2 research outputs found
Zamjena masti u trajnim kobasicama emulzijom ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja s dodatkom autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja
Research background. Formulations based on vegetable or fish oil and modifications in the production technology of dry fermented sausages have emerged in recent years aiming to achieve the desirable target of reducing the fat content of these meat products. However, previous efforts have confronted many difficulties, such as high mass loss and unacceptable appearance due to intensely wrinkled surfaces and case hardening. The objective of this study is to produce and evaluate dry fermented sausages by utilising a meat protein-olive oil emulsion as fat substitute and indigenous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with probiotic properties isolated from traditional Greek meat products.
Experimental approach. A novel formulation with extra virgin olive oil and turkey protein was developed to totally replace the conventionally added pork fat. Probiotic and safety characteristics of autochthonous LAB isolates from spontaneously fermented sausages were evaluated and three LAB isolates were finally selected as starter cultures. Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory analyses were carried out in all treatments (control, Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei, L. sakei and Pediococcus pentosaceus) during fermentation.
Results and conclusions. Ready-to-eat sausages were found to be microbiologically stable. The olive oil-based formulation produced in this study generated a mosaic pattern visible in the sliced product simulating the fat in conventional fermented sausages and was regarded as an ideal fat substitute for the production of fermented sausages. An autochthonous isolate of Lactobacillus casei adapted the best to the final products as it was molecularly identified to be present in the highest counts among the LAB isolates used as starter cultures.
Novelty and scientific contribution. Α novel and high-quality dry fermented meat product was produced by replacing the added pork fat with a fat substitute based on a meat protein-olive oil emulsion. Autochthonous LAB with in vitro probiotic properties could have a potential use in large-scale novel dry fermented sausage production. Such isolates could be used as starters in an effort to standardise the production process and retain the typical organoleptic and sensory characteristics. Moreover, isolates like L. casei 62 that survived in high counts in the final products can increase the safety of fermented sausages by competing not only with pathogens but also with the indigenous microbiota and could have a potential functional value for the consumer.Pozadina istraživanja. Posljednjih godina se u proizvodnji trajnih kobasica koriste novi pripravci na bazi biljnog ili ribljeg ulja koji smanjuju udjel masti u tim mesnim proizvodima. Međutim, dosadašnji napori u dobivanju takvih proizvoda nailazili su na mnoge prepreke, kao što su veliki gubitak mase i neprihvatljiv izgled proizvoda zbog prevelike naboranosti površine i tvrdoće crijeva. Svrha je ovoga rada bila proizvesti trajne kobasice s emulzijom maslinovog ulja i proteina mesa kao zamjenom za masti, uz dodatak autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja s probiotičkim svojstvima izoliranih iz tradicionalnih grčkih mesnih proizvoda, te ispitati svojstva dobivenih proizvoda.
Eksperimentalni pristup. Razvijen je novi pripravak s ekstra djevičanskim maslinovim uljem i proteinima iz puretine koji bi u potpunosti zamijenio tradicionalno dodavanu svinjsku mast. Ispitana su probiotička svojstva i sigurnost primjene autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja izoliranih iz tradicionalnih fermentiranih kobasica, i izdvojena su tri izolata koja su zatim upotrijebljena kao starter kulture. Tijekom fermentacije provedene su fizikalno-kemijske, mikrobiološke i senzorske analize svih ispitanih uzoraka (kontrolnog uzorka, te kobasica proizvedenih s pomoću Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei, L. sakei i Pediococcus pentosaceus).
Rezultati i zaključci. Gotovi proizvodi bili su mikrobiološki stabilni. Dodatkom pripravka na bazi maslinovog ulja dobivena je kobasica koja je na presjeku imala mozaičan izgled sličan onom tradicionalne kobasice, pa se pripravak smatra idealnom zamjenom za mast u proizvodnji trajnih kobasica. Molekularnom je analizom utvrđeno da je među bakterijama mliječno-kiselog vrenja koje su korištene kao starter kulture u gotovom proizvodu bilo najviše bakterija Lactobacillus casei, što potvrđuje da se ta vrsta najbolje prilagođava uvjetima proizvodnje.
Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Proizveden je novi visoko kvalitetni sušeni fermentirani mesni proizvod zamjenom svinjske masti emulzijom maslinovog ulja i proteina iz puretine. Autohtone bakterije mliječno-kiselog vrenja s potvrđenim probiotičkim svojstvima in vitro mogle bi se primijeniti u proizvodnji trajnih kobasica na veliko. Dobiveni bi se izolati mogli primijeniti kao starter kulture za standardizaciju postupka i očuvanje tipičnih organoleptičkih i senzorskih svojstava kobasica. Osim toga, izolati poput L. casei 62, koji su pronađeni u velikom broju u gotovom proizvodu, svojom kompetitivnošću ne samo s patogenim sojevima, već i s autohtonom mikrobiotom, povećavaju sigurnost fermentiranih kobasica te imaju potencijalnu funkcionalnu vrijednost za potrošače
Production of fermented sausages with olive oil, probiotics and prebiotics
Dry fermented sausages produced without starter cultures constitute useful sources of novel lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with probiotic properties. These bacteria are very promising for future use in sausage production with improved organoleptic, sensory and health promoting characteristics. The objectives of the present study were: a) the identification of LAB originating from Greek traditional fermented sausages and b) the evaluation of probiotic properties and safety characteristics of the isolates in order to be used commercially. LAB were isolated from two types of Greek traditional fermented sausages with exceptional sensory characteristics. A total of 16 samples of traditional fermented sausages were chosen from different regions in Greece. Different LAB colonies were randomly selected. After purification, 32 isolates were identified to species level by sequence analysis of their 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region. According to their probiotic properties and biogenic amines production, three isolates were selected as possible candidates in fermented sausage production. The main objective of this study was to create a new eco-innovative dry fermented sausage with no animal fat added. The replacement of pork fat was achieved by using an olive oil emulsion with turkey breast meat. Two kinds of emulsions were used, refrigerated and pasteurized. In both cases, emulsions were produced with 30%, 35%, 40% and 45% olive oil. Dietary fiber and cultures with probiotic properties were added as well. Fermentation of sausages was completed in 21 days. Physicochemical, textural, nutritional, sensory and microbiological analyses were carried out in all treatments during fermentation. Ready for consumption sausages were pathogens free. Weight loss, pH and aw values were developed as expected. Fermented sausages with olive oil were more stable in oxidation in comparison to sausages with pork fat. The emulsion of olive oil formed a mosaic pattern visible in the sliced product like fat is visible in conventional fermented sausages. Sausages with pasteurized emulsions obtained considerably high scores compared to sausages with refrigerated emulsions, similar to the control, in all sensory properties.Σκοπός της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η παραγωγή ενός αλλαντικού ωρίμασης με ελαιόλαδο στη θέση του προστιθέμενου ζωικού λίπους, το οποίο να είναι ασφαλές, τεχνολογικά άρτιο, οργανοληπτικά αποδεκτό και ενδεχομένως να έχει ευεργετική δράση στην υγεία του ανθρώπου. Τα ζυμωμένα αλλαντικά, παρασκευάζονται κυρίως με χοίρειο ή/και άπαχο βόειο κρέας, χοίρειο λίπος και καρυκεύματα και αντιπροσωπεύουν ένα σημαντικό μέρος των ελληνικών παραδοσιακών προϊόντων με βάση το κρέας. Τέτοια αλλαντικά, με ιδιαίτερα οργανοληπτικά χαρακτηριστικά και παραδοσιακή τεχνολογία παραγωγής, χωρίς την προσθήκη εμπορικών καλλιεργειών εκκίνησης παράγονται στη Λευκάδα αλλά και σε ορισμένες άλλες περιοχές της Ελλάδας. Το παραδοσιακό ≪σαλάμι Λευκάδας≫ παράγεται σε μικρές παραγωγικές μονάδες κατά τη διάρκεια του χειμώνα (χαμηλή θερμοκρασία ζύμωσης) και η τιμή του pH του τελικού προϊόντος είναι σχετικά υψηλή (5,1-5,3). Το αλλαντικό αυτό έχει έντονο κόκκινο χρώμα και εξαιρετικό άρωμα. Παραδοσιακά αλλαντικά αέρος με ιδιαίτερα οργανοληπτικά χαρακτηριστικά παράγονται και στη βόρειο-ανατολική περιοχή της Ελλάδας. Πρόκειται για αλλαντικά που ωριμάζουν στον αέρα, είναι ενθηκευμένα σε φυσικό περίβλημα διαμέτρου 28-30 mm και έχουν έντονο κόκκινο χρώμα, πολύ πικάντικη γεύση και ιδιαίτερο άρωμα, όπως τα ≪σουτζούκια≫. Τα συγκεκριμένα προϊόντα που προαναφέρθηκαν, είναι προϊόντα ζύμωσης και παράγονται συχνά σε μη βιομηχανοποιημένες μονάδες, με εμπειρικές και παραδοσιακές τεχνικές. Τα προϊόντα αυτά, χαρακτηρίζονται συχνά, όπως αναφέρεται και στη βιβλιογραφία από τον τόπο ή την περιοχή προέλευσής τους. […