22 research outputs found

    Improvement of potato based cropping patterns by inclusion of short duration Mungbean and T. Aman rice in Monga prone areas of Rangpur

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    The experiment was carried out to compare the improved cropping patterns against the farmers existing potato based cropping patterns having no mungbean/brown manure crop for higher yield, economic return and income generation in agricultural field in the off period following RCBD design with three replications at farmers field at Paikan Gangachara, Rangpur district during September- October. The treatments (cropping patterns) were T1 = T. aman rice (BINA 7) - Potato - Mungbean (BARI mungbean 6) (Improved pattern), T2 = T. aman rice (BR11) - Potato - Fallow (Farmers pattern), T3 = T. aman rice (BINA 7) - Potato + Maize intercrop - Mungbean (Improved pattern) and T4 = T. aman rice (BR11) - Potato / Maize relay (Farmers pattern). The highest yield (4.16 t ha-1) was recorded in T2 (BR11) which is statistically at par with T4 (4.15 t ha-1) but higher than the other treatments. Early planting sole potato (T1) gave highest yield (26.10 t ha-1) which was significantly higher than all other treatments. Late planting sole potato (T2), intercropped early potato (T3) and relay potato (T4) showed similar yield (23.61 24.79 t ha-1). Intercropped (T3) and Relay (T4) maize did not vary significantly in the studied parameters and yields were 8.21 and 7.92 t ha-1, respectively. Mungbean after sole potato (T1) gave higher number of pods/plant (17.25), and yield (1.47 t ha-1) which is significantly higher than those of T3 (14.89 and 1.28 t ha-1, respectively). Highest gross return (GR) (Tk. 417720) and gross margin (GM) (Tk. 220220) were calculated in improved pattern T3 and the lowest of those (Tk. 289670, Tk. 146020) in farmers pattern T2 . The other improved pattern T3 was the second highest performer considering GR and GM. But BCR (2.21) was highest in T1 and second highest in T3. The results indicated that the improved patterns (T1, T3) were better than farmers pattern (T2, T4). The improved pattern (T1) gave GR Tk. 67890 and GM Tk. 51785 higher than farmers pattern (T2). Similarly, the other improved pattern (T3) showed Tk. 51870 and Tk. 37395 higher than farmers pattern (T4). The improved pattern T1 and T3 created 45 working day job for the labour for harvesting early matured rice in the Monga/ jobless period (October) while farmers pattern gives only 3 days work. The mungbean included improved cropping patterns can be suggested for increased production, economic return and Monga mitigation (work opportunity in off period) in Rangpur. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v4i2.22645 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 4 (2): 35-40, December, 201

    Effect of seasonal and environmental variation on yield and yield components of hybrid Maize

