2 research outputs found

    Sekresi Tumor Necrosis Factor dan Reactive Oxygen Intermediates oleh makrofag peritoneum mencit yang distimulasi dengan antigen terlarut Plasmodium falciparum

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    ABSTRACT Background: Malarial infection is stil one of major health problems in the world. In Indonesia, malarial infection is especially caused by Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodiun vivax. Host immune responses to malarial infection are complex mechanisms, including the humoral immunity by antibody and cellular immunity by T cells and activated effector cells. Macrophages as an effector cells kill malarial parasite by oxidative and non-oxidative mechanism. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) are mediators produced by macrophages which represent as non-oxidative and oxidative killing respectively. Objectives: Understanding the secretion ability of tumor necrosis factor and reactive oxygen intermediates from soluble antigens of P. falciparum stimulated-peritoneal mouse macrophages. Method: In this study, soluble antigens of P. falciparum stimulated-peritoneal mouse macrophages were tested to produce TNF and ROI in vitro. Secretion of TNF was measured by MTT assay dan ROI by NBT reduction assay. Swiss mice were divided into two groups of 15 mice each. One group was stimulated by soluble antigens as experimental group and the other as control group. Result: Secretion of ,TNF and ROI by soluble antigens of P. falciparum stimulated-peritoneal mouse macrophages were significantly higher (

    Pengaruh imunisasi mencit dengan parasit stadium eritrositik terhadap infeksi Plasmodium berghei.

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    Immunity against malarial infection is a very complex molecular and cellular interaction and represents a combination of both humoral and cell mediated mechanism. However, which mechanism contributes to the protection effect is still not clear. Immunization against Plasmodium berghei infection represents a suitable malarial model to study the host immune responses against malarial infection. The present study was aimed at evaluating the effect of immunization of Swiss mice challenged with P. berghei on the blast transformation, prepatent period, parasitemia and mortality of the host. The result showed that P. berghei infection in .Swiss mice was acute and fatal. All non-immunized mice died following challenge with 1 x 108 parasite on day 8 -10 post infection. Blast transformation of splenic lymphocyte was higher in immunized mice than in non-immunized mice. Immunization with P. berghei and adjuvant in Swiss mice could evoke partial immunity to homolog parasite. Longer prepatent period, reduced parasitemia and decreased mortality were observed in this group. Eighty percent of immunized mice survived from P. berghei infection. Key Words : malarial immunity - immunization - blast transformation - prepatent period - parasitemia -mortality Imunitas terhadap infeksi malaria merupakan interaksi antara reaksi molekuler dan seluler yang sangat kompleks yang merupakan kombinasi antara mekanisme imunitas humoral dan seluler. Namun demikian dari dua mekanisme tersebut, mekanisme mana yang berperan protektif masih belum jelas. Imunisasi terhadap infeksi Plasmodium berghei merupakan model yang cocok untuk mempelajari respon imunitas hospes terhadap infeksi malaria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh imunisasi pada mencit Swiss yang diinfeksi dengan P. berghei. Efek imunisasi yang dievaluasi meliputi transformasi blast, periode prepaten, parasitemia dan mortalitas hospes. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa infeksi P. berghei pada mencit Swiss bersifat akut dan fatal. Semua mencit yang tidak diimunisasi mati setelah diinfeksi dengan 1 x 108 parasit pada hari ke-8 - 10 pasca infeksi. Transformasi blast limfosit limpa mencit yang diimunisasi ternyata hasilnya lebih tinggi daripada yang tidak diimunisasi. Imunisasi dengan P. berghei ditambah adjuvant pada mencit Swiss ternyata dapat memacu timbulnya imunitas parsial terhadap parasit yang homolog. Periode prepaten yang panjang, parasitemia rendah dan penurunan angka mortalitas terjadi pada kelompok yang diimunisasi dengan adjuvant. Delapan puluh persen mencit yang diimunisasi dapat sembuh dari infeksi P. berghei