1 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Lks Multirepresentasi Berbasis Pemecahan Masalah Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Di SMA 1)

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    This research discusses about development of LKS multirepresentation based problem solving that is used as an alternative physics learning in the classroom. The research's purpose is to determine the logic validity of LKS, the problem solving skills of students after using LKS, and the student responses after using LKS. Design of this research use 4-D development models, then simple random sampling technique to choose the using class. The results of this research indicates that the logic validity of LKS multirepresentation based problem solving obtain a value 3,98 and included in quite valid category. The problem solving skills of students after use LKS multirepresentation based problem solving with average achieved 85% that included in good category. Meanwhile, the student responses after use LKS multirepresentation based problem solving divided six indicators, there are: the pleasure of learning with a value 97% that included in very good category, the newness of the learning components with a value 90% that included in very good category, the easiness of learning materials with a value 95% that included in very good category, the readability of learning process with a value 97% that included in very good category, the easiness of language with a value 92% that included in very good category, the pleasure of writing and drawing with a value 97% that included in very good category