194 research outputs found

    Transanal Endoscopic Drainage of Abdominopelvic Sepsis

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    Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) is an evolving experimental field exploring the technical feasibility and outcome of therapeutic interventions performed through the natural orifices of the body. The knowledge accumulating in NOTES is the result of animal experimentation and ongoing early clinical experience in humans. In this report we describe a patient treated with transanal endoscopic drainage of postoperative abdominopelvic sepsis

    Effect of Interlayer Coating Thickness on the Hardness and Adhesion for the Tungsten Carbide Cutting Tool

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    تم دراسة تأثير سمك الطبقة البينية لطلاء N((Al,Ti على الخواص الميكانيكية للطلاء في عدة القطع باعتماد خاصيتي الصلادة والالتصاق .فقد تم طلاء عدة القطع باستخدام نترات الالمنيوم التيتانيوم N(AlTi) بنسب قياسية Al0.67Ti0.33 في نظام قوس كاثودي(PVD). وقد تم استخدام كل من اختبار روكويل وفكرز لقياس الصلادة والالتصاق. وقد اظهرت النتائج ان اعلى صلادة لطلاء N((Al,Ti عند سمك 5.815µm بينما اعلى التصاق عند سمك 3.089µm وعلى العكس من ذلك فان اقل صلادة ظهرت عند 2.717µm في حين اقل التصاق ظهر عند 5.815µm. عموما فان طلاء N (AlTi)عند سمك 5.815 يعتبر فعال اذ انه يعطي اعلى صلادة واقل التصاق , وسبب انخفاض الالتصاق له علاقة بتأثير تشكيل الجسيمات الصغير(MPs) التي لها تأثير مباشر على الصلادة لان (MPs) تظهر اساسا على السطح ووجودها في الواجهة محدود جدا بالإضافة الى ذلك فان انشاء طبقة Ti اولية لتقليل الفصل بين الطبقات(التضمين) له تأثير كبير على الالتصاق ولكن ليس له تأثير على تركيب السطح. ولهذين السببين وتأثير جهد الحيز الكهربائي فان النتائج المعروضة في هذه الدراسة اظهرت اختلاف طفيف مع البحوث المنشورة الاخرى. ان تكوين طبقة (Al,TiN)  تتميز على ما يبدو بإظهار واحدة من النتائج المهمة التي تبين التكوين النهائي لطبقاتN) Al,Ti) بالنسب (Al0.62Ti0.38) قريبة جدا من الهدف الاساسي لهذه الدراسة (Al0.67Ti0.33).The thin film of the (Al,Ti)N coating is studied with the aid of two parameters: hardness and adhesion.  These parameters are very close to each other; however, in deposition field they could be interpreted differently.  Several coatings of (Al,Ti)N layers are developed on tungsten carbide insert using the standard commercial Al0.67Ti0.33 cathodes in cathodic arc plating system(PVD). The influence of coating layer thickness on the mechanical properties of the coatings was investigated via two parameters: hardness and adhesion are characterized by the Rockwell tester Vickers tester.  The measurements reveal that the highest hardness appears for the (Al,Ti)N thickness of 5.815 µm while the highest adhesion appears at a thickness of 3.089 µm.  At the opposite extreme, the lowest hardness appears at 2.717 µm and the lowest hardness at 5.815 µm. Overall, the (Al/Ti) N coating of the thickness of 5.815 µm is controversial as it exhibits the highest hardness and the lowest adhesion. This result could be related to the effect of the formation of the micro-particle (MPs) which has a direct effect on the hardness because these MPs appear mainly on the surface and their presence at the interface is very limited.  In addition, the creation of Ti buffering layer to reduce the delamination has its major effect on the adhesion but has no effect on the morphology of the surface.  For these two reasons and the effect of the bias voltage, the results presented in this paper might show slight differences with other published papers.  The composition of the (Al,Ti)N layer is characterized and, seemingly, it shows one important result which is showing that the ultimate composition of the (Al,Ti)N layer (Ti0.62Al0.38) is very close to the original target used in this study (Al0.67Ti0.33)

    8-OH-dG and ICSI outcome

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    Oxidative stress (OS) is a situation that occurs as a result of un-equilibrium between reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and the antioxidant defence system. 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), an oxidized form of deoxyguanosine, is found in higher levels in aging oocytes. In this cross-sectional study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of 8-OHdG on the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Follicular fluid (FF) samples were taken after removing the oocyte for later analysis of 8-OHdG. The couples participants were categorized according to the cause of subfertility into three groups (female factor, malefactor, and unexplained infertility). Further division according to pregnancy state was done to evaluate the precise role of 8-OHdG on pregnancy state and ICSI outcome. Result : This study showed that the 8-OHdG levels significantly higher in non-pregnant women (p < 0.05). Correlation study showed that 8-OHdG level in follicular fluid is negatively correlating with the number of retrieved oocytes, metaphase two oocytes (MII), fertilized oocytes (2PN = two pronuclei), cleaved zygotes, good quality embryos, and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The study revealed that the 8-OHdG level in follicular fluid negatively influences ICSI outcome and it is higher in non-pregnant women