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    The experiment was conducted during kharif II in 2006 & 07, rabi in 2006-07 & 07-08 and kharif I in 2007 and 2008 at ARS, Burirhat, Rangpur in RCB design to understand the influence of season and location specific environment effect on growth and yield of hybrid maize and selected suitable variety(s). Four hybrid maize varieties V1=BARI hybrid Maize (BHM)-2, V2=BHM-3, V3= BHM-5 and V4= Pacific-984 (as check) were tested during kharif II in 2006 while seven varieties V1= BHM-2, V2= BHM-3, V3= BHM-5 and V4= Pacific-984, V5= Pacific-60, V6= Pacific-11 and V7= Prolin were during the other seasons except rabi, 07- 08, where variety Pacific-555 was used in V7 instead of Prolin. Seeds were sown on August 30 and August 11 for kharif II of 2006 and 2007, respectively, November 28 and 17 for rabi 2006-2007 and 2007-08 and March 08 and 12 for for kharif I 2007 and 2008. The crops were harvested on January 25, 2007 and January 12, 2008 in the two consecutive kharif II seasons; May 10 and April 29 in rabi 2006-07 and 2007-08, and July 01 and 05 in kharif I 2007 and 2008, respectively. Yield parameters were mostly varied significantly. The highest yield was obtained from BHM-5 (9.03 t ha-1), which was followed by Pacific-984 (8.89 t ha-1), BHM-3 (8.81 t ha-1) and BHM-2 (8.58 t ha-1) in kharif II, 2006 while in kharif II, 2007 the highest significant yield was noted in Pacific-984 (9.22 t ha-1). In rabi, 2006-07, significant highest grain yield was obtained from Pacific-60 (11.03 t ha-1), which was statistically identical with Prolin (10.20 t ha-1). The yield of Prolin was also statistically identical with Pacific-11 (10.01 t ha-1), BHM-5 (10.00 t ha-1), BHM-3 (9.92 t ha-1) and BHM-2 (9.51 t ha-1). Comparatively lower temperature during ear initiation (mean 29.6°C in rabi and 31°C in kharif II) and silking (mean 18.2°C in rabi and 20.2°C in kharif II) contributed much for higher trend of yield in rabi over kharif. In kharif I, 2007, the highest yield (9.55 t ha-1) was recorded from Pacific-60, which was identical to Pacific-984 (9.25 t ha-1), BHM-5 (9.11 t ha-1) and BHM-3 (8.89 t ha-1). All the BARI hybrid maize varieties were suitable to grown in kharif I, kharif II and rabi season although BHM-3, BHM-5, Pacific-60 and Pacific-984 were better in Kharif I and Pacific-60, BHM-5, Prolin and Pacific-555 were found better in Rabi season. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v4i2.22635 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 4 (2): 1-5, December, 201

    Child wasting and concurrent stunting in low- and middle-income countries

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    Sustainable Development Goal 2.2—to end malnutrition by 2030—includes the elimination of child wasting, defined as a weight-for-length z-score that is more than two standard deviations below the median of the World Health Organization standards for child growth 1. Prevailing methods to measure wasting rely on cross-sectional surveys that cannot measure onset, recovery and persistence—key features that inform preventive interventions and estimates of disease burden. Here we analyse 21 longitudinal cohorts and show that wasting is a highly dynamic process of onset and recovery, with incidence peaking between birth and 3 months. Many more children experience an episode of wasting at some point during their first 24 months than prevalent cases at a single point in time suggest. For example, at the age of 24 months, 5.6% of children were wasted, but by the same age (24 months), 29.2% of children had experienced at least one wasting episode and 10.0% had experienced two or more episodes. Children who were wasted before the age of 6 months had a faster recovery and shorter episodes than did children who were wasted at older ages; however, early wasting increased the risk of later growth faltering, including concurrent wasting and stunting (low length-for-age z-score), and thus increased the risk of mortality. In diverse populations with high seasonal rainfall, the population average weight-for-length z-score varied substantially (more than 0.5 z in some cohorts), with the lowest mean z-scores occurring during the rainiest months; this indicates that seasonally targeted interventions could be considered. Our results show the importance of establishing interventions to prevent wasting from birth to the age of 6 months, probably through improved maternal nutrition, to complement current programmes that focus on children aged 6–59 months

    Early-childhood linear growth faltering in low- and middle-income countries

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    Globally, 149 million children under 5 years of age are estimated to be stunted (length more than 2 standard deviations below international growth standards) 1,2. Stunting, a form of linear growth faltering, increases the risk of illness, impaired cognitive development and mortality. Global stunting estimates rely on cross-sectional surveys, which cannot provide direct information about the timing of onset or persistence of growth faltering—a key consideration for defining critical windows to deliver preventive interventions. Here we completed a pooled analysis of longitudinal studies in low- and middle-income countries (n = 32 cohorts, 52,640 children, ages 0–24 months), allowing us to identify the typical age of onset of linear growth faltering and to investigate recurrent faltering in early life. The highest incidence of stunting onset occurred from birth to the age of 3 months, with substantially higher stunting at birth in South Asia. From 0 to 15 months, stunting reversal was rare; children who reversed their stunting status frequently relapsed, and relapse rates were substantially higher among children born stunted. Early onset and low reversal rates suggest that improving children’s linear growth will require life course interventions for women of childbearing age and a greater emphasis on interventions for children under 6 months of age

