FTIR isolat aktif E.bulbosa menunjukkan adanya gugus OH hidroksil, CH alifatik, dan C=O. Hasil Interpretasi data 1H NMR isolat aktif E. bulbosa menunjukkan Data 1H NMR memperlihatkan adanya spektrum dari atom H-6 dengan nilai ? 6,92 ppm Mult. doblet dan J 10,5 Hz, spektrum dari atom H-8 dengan nilai ? 7,75 ppm, Mult. doblet dan J 10,5 Hz, spektrum dari atom H-9 dengan nilai ? 6,29 ppm, dan spektrum H-11 dengan nilai ? 3,21 ppm. Nilai Konsentrasi Hambat Minimum (KHM) isolat aktif E.bulbosa terhadap bakteri uji V. cholera, B. subtilis, S. mutans, S. aureus 0,0125% dan bakteri E. coli 0,025%. Disimpulkan bahwa isolat aktif E. bulbsoa adalah golongan senyawa naftalen dan memiliki aktivitas antimikroba. &nbsp

    Uji Aktivitas Ekstrak Alang-Alang (Imperata cylindrica L) sebagai Peluruh Kalsium Batu Ginjal secara In Vitro

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    Kidney stones are a disease caused by existence urine sediment in the kidneys and urinary tract which clog the urinary tract so that when urinating it causes pain. One alternative to be used to treat kidney stone disease is traditional treatment using herbal plants that are widespread in Indonesia. The plants that is widespread in Indonesia, Imperata that grow wild in forests, fields, lawns and roadside in sunny dry areas. The research was aimed to find secondary metabolites and activity of Imperata extract ethanol on calcium solubility of kidney stones. Kidney stones from the reaction between calcium chloride and potassium oxalate. The extract was obtained from the maceration process using 96% ethanol solvent. The test of secondary metabolites by adding chemical reagents to the extract and activity test by making 3 series of extract concentrations, namely 1%, 3% and 5%. 100 mg kidney stones were inserted in the extract solution than incubated for 3 hours (370C). The filtrate was measured dissolved calcium levels using a UV-Visible spectrophotometer at ? 499 nm. The result show that Imperata positive containing flavonoids, alkaloids, tanins, steroids and triterpenoids, and have an effect in dissolving kidney stone calcium in vitro where the best concentration of ethanol extract of Imperata is 5% concentration with dissolved calcium levels of 301,450 ppm

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Fungi Endofit Tanaman Tapak Dara (Catharanthus Roseus)

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    This study aims to determine the diversity of endophytic fungi Tread Dara (Catharanthus roseus) as one of the potential plants that can produce medicinal efficacious compounds. This study includes the isolation and identification of endophytic fungi on Tapak Dara plant using PDA medium. Based on the results obtained 6 endophytic fungal isolates originating from roots and leaves Tread Dara


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    Dalam upaya pencarian sumber obat baru dari tumbuhan sebagai antimalaria berbasis pengetahuan etnobotani secara turun temurun, maka dilakukan pengujian penghambatan polimerisasi heme dari ekstrak etanol 70% daun Pepaya (Carica papaya) dan daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava). Data yang diperoleh dihitung IC50 dengan menggunakan SPSS 22 diperoleh bahwa ekstrak etanol 70% daun Pepaya (Carica papaya) dan daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava) memiliki aktivitas sebagai antimalaria masing-masing sebesar 7.914 dan 8.794 mg/ml serta berpotensi untuk dikembangkan dalam penelitian lebih lanjut sebagai antimalaria