    Relationship of Follicular Size with Dimensions of Genital System of Female Iraqi Buffaloes

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    أجريت الدراسة الحالية في قسم تقنيات الانتاج الحيواني/ الكلية التقنية - المسيب للمدة من اَذار 2014 الى اَذار 2015 لتقدير علاقة حجم الجريبة بأبعاد الجهاز التناسلي لأناث الجاموس المحلي. جُمع 120 جهازاً تناسلياً لاُناث جاموس البالغة وغير الحامل من مجازر محافظة بابل بعد الذبح مباشرة ، ونُقلت الى المختبر في ساعتين. شُرحت القناة التناسلية وعُزلت وقيست ابعاد الاعضاء المكونة لها. أُزيلت وجُمعت المبايض التي بلغ عددها 240 مبيضاً. قيست وقسمت الجريبات إلى ثلاث مجاميع صغيرة (2-5ملم) و متوسطة (6-10ملم) وكبيرة (11-20ملم). بينت نتائج الدراسة أن &nbsp;شكل المبايض في العينات المدروسة كان بيضوياً (oval) وذا لون وردي باهت وتركيب قوي وناعم الملمس. لوحظ زيادة معنوية (P&lt;0.05) بابعاد المبايض الأيمن والأيسر(الطول والعرض والسمك) للجهاز التناسلي التي تحتوي مبايضها على جريبات كبيرة ومتوسطة مقارنة مع المبايض التي تحتوي على الجريبات الصغيرة، وأوضحت النتائج زيادة معنوية (P&lt;0.05) في طول قناة البيض اليمنى واليسرى للجهاز التناسلي التي تحتوي مبايضها على جريبات كبيرة ومتوسطة مقارنة مع المبايض التي تحتوي على الجريبات الصغيرة . بينت نتائج الدراسة أيضاًً أرتفاعاً معنوياً (P&lt;0.05) في طول وقطر وعنق الرحم وجسمه ، وقرن الرحم الأيمن والأيسر للجهاز التناسلي التي تحتوي مبايضها على جريبات كبيرة ومتوسطة مقارنة مع المبايض التي تحتوي على الجريبات الصغيرة. نستنتج من هذه الدراسة أن التغير بحجم الجريبة من الصغيرة إلى الكبيرة في المبيض له تأثير معنوي في أبعاد الجهاز التناسلي لأناث الجاموس المحلي.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The present study has been conducted at laboratories of department of animal production techniques, AI-Musaib Technical College during the period extended from march 2014 to march 2015 to determine relationship of follicular size with dimensions of genital system of female Iraqi buffaloes. One hundred and twenty genital system of adults non- pregnant buffaloes slaughtered at abattoirs of Babylon province were collected at the time of slaughter and transported to the laboratory within 2 hours. The. A total of 240 ovaries were removed and collected. The diameter of the ovarian follicles were measured, divided into three categories, small (2-5 mm), medium (6-10 mm) and large (11-20 mm) . The results showed that the ovaries in local buffaloes appear as oval , light pinkish , firmed consistency and smooth. A significant increased (P &lt;0.05) in the dimensions of right and left ovaries ( length, width and thickness) in the genital system which their ovaries contained large and medium follicles compared with that contained small follicles.&nbsp; A significant increased (P &lt;0.05) was observed in length of right and left of ovarian tube in the genital system which their ovaries contained large and medium follicles compared with that contained small follicles. The result of study also showed that significant increased (P &lt;0.05) in length and diameters of body and cervix of uterus and right and left of uterine horns in the genital system which their ovaries contained large and medium follicles compared with that contained small follicles.&nbsp; We conclude from this study that changing the size of follicle from small to large has a significant effect on the dimensions of the genital system of females Iraqi buffaloes

    The use of single dose of oral misoprostol (600µg) at home in management of first trimester miscarriages in El-Mukala, Yemen

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    Background: In the management of first trimester miscarriage, the use of oral misoprostol is beneficial for patients as it offers a more discrete and less invasive route for those women who find vaginal administration unacceptable. In spite of high incidence of side-effects from use of oral misoprostol women still found oral route satisfactory.Methods: This study was a prospective cohort study done at El-Mukala maternal and child hospital and Hadhramout maternal and child university hospital in the period between 1st October 2014 and 30th September 2015. All pregnant women (less than 14 weeks) who were diagnosed as an embryonic pregnancy or missed miscarriage were included in the study. Every patient received single dose of oral misoprostol 600 µg in half full stomach at home. The primary outcome measure was complete miscarriage rate.Results: One-hundred women were included in the study. The mean age of study participants was 26.25±4.08 years, the mean BMI was 27.35±3.6 while the mean parity was 2.6±1.5.Ten cases needed emergency surgical evacuation within the period of first 48 hours. Complete miscarriage had occurred in 75 cases, 65 of them in the first 48 hours. Fifteen cases presented by incomplete miscarriage after waiting for one week. They needed surgical evacuation at the end of 7 days due to still considerable intrauterine contents.Conclusions: In our closed community in El-Mukala, Yemen, the use of oral misoprostol in single dose of 600 µg at home as a method for termination of first-trimester miscarriage was effective (75%, success rate), tolerable regarding side effects, has the advantage of high confidentiality and privacy resulting in good satisfaction

