5 research outputs found

    Predictive modelling for reservoir water level

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    Neural Network (NN) has been the most popular technique used in predicting Reservoir Water Level (RWL).However, NN is a black-box modelling technique where the model can be established without knowledge of the mathematical relationship between the inputs and the corresponding outputs. Most researches on reservoir water release applied the NN techniques using discretized data.To discover the current Reservoir Water Level at time t (RWLt) in relation to the previous rainfall event, this paper proposed a predictive t modelling for RWL using regression and the temporal pattern of both RWL and rainfall. The sliding window technique has been used to segment the temporal data into various slices.The finding shows that the best input scenario for the current RWL is one day delay for RWL and two days delay for rainfall; comparing this to the actual data, the model has an error of 0.1628%.The model can be used to guide the reservoir operator predicting the present and immediate decisions on reservoir water release, especially in the absence of the supervisor or during emergency situations

    Reservoir water level forecasting using normalization and multiple regression

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    Many non-parametric techniques such as Neural Network (NN) are used to forecast current reservoir water level (RWLt). However, modelling using these techniques can be established without knowledge of the mathematical relationship between the inputs and the corresponding outputs. Another important issue to be considered which is related to forecasting is the preprocessing stage where most non-parametric techniques normalize data into discretized data. Data normalization can influence the the results of forecasting. This paper presents reservoir water level (RWL) forecasting using normalization and multiple regression. In this study, continuous data of rainfall (RF) and changes of reservoir water level (WC) are normalized using two different normalization methods, Min-Max and Z-Score techniques. Its comparative studies and forecasting process are carried out using multiple regression. Three input scenarios for multiple regression were designed which comprise of temporal patterns of WC and RF, in which the sliding window technique has been applied. The experimental results showed that the best input scenario for forecasting the RWLt employs both the RF and the WC, in which the best predictors are three day’s delay of WC and two days’ delay of RF. The findings also suggested that the performance of the RWL forecasting model using multiple regression was dependent on the normalization methods

    Efficiency measurement of business units using non-parametric method

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    In the wake of the economic crisis, IT companies being totally dependent on project-based business, need to find ways to score higher profit with minimum resources usage. Measuring business performance and presenting the resulting information for action is one aspect of achieving business success.This research has revealed that organization’s performance can be measured not only by analyzing the organization’s business units but also by analyzing the projects produced by each business units.Efficiency business model can also be formulated by using data related to each undertaken projects.In-Fusion Solutions Sdn. Bhd., a company specializing in providing e-learning solution has been used as a case study.In this research, the efficiency measurement model for products produced by organization has been developed based on a non-parametric technique, called Data Envelopment Analysis.The model optimizes a ratio of multiple weighted outputs to a multiple weighted inputs, where the efficient unit will have a score of one, and the inefficient unit will have a score less than one.The model is simple and practical in implementation.It is hope that the projects which act as the decision making unit can later be used to determine the efficiency of the company department/unit that housed the projects.Projection for inefficient projects has also been provided and management should find a way to reduce cost of labor, material and project duration in details without disturbing the production of output.To elaborate more on the real project undertakings by the company, a case study on Fusionware, a subsidiary of In-Fusion Solutions Sdn. Bhd. in India has been developed.The case study focused on aspects dealing with projects from TWICE Group, a parent company of Fusionware in India, which undergoes development process in 2010.After almost two years being established, Fusionware has decided to grow and being independent from the parent company.The case study highlights the real life challenges in dealing with IT projects, especially when juggling with the project resources such as labour expertise, material and timeline to complete the projects

    Case 3: Infusion-ing the information technology resources efficiently

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    The company is in the middle of structuring and organizing information technology (IT) resources between the four business arms of the company, aimed at solidifying its competitive footing and preparing itself for public listing. Dedicated to be a prime promoter of the knowledge hub with distinctive emphasis in the knowledge management system, In-Fusion Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (ISSB) is now making its mark in the local on-demand knowledge delivery landscape and plans to become a public listed company in the near future. With the growing list of clients ISSB foresees the need of becoming more eficient, thus a Chief Information Oficer (CIO) has been brought onboard to oversee IT resources eficiently in the company. Among the company's challenges are lack of powerful tools for managing product development data and too much dependency on the open source tools. On the other hand, other tools to support crucial business finctions of which are located at different locations and on different platforms, such as help-desk, customer relationship management,financial management, etc. also need to be enhanced and some need to be developed. The current inter-networking infrastructure also calls for the CIO and ISSB's management attention. IT resources such as hardware and sofhvare among employee and remote access solution many increase eficiency by permitting remote users to securely access information from anywhere at anytime and this needs to be addressed urgently. Greater network capacity provides greaterability for ISSB to handle business transactions. Each of the inter-networking components generates opportunities and issues that the ISSB management must understand and be able to effectively address. In a nutshell, these issues need to be resolved as soon as possible for the company to move forward to be public listed next year and to be able to keep up with fiture projects in the pipeline

    Training manual on approach to unwell children under 5 years

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    In line with the SDG, Ministry of Health Malaysia aims to end all preventable deaths among newborn and children under 5 years and developed the ‘Training Manual on Approach to Unwell Children under 5 years’ (ATUCU5) based on the WHO IMCI strategy. ATUCU5 is meant for training of our health care providers on three main components, which includes early detection of danger signs, improvements in the case management skills and proper immediate treatment