4 research outputs found
Two warm Neptunes transiting HIP 9618 revealed by TESS and Cheops
peer reviewedHIP 9618 (HD 12572, TOI-1471, TIC 306263608) is a bright (G = 9.0 mag) solar analogue. TESS photometry revealed the star to have two candidate planets with radii of 3.9 ± 0.044 R (HIP 9618 b) and 3.343 ± 0.039 R (HIP 9618 c). While the 20.77291 d period of HIP 9618 b was measured unambiguously, HIP 9618 c showed only two transits separated by a 680-d gap in the time series, leaving many possibilities for the period. To solve this issue, CHEOPS performed targeted photometry of period aliases to attempt to recover the true period of planet c, and successfully determined the true period to be 52.56349 d. High-resolution spectroscopy with HARPS-N, SOPHIE, and CAFE revealed a mass of 10.0 ± 3.1M for HIP 9618 b, which, according to our interior structure models, corresponds to a 6.8 ± 1.4 per cent gas fraction. HIP 9618 c appears to have a lower mass than HIP 9618 b, with a 3-sigma upper limit of 50 d, opening the door for the atmospheric characterization of warm (Teq < 750 K) sub-Neptunes
Disponibilidade e valor nutritivo de gramíneas tropicais sob pastejo com ovinos
Objetivou-se avaliar a disponibilidade e valor
nutritivo de três forrageiras Panicum maximum
'Aruana', Panicum maximum Jacq. 'Massai' e
Brachiaria hibrida 'Mulato', com ovinos em pastejo
contínuo. A qualidade do Massai foi inferior em
relação às outras duas gramíneas, com baixo teor
de PB, alto de FDN, alto de FDA e baixa DIVMO. Já
o Mulato foi semelhante ao Aruana e diferentes
estatisticamente ao Massai para todos os
parâmetros avaliados. Conclui-se que o cultivar
Massai apresenta valor nutricional inferior ao
cultivares Mulato e Aruana, enquanto estes últi-
mos mantiveram bons níveis nutricionais, inclusi-
ve durante o período seco.The objective was to evaluate three forage
Panicum maximum 'Aruana', Panicum maximum
Jacq. 'Massai' and Brachiaria hybrid 'Mulato'. The
quality of the Massai proved to be lower, with low
crude protein, high NDF, ADF high and low
digestibility. Mulato has already had results similar
Aruana and different statistically Massai to all the
parameters of quality assessed. It was concluded
that the cultivar Massai presents nutritional value
lower than the cultivars Aruana and Mulato, while
the latter maintained good nutritional levels, even
during the dry season