1 research outputs found

    Performance of EcoSan Toilets at Majumbasita in Dar Es Salaam – Tanzania

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    The performance of Ecological Sanitation (ECOSAN) toilets at Majumbasita-Ukonga in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania was studied in order to assess their feasibility for low cost and effective environmental protection. The studied parameters for urine were pH, TKN, phosphorus , potassium and E-coli and for faecal sludge were temperature, pH, TS, VS, COD , TKN, ammonium, phosphorus, potassium and Ascaris eggs. Results indicated a high pH up to 10.3 in the faecal contents due to addition of ashes. The temperatures were between 270C – 31.70C during the whole study period. The total COD measurements varied from 33 - 74 gCOD/l, while TS and VS were respectively 57– 81 gTS/l and 21 – 46 gVS/l. The results for TKN, ammonium, phosphorus and potassium in faecal sludge were 5045 – 6080mg/L, 5207-5852 mg/L, 29-70mg/L and 105-176 mg/L, respectively. Ascaris eggs were efficiently removed from faecal sludge that were strictly dry and had a pH of more than 10. The results for TKN, ammonium, phosphorus and potassium in urine were 4285-5010 mg/L, 111-195 mg/L and 190-251 mg/L, respectively. E-Coli were present in urine with pH less than 11.5 and were efficiently removed from urine with pH more than 11.5. Presence of pathogens in urine implies the separated urine can be reused in tree growing and not for fertilising food crops consumed raw