    Causal Pathways from Enteropathogens to Environmental Enteropathy: Findings from the MAL-ED Birth Cohort Study

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    Background Environmental enteropathy (EE), the adverse impact of frequent and numerous enteric infections on the gut resulting in a state of persistent immune activation and altered permeability, has been proposed as a key determinant of growth failure in children in low- and middle-income populations. A theory-driven systems model to critically evaluate pathways through which enteropathogens, gut permeability, and intestinal and systemic inflammation affect child growth was conducted within the framework of the Etiology, Risk Factors and Interactions of Enteric Infections and Malnutrition and the Consequences for Child Health and Development (MAL-ED) birth cohort study that included children from eight countries. Methods Non-diarrheal stool samples (N = 22,846) from 1253 children from multiple sites were evaluated for a panel of 40 enteropathogens and fecal concentrations of myeloperoxidase, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and neopterin. Among these same children, urinary lactulose:mannitol (L:M) (N = 6363) and plasma alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) (N = 2797) were also measured. The temporal sampling design was used to create a directed acyclic graph of proposed mechanistic pathways between enteropathogen detection in non-diarrheal stools, biomarkers of intestinal permeability and inflammation, systemic inflammation and change in length- and weight- for age in children 0–2 years of age. Findings Children in these populations had frequent enteric infections and high levels of both intestinal and systemic inflammation. Higher burdens of enteropathogens, especially those categorized as being enteroinvasive or causing mucosal disruption, were associated with elevated biomarker concentrations of gut and systemic inflammation and, via these associations, indirectly associated with both reduced linear and ponderal growth. Evidence for the association with reduced linear growth was stronger for systemic inflammation than for gut inflammation; the opposite was true of reduced ponderal growth. Although Giardia was associated with reduced growth, the association was not mediated by any of the biomarkers evaluated. Interpretation The large quantity of empirical evidence contributing to this analysis supports the conceptual model of EE. The effects of EE on growth faltering in young children were small, but multiple mechanistic pathways underlying the attribution of growth failure to asymptomatic enteric infections had statistical support in the analysis. The strongest evidence for EE was the association between enteropathogens and linear growth mediated through systemic inflammation

    Improvement of potato based cropping patterns by inclusion of short duration Mungbean and T. Aman rice in Monga prone areas of Rangpur

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    The experiment was carried out to compare the improved cropping patterns against the farmers existing potato based cropping patterns having no mungbean/brown manure crop for higher yield, economic return and income generation in agricultural field in the off period following RCBD design with three replications at farmers field at Paikan Gangachara, Rangpur district during September- October. The treatments (cropping patterns) were T1 = T. aman rice (BINA 7) - Potato - Mungbean (BARI mungbean 6) (Improved pattern), T2 = T. aman rice (BR11) - Potato - Fallow (Farmers pattern), T3 = T. aman rice (BINA 7) - Potato + Maize intercrop - Mungbean (Improved pattern) and T4 = T. aman rice (BR11) - Potato / Maize relay (Farmers pattern). The highest yield (4.16 t ha-1) was recorded in T2 (BR11) which is statistically at par with T4 (4.15 t ha-1) but higher than the other treatments. Early planting sole potato (T1) gave highest yield (26.10 t ha-1) which was significantly higher than all other treatments. Late planting sole potato (T2), intercropped early potato (T3) and relay potato (T4) showed similar yield (23.61 24.79 t ha-1). Intercropped (T3) and Relay (T4) maize did not vary significantly in the studied parameters and yields were 8.21 and 7.92 t ha-1, respectively. Mungbean after sole potato (T1) gave higher number of pods/plant (17.25), and yield (1.47 t ha-1) which is significantly higher than those of T3 (14.89 and 1.28 t ha-1, respectively). Highest gross return (GR) (Tk. 417720) and gross margin (GM) (Tk. 220220) were calculated in improved pattern T3 and the lowest of those (Tk. 289670, Tk. 146020) in farmers pattern T2 . The other improved pattern T3 was the second highest performer considering GR and GM. But BCR (2.21) was highest in T1 and second highest in T3. The results indicated that the improved patterns (T1, T3) were better than farmers pattern (T2, T4). The improved pattern (T1) gave GR Tk. 67890 and GM Tk. 51785 higher than farmers pattern (T2). Similarly, the other improved pattern (T3) showed Tk. 51870 and Tk. 37395 higher than farmers pattern (T4). The improved pattern T1 and T3 created 45 working day job for the labour for harvesting early matured rice in the Monga/ jobless period (October) while farmers pattern gives only 3 days work. The mungbean included improved cropping patterns can be suggested for increased production, economic return and Monga mitigation (work opportunity in off period) in Rangpur. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v4i2.22645 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 4 (2): 35-40, December, 201

