3 research outputs found

    Evaluation pseudorandom number generator based on non-elementary cellular automata

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    Orientador: Marco Aurélio Amaral HenriquesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Neste trabalho estudamos a geração de números pseudoaleatórios usando diferentes tipos de autômatos celulares não elementares (AC), para checar a hipótese de que autômatos celulares mais complexos conseguem produzir sequências aleatórias com qualidade (aleatoriedade) aceitável e menor custo que os autômatos mais elementares. Para avaliar a qualidade das sequências pseudoaleatórias produzidas por estes autômatos e compará-las mais facilmente, utilizamos os testes padronizados do National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) e propomos uma métrica que consolida vários parâmetros destes testes. Esta métrica permite uma comparação das relações custo/benefício de diversos geradores, incluindo os não baseados em autômatos celulares. Com base nesta avaliação, investigamos o potencial de vários tipos de autômatos na geração de números pseudoaleatórios e a viabilidade de empregá-los como parte do gerador de números pseudoaleatórios do sistema operacional Linux. Os resultados são favoráveis à utilização de autômatos celulares não elementares como geradores de números pseudoaleatórios, uma vez que alguns deles apresentam vantagens de desempenho e qualidade em relação a outras alternativas. Finalmente, discutimos o cuidado extra necessário quando um autômato celular é usado como gerador de números pseudoaleatórios em aplicações segurasAbstract: In this work we study the generation of pseudorandom numbers using different types of non-elementary cellular automata (CA) in order to check the hypothesis that more complex cellular automata can produce random sequences with acceptable quality (randomness) and costing less than the most commonly used CA: The elementary automata. To assess the quality of pseudorandom number sequences produced by these automata and compare them more easily, we use standardized testing software provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and propose a method to consolidate several test results into few parameters. This method allows the comparison of the cost-benefit ratios of various generators, including those not related to cellular automata. Based on this evaluation, we investigate the potential of various types of automata in pseudorandom number generation and the feasibility of employing them as part of the pseudorandom number generator of the Linux operating system. The results are favorable to the use of non-elementary cellular automata as pseudorandom number generators, since some of them show quality and performance advantages relative to other alternatives. Finally, we discuss the extra care needed when a cellular automata is used as pseudorandom number generator in secure applicationsMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestra em Engenharia Elétric

    A receptionist robot for Brazilian people: study on interaction involving illiterates

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    The receptionist job, consisting in providing useful indications to visitors in a public office, is one possible employment of social robots. The design and the behaviour of robots expected to be integrated in human societies are crucial issues, and they are dependent on the culture and society in which the robot should be deployed. We study the factors that could be used in the design of a receptionist robot in Brazil, a country with a mix of races and considerable gaps in economic and educational level. This inequality results in the presence of functional illiterate people, unable to use reading, writing and numeracy skills. We invited Brazilian people, including a group of functionally illiterate subjects, to interact with two types of receptionists differing in physical appearance (agent v mechanical robot) and in the sound of the voice (human like v mechanical). Results gathered during the interactions point out a preference for the agent, for the human-like voice and a more intense reaction to stimuli by illiterates. These results provide useful indications that should be considered when designing a receptionist robot, as well as insights on the effect of illiteracy in the interaction

    Erratum to “A receptionist robot for Brazilian people: study on interaction involving illiterates”

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    The original article was published in Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 2017, 8(1), 1-17, https://doi.org/10.1515/pjbr-2017-0001. The aim of this erratum is to report the results of a new analysis of the data