5 research outputs found

    Inovasi Desa Berbasis Desa Wisata Sebagai Instrumen Mewujudkan Desa Berkemandirian

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    Abstract Villages have a crucial and strategic role in the posture of the national economy. This happens because the majority of areas in Indonesia are rural areas. Quality economic growth and equity is largely determined by how empowered the villages in Indonesia are. A challenge in itself in ensuring the empowerment of villages in Indonesia, considering that there are 74,000 villages in Indonesia that stretch from Sabang to Merauke, with all the heterogeneity that follows in various aspects. Innovation is needed in an effort to empower the village, so that the village has a strong competitiveness, which in the end will make the village able to be independent. This paper attempts to conduct a case study obtained from several references related to Tourism Villages which include Tamansari Tourism Village, Pendung Tourism Village, Pujon Kidul Tourism Village, Jatimekar Tourism Village, regarding Village-based Innovation Tourism as an instrument in realizing an independent village. From the results of case study analysis on several references, it was found that in building and developing a Tourism Village it takes carefulness to read the potential that exists in the village, the ability to innovate, transformational leadership, empowerment of the village community, development of human resources, and the synergy of stakeholders. Keywords: Innovation, Village, Tourism, Tourism Village, Independent, Independent Village Kata kunci : Inovasi, Desa, Wisata, Desa Wisata, Mandiri, Desa Mandir


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                 Organisasi merupakan wahana bagi dua orang atau lebih untuk mencapai tujuan. Tentu Organisasi bukan elemen tunggal yang dengan begitu saja akan otomatis dapat mengantarkan siapa saja yang ada di dalamnya, mencapai tujuannya. Diperlukan pengelolaan yang memadai terhadap organisasi, yang akan memastikan Organisasi berfungsi secara sistematis dan terstruktur, hingga akhirnya organisasi benar-benar mampu menjadi jembatan bagi tercapainya tujuan organisasi yang telah ditetapkan. Salah satu pilar yang berperan besar dalam mewujudkan dan memastikan Organisasi mampu mencapai tujuannya, adalah Budaya Organisasi. Budaya Organisasi merupakan instrument yang dihadirkan dalam organisasi utamanya adalah untuk mendukung dan memudahkannya dalam mencapai tujuannya. Dengan budaya Organisasi yang hadir dalam Organisasi, iklim serta segenap sumber daya yang ada di organisasi diciptakan sedemikian rupa agar terdapat sinkronisasi dengan tujuan organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi budaya organisasi pada salah satu institusi pendidikan formal yang ada di Kota Malang, MI Nurul Huda 1. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan peranan budaya organisasi pada MI Nurul Huda I, dimana budaya organisasi tersebut menurut Miller (1984) mempunyai 8 butir nilai-nilai budaya, yang disebut juga sebagai 8 asas budaya, yakni : Asas Tujuan, Asas Keunggulan, Asas Konsensus, Asas Kesatuan, Asas Prestasi, Asas Empiri, Asas Keakraban, Asas Integritas.             Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa delapan (8) Nilai-Nilai budaya telah terimplementasikan secara baik di MI Nurul Huda 1 Malang. Nilai-Nilai Budaya tersebut mampu menopang progresivitas MI Nurul Huda 1 Malang. Namun demikian beberapa hal perlu dilakukan untuk semakin melengkapi dan menyempurnakan nilai-nilai budaya yang telah mewarnai MI Nurul  Huda 1 dalam kiprahnya sebagai Institusi pendidikan formal Swasta tingkat dasar.Kata kunci : Budaya, Organisasi, Budaya Organisasi, daya saing The organization is a vehicle for two or more people to achieve their goals. Of course the Organization is not a single element that will automatically be able to deliver anyone who is in it, achieve its goals. Adequate management of the organization is needed, which will ensure that the organization functions systematically and in a structured manner, until finally the organization is truly able to become a bridge for the achievement of the stated goals of the organization. One of the pillars that plays a major role in realizing and ensuring the Organization is able to achieve its goals, is Organizational Culture. Organizational Culture is an instrument that is presented in the main organization is to support and facilitate it in achieving its goals. With the organizational culture present in the Organization, the climate and all the resources in the organization are created in such a way that there is synchronization with the goals of the organization. This study aims to determine the implementation of organizational culture in one of the formal educational institutions in Malang, MI Nurul Huda 1. This research is expected to be able to identify and explain the role of organizational culture in MI Nurul Huda I, where the organizational culture according to Miller (1984) has 8 items of cultural values, which are also called 8 cultural principles, namely: Principle of Purpose, Principle of Excellence, Principle of Consensus, Principle of Unity, Principle of Achievement, Principle of Empiricity, Principle of Familiarity, Principle of Integrity, Principle of Integrity.The results showed that eight (8) cultural values have been implemented well in MI Nurul Huda 1 Malang. These Cultural Values are able to sustain the progression of MI Nurul Huda 1 Malang. However, a number of things need to be done to further complement and perfect the cultural values that have colored MI Nurul Huda 1 in its work as a formal formal educational institution at the elementary level.Keywords: Culture, Organization, Organizational Culture, competitivenes

    Pengaruh Tunjangan Dan Insentif Terhadap Loyalitas Kerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan CV. Putra Nusantara Sejahtera)

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    Abstract This study looks for the effect of allowances and incentives on employee loyalty to employees of CV Putra Nusantara Sejahtera. This research is quantitative in nature which aims to find a significant effect partially and simultaneously. The number of respondents used were 47 respondents, all of whom were employees of CV Putra Nusantara Sejahtera. This research method was tested with validity and reliability tests. The classical assumption test used is the normality assumption test and the multicollinearity assumption test and the heteroscedasticity assumption test. The results of this study indicate that there is a simultaneous significant effect between the variables of allowances and incentives on employee work loyalty. Partially there is a significant effect of allowances on employee work loyalty, Allowances are the most dominant variable in employee loyalty at CV Putra Nusantara Sejahtera. Keywords: Allowances, Incentives, Employee Loyalt

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pada UKM Depo Air Minum Tirta Barokah Dan Bakso Tuna Cintaku

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    Indonesia has a large fishery resource, since most of the area covered by oceans. Therefore, the availability of national fish is enough to support the needs of the fish processing industry. The fishery potential can be a challenge for the people of the coastal area to convert it into a product that has economic value added. The potential of fishery resources in the coastal south, Village Sitiarjo, District Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang district has not received empowerment program well. The majority of people in the region still lags behind economically. The Community Service Program was aimed to make economic empowerment of the target society of SME-based on fish meatballs production and drinking water depots. The implementation methods were carried out in several stages: data collection, planning, implementation, monitoring, feedback, and final evaluation. The model implemented was intensive training and assistance to obtain the maximum output corresponding to the objectives of the community service program. The results of this community service are to encourage the fish processing industry in the area to improve people's welfare and to overcome the problem of the water crisis in the target communities