    Effect of seasonal and environmental variation on yield and yield components of hybrid Maize

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    The experiment was conducted during kharif II in 2006 & 07, rabi in 2006-07 & 07-08 and kharif I in 2007 and 2008 at ARS, Burirhat, Rangpur in RCB design to understand the influence of season and location specific environment effect on growth and yield of hybrid maize and selected suitable variety(s). Four hybrid maize varieties V1=BARI hybrid Maize (BHM)-2, V2=BHM-3, V3= BHM-5 and V4= Pacific-984 (as check) were tested during kharif II in 2006 while seven varieties V1= BHM-2, V2= BHM-3, V3= BHM-5 and V4= Pacific-984, V5= Pacific-60, V6= Pacific-11 and V7= Prolin were during the other seasons except rabi, 07- 08, where variety Pacific-555 was used in V7 instead of Prolin. Seeds were sown on August 30 and August 11 for kharif II of 2006 and 2007, respectively, November 28 and 17 for rabi 2006-2007 and 2007-08 and March 08 and 12 for for kharif I 2007 and 2008. The crops were harvested on January 25, 2007 and January 12, 2008 in the two consecutive kharif II seasons; May 10 and April 29 in rabi 2006-07 and 2007-08, and July 01 and 05 in kharif I 2007 and 2008, respectively. Yield parameters were mostly varied significantly. The highest yield was obtained from BHM-5 (9.03 t ha-1), which was followed by Pacific-984 (8.89 t ha-1), BHM-3 (8.81 t ha-1) and BHM-2 (8.58 t ha-1) in kharif II, 2006 while in kharif II, 2007 the highest significant yield was noted in Pacific-984 (9.22 t ha-1). In rabi, 2006-07, significant highest grain yield was obtained from Pacific-60 (11.03 t ha-1), which was statistically identical with Prolin (10.20 t ha-1). The yield of Prolin was also statistically identical with Pacific-11 (10.01 t ha-1), BHM-5 (10.00 t ha-1), BHM-3 (9.92 t ha-1) and BHM-2 (9.51 t ha-1). Comparatively lower temperature during ear initiation (mean 29.6°C in rabi and 31°C in kharif II) and silking (mean 18.2°C in rabi and 20.2°C in kharif II) contributed much for higher trend of yield in rabi over kharif. In kharif I, 2007, the highest yield (9.55 t ha-1) was recorded from Pacific-60, which was identical to Pacific-984 (9.25 t ha-1), BHM-5 (9.11 t ha-1) and BHM-3 (8.89 t ha-1). All the BARI hybrid maize varieties were suitable to grown in kharif I, kharif II and rabi season although BHM-3, BHM-5, Pacific-60 and Pacific-984 were better in Kharif I and Pacific-60, BHM-5, Prolin and Pacific-555 were found better in Rabi season. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v4i2.22635 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 4 (2): 1-5, December, 201

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