1 research outputs found

    Need analysis of English learning to improve employability skills based on blended learning

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    This study aimed to know the need analysis of students in learning Englishto improve employability skills based on blended learning. The need analysis wasconducted on 68 students of the management business industry department of SekolahTinggi Teknik Malang. This need analysis was done through descriptive analysis byusing a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The result of this need analysisshows that almost of students do agree and consider it very important if employabilityskills are applied to learning English. They assume that the most importantemployability skills are communication and initiative, and dare to try. Besides, it showsthat the most difficult language element is grammar, and the most difficult languageskills are speaking and writing. To develop students' language skills, they need learningvideo, recorded dialogue, presentation recording, a short article with difficult words list,role play topic, outline paragraph, and a clear writing topic. Besides, the student feelsthat the blended learning through the learning management system has not been dealwith their needs. They think that there are too many assignments and less teacher'sexplanation and discussion. For future study, it can be used as a reference to develop asyllabus, teaching material, and learning evaluation of learning English for themanagement Business Industry department