1,689 research outputs found

    Orbital Polarization in Itinerant Magnets

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    We propose a parameter-free scheme of calculation of the orbital polarization (OP) in metals, which starts with the strong-coupling limit for the screened Coulomb interactions in the random-phase approximation (RPA). For itinerant magnets, RPA can be further improved by restoring the spin polarization of the local-spin-density approximation (LSDA) through the local-field corrections. The OP is then computed in the static GW approach, which systematically improves the orbital magnetization and the magnetic anisotropy energies in transition-metal and actinide compounds.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of Polar Corrections to Donor Binding

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    We calculate the optical phonon correction to the binding energy of electrons to donors in cubic materials. Previous theories calculated the Rydberg energy reduced by the effective mass and the static dielectric function. They omitted an important energy term from the long-range polarization of the ionized donor, which vanishes for the neutral donor. They also omitted the donor-phonon interaction. Including these terms yields a new formula for the donor binding energy

    Coherent macroscopic quantum tunneling in boson-fermion mixtures

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    We show that the cold atom systems of simultaneously trapped Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC's) and quantum degenerate fermionic atoms provide promising laboratories for the study of macroscopic quantum tunneling. Our theoretical studies reveal that the spatial extent of a small trapped BEC immersed in a Fermi sea can tunnel and coherently oscillate between the values of the separated and mixed configurations (the phases of the phase separation transition of BEC-fermion systems). We evaluate the period, amplitude and dissipation rate for 23^{23}Na and 40^{40}K-atoms and we discuss the experimental prospects for observing this phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Unconventional scanning tunneling conductance spectra for graphene

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    We compute the tunneling conductance of graphene as measured by a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) with a normal/superconducting tip. We demonstrate that for undoped graphene with zero Fermi energy, the first derivative of the tunneling conductance with respect to the applied voltage is proportional to the density of states of the STM tip. We also show that the shape of the STM spectra for graphene doped with impurities depends qualitatively on the position of the impurity atom in the graphene matrix and relate this unconventional phenomenon to the pseudopsin symmetry of the Dirac quasiparticles in graphene. We suggest experiments to test our theory.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Polaronic slowing of fermionic impurities in lattice Bose-Fermi mixtures

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    We generalize the application of small polaron theory to ultracold gases of Ref. [\onlinecite{jaksch_njp1}] to the case of Bose-Fermi mixtures, where both components are loaded into an optical lattice. In a suitable range of parameters, the mixture can be described within a Bogoliubov approach in the presence of fermionic (dynamic) impurities and an effective description in terms of polarons applies. In the dilute limit of the slow impurity regime, the hopping of fermionic particles is exponentially renormalized due to polaron formation, regardless of the sign of the Bose-Fermi interaction. This should lead to clear experimental signatures of polaronic effects, once the regime of interest is reached. The validity of our approach is analyzed in the light of currently available experiments. We provide results for the hopping renormalization factor for different values of temperature, density and Bose-Fermi interaction for three-dimensional 87Rb−40K^{87}\rm{Rb}-^{40}\rm{K} mixtures in optical lattice.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Raman scattering near a d-wave Pomeranchuk instability

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    Motivated by recent transport and neutron scattering experiments suggesting an orientational symmetry breaking in underdoped cuprates we present a theoretical study of Raman scattering near a d-wave Pomeranchuk instability (PI). The d-wave component of Raman scattering from electrons and phonons allows to study directly order parameter fluctuations associated with the PI. Approaching the PI from the normal state by lowering the temperature a central peak emerges both in electronic and, as an additional low-frequency feature, in phononic scattering. Approaching the PI in the superconducting state at low temperature by decreasing the doping concentration the central peak is replaced by a soft mode with strongly decreasing width and energy and increasing spectral weight. These predicted low-energy features in Raman scattering could confirm in a rather direct way the presence of a PI in high-temperature cuprate superconductors and in Sr3Ru2O7.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Analysis of transport properties of iron pnictides: spin-fluctuation scenario

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    We present a phenomenological theory of quasiparticle scattering and transport relaxation in the normal state of iron pnictides based on the simplified two-band model coupled via spin fluctuations. In analogy with anomalous properties of cuprates it is shown that a large and anomalous normal-state resistivity and thermopower can be interpreted as the consequence of strong coupling to spin fluctuations. The generalization to the superconducting phase is also discussed.Comment: Revised version, 6 pages, 11 references adde

    Frequency- and transverse wave-vector-dependent spin Hall conductivity in two-dimensional electron gas with disorder

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    We determine wave number qq and frequency ω\omega dependent spin Hall conductivity σyxs(q,ω)\sigma_{yx}^s(q, \omega) for a disordered two dimensional electron system with Rashba spin orbit interaction when \q is {\it transverse} to the electric field. Both the conventional definition of spin current and its new definition which takes care of the conservation of spins, have been considered. The spin Hall conductivitivities for both of these definitions are qualitatively similar. σyxs(q,ω)\sigma_{yx}^s(q, \omega) is zero at q=0,ω=0q=0, \omega =0 and is maximum at q=0q=0 and at small but finite ω\omega whose value depends on different parameters of the system. Interestingly for ω→0\omega \to 0, σyxs(q)\sigma_{yx}^s(q) resonates when Λ≃Lso\Lambda \simeq L_{so} which are the wavelength (Λ=2π/q)(\Lambda = 2\pi/q) of the electric field's spatial variation and the length for one cycle of spin precession respectively. The sign of the out-of-plane component of the electrons' spin flips when the sign of electric field changes due to its spatial variation along transverse direction. It changes the mode of spin precession from clockwise to anti-clockwise or {\it vice versa} and consequently a finite spin Hall current flows in the bulk of the system.Comment: 6 pages; 6 figures; major changes including the titl

    Environmental stress cracking of polymers

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    A two point bending method for use in studying the environmental stress cracking and crazing phenomena is described and demonstrated for a variety of polymer/solvent systems. Critical strain values obtained from these curves are reported for various polymer/solvent systems including a considerable number of systems for which critical strain values have not been previously reported. Polymers studied using this technique include polycarbonate (PC), ABS, high impact styrene (HIS), polyphenylene oxide (PPO), and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Critical strain values obtained using this method compared favorably with available existing data. The major advantage of the technique is the ability to obtain time vs. strain curves over a short period of time. The data obtained suggests that over a short period of time the transition in most of the polymer solvent systems is more gradual than previously believed

    Crossover from diffusive to non-diffusive dynamics in the two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling

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    We present the calculation of the density matrix response function of the two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, which is applicable in a wide range of parameters covering the diffusive and non-diffusive, the dirty and the clean limits. A description of the crossover between the different regimes is thus provided as well. On the basis of the derived microscopic expressions we study the propagating charge and spin-polarization modes in the clean, non-diffusive regime, which is accessible in the modern experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, a considerable extension of the first versio
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