16 research outputs found

    Grain size reduction in CoCrPt:SiO2 perpendicular recording media with oxide-based intermediate layers

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    10.1063/1.2362643Applied Physics Letters8916-APPL

    Kajian mengenai penyakit hepar kronik di Hospital Kuala Lumpur

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    Satu kajian mengenai penyakit hepar kronik (PHK) telah dijalankan di Hospital Kuala Lumpur dari Januari 1992 sehingga Oktober 1993, untuk melihat hubungan PHK dengan faktor risikonya seperti umur serta jantina pesakit, penggunaan alkohol, hepatitis B dan penagih dadah intravenous (IVDU). Pada masa yang sama corak presentasi klinikal dan nilai biokimia baseline telah ditentukan untuk memberi gambaran prognosis pesakit PHK di Malaysia. Hasil kajian menunjukkan ada hubungan di antara PHK dengan peminum alkohol serta umur (p0.05). Sakit dan 'discomfort' abdomen serta bengkak kaki ditemui pada hampir 1/3 pesakit. Jaundice (65.9%) dan hepatomegali (61.4%) adalah tanda klinikal yang paling sering dijumpa bersama komplikasi hipertensi portal (40.9%) dan ascites (40.9%). Terdapat keabnormalan pada semua nilai LFT ( Ujian Fungsi Hepar) kecuali albumin, dan nilai PT ( Prothrombin Time) meningkat

    Magnetic and microstructural properties of CoCrPt: Oxide perpendicular recording media with novel intermediate layers

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    10.1109/TMAG.2006.888206IEEE Transactions on Magnetics432633-638IEMG

    Proteomics, post-translational modifications, and integrative analyses reveal molecular heterogeneity within medulloblastoma subgroups

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    There is a pressing need to identify therapeutic targets in tumors with low mutation rates such as the malignant pediatric brain tumor medulloblastoma. To address this challenge, we quantitatively profiled global proteomes and phospho-proteomes of 45 medulloblastoma samples. Integrated analyses revealed that tumors with similar RNA expression vary extensively at the post-transcriptional and post-translational levels. We identified distinct pathways associated with two subsets of SHH tumors, and found post-translational modifications of MYC that are associated with poor outcomes in group 3 tumors. We found kinases associated with subtypes and showed that inhibiting PRKDC sensitizes MYC-driven cells to radiation. Our study shows that proteomics enables a more comprehensive, functional readout, providing a foundation for future therapeutic strategies