23 research outputs found

    Critical study on history of international cinema

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    The history of film began in the 1820s when the British Royal Society of Surgeons made pioneering efforts. In 1878 Edward Muybridge, an American photographer, did make a series of photographs of a running horse by using a series of cameras with glass plate film and fast exposure. By 1893, Thomas A. Edison�s assistant, W.K.L.Dickson, developed a camera that made short 35mm films.In 1894, the Limiere brothers developed a device that not only took motion pictures but projected them as well in France. The first use of animation in movies was in 1899, with the production of the short film. The use of different camera speeds also appeared around 1900 in the films of Robert W. Paul and Hepworth.The technique of single frame animation was further developed in 1907 by Edwin S. Porter in the Teddy Bears. D.W. Griffith had the highest standing among American directors in the industry because of creative ventures. The years of the First World War were a complex transitional period for the film industry. By the 1920s, the United States had emerged as a prominent film making country. By the middle of the 19th century a variety of peephole toys and coin machines such as Zoetrope and Mutoscope appeared in arcade parlors throughout United States and Europe. By 1930, the film industry considerably improved its technical resources for reproducing sound. During the 1930s, color film stocks became widely used for the first time

    Critical analysis on history of Kannada cinema

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    Kannada film industry is indeed an extension of Kannada theatre. The early film personalities had been actively involved in Kannada theatre world. The Kannada film industry had to struggle during 1929 � 1934. Early Kannada films had to struggle against western culture. The film theatres were not equipped well to exhibit silent and talkie films to the audience. The Kannada film industry had recovered from certain setbacks after 1941. About 24 films were made in Kannada after independence. In1950s, Kannada film industry had not gained any identity from the point of view of production of commercial and art films. During 1971 � 1980 several art films and new wave films were made in Kannada. About 138 Kannada films were produced during the decade of 1970s. The decade of 1980s witnessed the production of a large number of commercial Kannada films. There were remarkable economic changes and modifications during 1991 � 2000 in the entire world. Most of the Kannada films were commercial films based on the technique of re-make. In the new millennium, Kannada film industry has grown remarkably. About 80 to 100 films were made every year in Kannada. Kannada film industry has carved a niche for itself in the national and international film avenues. Kannada film industry has also incorporated advanced film production technologies and strategies in terms of recording, background music, film song, film editing, special effects, DTS, digital development, use of advanced cameras and so on. The latest Kannada films have also excelled in technological applications

    The rights of the child in India

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    The practice of child protection has undergone a significant change when seen from a historical perspective in India. The Indian Constitution accords the rights to children as citizens of the country. The Constitution encompasses most of the rights of the children included in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child under the headings of Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy. India has made significant commitments towards ensuring the basic rights of the children. India is home to the highest number of child laborers in the world. The children are made to work by compulsion and not by choice. The parents also sell their children for employment in hotels, workshops, brothels and domestic work. There is more number of children who are not protected from various forms of exploitation. The children working under exploitative and inhuman conditions are not loved and protected. The children are neglected by the parents, relatives and other members of the society. The unfavorable and inhuman living conditions of under privileged children are responsible for the deprivation of the right of the children to development. A majority of the poor and needy children in India do not enjoy the right to recreational pursuits like sports, entertainment and hobbies in India. A vast majority of underprivileged children in India are treated like commodities and exported to other countries as labor or prostitutes. They are deprived of their right to name and nationality. The children die in good number between the age of 1-5 due to poverty, ill health, malnutrition, gender discrimination and other problems. They are not in a position to enjoy the right to survival due to several social and economic constraints

    Constitutional provisions for SCs and STs in India: an analysis

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    India is the second largest country of the world after and it has got roughly constitute 25 per cent of its total population scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. The Constitution of India provides for a number of safeguards for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes which are of its unique features. The main objective of these safeguards was to level up, socially and economically backward classes, particularly the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in as short time as possible. All these safeguards have, apparently, been provided to facilitate the implementation of the Directive Principle contained in Article 46 of the Constitution. The scholars and advocates have strongly advocated the need for protective discrimination as well as affirmative action. The Central and State Governments have also launched several welfare and developmental programs to fulfill the constitutional obligations in free India in order to make SC/ST communities catch up other sections of Indian society in the race for social, economic, political and cultural progress. The dream of establishment of welfare society cannot be actualized if the constitutional provisions are not implemented by all the stakeholders of social justice and economic equity

    Reservation benefits for SCs and STs in India

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    Reservation is indeed the process of setting aside a certain percentage of seats vacancies in educational institutions, government institutions and legislative institutions for the members of weaker sections in a pluralistic society like India. At the national level, the reservation policy originated in the form of Montague-Chelmsford Reform (1919). In 1925 the British Government decided to earmark certain quota in Government jobs for minority communities. The Indian Government implemented reservation policy in 1950. The Supreme Court has favored the combi¬nation of social and economic criteria for extending the benefit of reservation to the weaker sections of India. There is a reservation of 15 per cent for the, scheduled castes and 7.5 per cent for the scheduled tribes in the matter of admission in all the educational institutions. The reservation of 12½ per cent for scheduled castes and 5 per cent for scheduled tribes continued after the coming into force of the Constitution of India. Reservations have also been provided in posts filled by promotion. The benefit of reservation in various posts and services under the Central or State Government has not been derived uniformly by all the SC/ST communities. Articles 330, 332 and 334 provide for reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the Lok Sabha and the State Assemblies for a period of ten years after the commencement of the Constitution of India