    Uterine sparing approaches in management of placenta accreta: a summarized review

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    Placenta accreta is a potentially life-threatening obstetric condition that required multidisciplinary approach to management. Placenta accreta occurs in complete absence of the decidua basalis. Women with previous cesarean section delivery or placenta previa are known to be at greater risk of placenta accreta. A previous study reported that 24%& 67% increase in the incidence of placenta accreta in women 1 versus 3 or more previous cesarean deliveries respectively. Antenatal diagnosis of placental invasion has the potential to improve maternal and fetal outcomes. In practice, incomplete non-separation of the placenta at delivery leads to massive obstetric hemorrhage resulting in maternal morbidities such as massive blood transfusion, DIC, injury to the bladder and intestines and the need for hysterectomy. Sonographic examination with gray scale and color doppler imaging is the recommended first line modality for diagnosis of morbidly adherent placenta. Techniques developed for conservative management are techniques developed to preserve uterus and future fertility which is crucially linked to societal status and self-esteem

    Study of Planktonic Foraminifera within Shiranish Formation in Selected Wells From Middle and Southern Iraq

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    خلفية: تم الاعتماد على بعض انواع متحجرات الفورامنيفرا الطافية لتقدير عمر تكوين شيرانش حيث تم التعرف على (23) نوعا من الفورامنيفرا الطافية، والتي تنتمي إلى (8) اجناس تنتمي إلى عائلتي (Globotruncanidae and Heterohelecidae) ضمن خمسة آبار موزعة على منطقة الدراسة والتي تضمنت (R-698، Ru-479، Ga-198P، EB-103 ، EB-104). بينت الدراسة وجود ثلاثة انطقة حياتية وهي Gansserina gansseri zone, Globotruncana aegyptiaca zone, Globotruncanita stuartiformis zone. المواد وطريقة العمل: بعد جمع العينات وإحضارها إلى المختبر، تمت معالجة كل عينة على حدة، حيث تم طهي النموذج على درجة حرارة عالية لمدة ساعتين بعد إضافة المادة المشتتة (NaOH) إليها، وتم غسل العينات بمنخل حجم 63 مايكرون وتركه ليجف، بعدها تم غربلة العينات بواسطة منخل حجم 450 مايكرون لفصل الرواسب عن المتحجرات، ثم اجريت عملية التقاط انواع المتحجرات وعزل تلك الانواع في علب خاصة لاكمال عملية التشخيص تحت المجهر العاكس. النتائج: اعتمادا على تشخيص انواع الفورامنيفرا الطافية تم تقسيم التكوين إلى عدة انطقة حياتية. الاستنتاج: بناءً على النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من الدراسة الحالية وجد أن عمر تكوين شيرانش في الآبار المدروسة يمتد من الجزء العلوي من الكامبانيان المتأخر- ماستريختيان الأوسط.Background: In this study, some taxa of planktonic foraminifera fossils were relied upon, to determine the biozones of the diagnosed genus and the ages based on those species and to compare those areas with the areas identified in previous studies to find out the differences between the northern and southern areas in Iraq. Twenty three species of planktonic foraminifera were identified, which belong to eight genus belonging to the families (Globotruncanidae and Heterohelecidae) within five wells distributed over the study area that included (R-698, Ru-479, Ga-198P, EB 103, EB 104). The study showed that there are three biozones: Gansserina gansseri zone, Globotruncana aegyptiaca zone, Globotruncanita stuartiformis zone. Materials and Methods: After collecting the samples and bringing them to the laboratory, each sample was treated separately, where the model was cooked at a high temperature for two hours after adding the dispersant substance (NaOH) to it, and then the samples was washed with a sieve with a size of 63 microns and left to dry, then the samples was sieved 450 micron to separate the sediments from the fossils, and then the process of picking up the foraminifera genus and isolating those fossils in special folders to make the diagnosis process under a reflecting microscope inside the Department of Earth Sciences / College of Science / University of Basrah. Results: Depending on the diagnosis of these groups of planktonic foraminifera were divided into several areas. Conclusion: Depending on the results obtained from the current study, It was found that the age of the Shiranish formation in the wells studied extends from the upper part of the Late Campanian - Middle Maastrichtian