71 research outputs found


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    Objective: To assess the medication related problems among chronically ill patients. Methods: Patients who met study criteria were enrolled in this research study, followed by standard operating procedure of home medicine review was applied to carry out this research study. Drug related problems of enrolled patients were evaluated by applying Hepler and Strand drug related problem scale. Results: The pharmacist intervention rate in this research study was found 58%. The medication related problems identified in this study were drug given without indication which was accountable for 32 % followed by drug duplication 5.21%, drug interactions 11% and adverse drug reactions 6.52 %. Conclusion: This research study concludes that prevalence of drug related problems among elderly patients were accountable for 40.49 % among Home Medicine Review in Mysore city due to more comorbidity which had resulted more number of medications with respect to individual medical case. Elderly patients will have lot of confusion which makes difficult to follow strict directions of medications prescribed by concerned consultant

    The normal variations in heart rate and QRS complex of healthy individuals in different age groups

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    Background:Electrocardiography is the only practical method of recording the electrical behavior of the heart. It is often an independent marker of myocardial disease and occasionally the only indication of the pathologic process. Therefore the present study has been undertaken to find out the degree of normal variations in healthy individuals in different age groups.Methods:This study was conducted after the institutional ethical clearance and informed written consent from all the subjects belongs to age group of 18 to 40 years of either sex. All the ECG was taken in resting and supine position using BPL CARDIART 308 machine. The body weight, the QRS duration, QRS axis, P wave duration, P wave voltage, P wave axis in the frontal plane, QTc interval, T wave voltage and QRS-T angle was calculated. The values are expressed as mean and the percentile was calculated in each parameters.Results:The weight ranges from 56.37 ± 6.53 kg. QRS duration ranged from 0.04 to 0.12 seconds mean of 0.064 seconds. QRS voltage in V6 varied from 0.30 to 2.1 mv with a mean of 1.14 mv. The QTc interval was 0.31 to 0.47 seconds mean was 0.39 seconds.  QRS-T angle varied from 0° to 70° with a mean of 30.9°.Conclusion:The study provides the frequency distribution and other statistical data when applied to all components of ECG which are commonly assessed during investigations of healthy young individuals. Having knowledge of these normal variants will be helpful in arriving at correct diagnosis.


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    Objective: To assess medication adherence among patients with chronic diseases. Methods: This was a prospective observational study carried out over period of one year in mysuru city. The subjects who meet study criteria were enrolled in this research study. The enrolled subjects were administered with simplified medication adherence questionnaire. The criteria to establish adherent and non-adherent were calculated as per simplified medication adherence questionnaire directions. Results: The gender distribution of this research study was reflected with male accountable for 45.63 % followed by female 54.36%. Asper simplified medication adherence questionnaire88% were adherent and remaining 12% were non-adherent in this research study. Conclusion: Patients with good adherence in this research study showed that they have good literacy status as well as better awareness about the existing medical condition and more consciousness may be there among these patients, what will be going to happen if their medical condition is left untreated.46.29 % males and 59.58 % females were adherent in this research study followed by 59.24% were adherent in the age range of 60-70 y as they were more conscious and less forgetfulness about medications as per the directions given by patient consultant which was oral feedback taken by research investigators during medication review in subjects home

    Chemical composition of stemflow from some eastern Canadian tree species

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    Nature of Non-Biological Decomposition of Nitrite in Acid Media

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    Curiosity is the cause of investigations, and the thirst for knowledge originates from it. Many times at the end of investigations, the number of questions raised are greater than those for which answers are sought. Therefore, all the information gathered through scientific investigations may not be of value for immediate application in practical life. Nevertheless, no research can be considered less important than the other because the integration of several scientific findings considered less less important at the time of investigation may reveal something of very high significance. Similarly, the study of various transformation reactions that the added fertilizers undergo may not be of value to the one whose main objective is to increase production, though it is of great value for the efficient use of fertilizers. Information on the reactions of each intermediate compound produced during the transformations of ammoniacal fertilizers may be useful in reducing or preventing the loss of N that could arise through some of the reactions. Such knowledge will be useful for the economical use of fertilizers. Nitrite is an intermediate compound produced in nitrification, denitrification, and nitrite reduction processes. Chemistry of nitrite in alkaline solutions is well understood, while its fate in acid soils and solutions has eluded the attention of most workers. This is probably due to the fact that under acid conditions nitrite does not appear in large quantities contrary to its behavior in the alkaline region. However, the existence of nitrite in smaller concentrations under acid conditions suggests the possibility that it may be rapidly transformed to other forms of N and may lead to the loss of added N. The rates of such reactions and losses may be higher in acid than in alkaline soils. In acid solutions nitrite also exists as un-ionized nitrous acid; the concentration of the latter form increases at higher acidities. In the following pages these two terms, nitrite and nitrous acid, will be used interchangeably. In acid soils, nitrous acid undergoes several changes such as its fixation by various soil components, chemical conversion to other N compounds, and loss of N either as N2 or in the form of oxides of nitrogen. Most of these reactions may probably result in reduced nitrogen availability to the crops. In this investigation some of the factors influencing nitrite transformations, such as non-biological nitrification and loss of N in different forms, were studied. Validity of some of the proposed nitrite decomposition pathways were verified, and conditions favoring individual reactions were studied in various soil and resin systems
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