201 research outputs found

    FMECA methodology applied to two pathways in an orthopaedic hospital in Milan.

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    INTRODUCTION: Adverse events pose a challenge to medical management: they can produce mild or transient disabilities or lead to permanent disabilities or even death; preventable adverse events result from error or equipment failure. METHODS: IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi implemented a clinical risk management program in order to study the epidemiology of adverse events and to improve new pathways for preventing clinical errors: a risk management FMECA-FMEA pro-active analysis was applied either to an existing clinical support pathway or to a new process before its implementation. RESULTS: The application of FMEA-FMECA allowed the clinical risk unit of our hospital to undertake corrective actions in order to reduce the adverse events and errors on high-risk procedure used inside the hospitals

    Assessment of the Psychometric Characteristics of the Italian Version of the Nurse Manager Actions Scale

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    Nurse managers play a vital role in healthcare organizations, wielding the ability to substantially enhance work environments, foster nurses’ autonomy, and bolster retention within workplaces. In this context, this study focuses on the Nurse Manager Actions scale, aiming to evaluate its items’ scalability as well as the scale’s validity and reliability among nurses and nurse managers operating within the Italian healthcare context. The study protocol was not registered. To ensure linguistic and cultural alignment, an iterative and collaborative translation process was undertaken. Subsequently, a multi-center cross-sectional design was adopted. Using a web-survey approach, data were collected among 683 nurses and 188 nurse managers between August 2022 and January 2023. The Nurse Manager Actions scale was found to be a valid and reliable instrument in Italian after a Mokken Scale Analysis. For nurses (HT = 0.630, Molenaar–Sijtsma rho = 0.890), the scale included 6 items, while 11 items were confirmed for nurse managers (HT = 0.620, Molenaar–Sijtsma rho = 0.830). Nurse Manager Actions scale scores were correlated with increased satisfaction and decreased intention to leave for both nurses and nurse managers. The employed validation process enhanced the scale validity for use in Italy and provided a model for other researchers to follow when assessing similar measures in different populations. Measuring and empowering nurse manager actions in work contexts is essential to improve the general well-being and retention of nurses, especially in the current nursing shortage

    Comportamento de híbridos de sorgo granífero cultivados na segunda safra no município de SINOP-MT.

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    O sorgo é uma gramínea de clima tropical de dias curtos, metabolismo C4, com eficiente mecanismo morfofisiológico, possuindo características de resistência ao déficit hídrico e habilidade de se manter dormente no período de seca (SANTOS, 2003; MAGALHAES; DURÃES, 2003). Tais características fazem com que esta cultura seja opção para cultivo em segunda safra, principalmente em períodos e regiões cujo cultivo de milho seja de risco pela possibilidade de restrições hídricas para fechamento do ciclo da planta. O levantamento da área plantada com sorgo na Safra 2013/14 é de 731 mil ha com produtividade de grãos de 2.587 kg ha-1 (CONAB, 2015). Maiores produtividades são alcançadas em lavouras que, seguindo planejamento adequado de plantio, utilizam sementes de cultivares recomendados para sua região de plantio. O melhoramento genético de plantas desenvolve variedades adaptadas a diferentes regiões e condições de cultivo, tornando importante que o produtor identifique aquelas que melhor se modele a sua realidade. Para tal, estudos de comportamento produtivo de genótipos no intuito de seleção daqueles com maior potencial produtivo e retorno econômico são recomendados antes do plantio de grandes áreas. Neste intuito, o presente trabalho avaliou o comportamento produtivo de híbridos de sorgo granífero cultivados em segunda safra, no município de Sinop, região norte de Mato Grosso.Editado por Aisy B. Baldoni, Fabiana A. de Rezende, José Ângelo N. de Menezes Júnior, Luciano B. Lopes, Sílvia de C. C. Botelho

    Ascorbate content of clinical glioma tissues is related to tumour grade and to global levels of 5-hydroxymethyl cytosine.

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    peer reviewedGliomas are incurable brain cancers with poor prognosis, with epigenetic dysregulation being a distinctive feature. 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC), an intermediate generated in the demethylation of 5-methylcytosine, is present at reduced levels in glioma tissue compared with normal brain, and that higher levels of 5-hmC are associated with improved patient survival. DNA demethylation is enzymatically driven by the ten-eleven translocation (TET) dioxygenases that require ascorbate as an essential cofactor. There is limited data on ascorbate in gliomas and the relationship between ascorbate and 5-hmC in gliomas has never been reported. Clinical glioma samples (11 low-grade, 26 high-grade) were analysed for ascorbate, global DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation, and methylation status of the O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter. Low-grade gliomas contained significantly higher levels of ascorbate than high-grade gliomas (p = 0.026). Levels of 5-hmC were significantly higher in low-grade than high-grade glioma (p = 0.0013). There was a strong association between higher ascorbate and higher 5-hmC (p = 0.004). Gliomas with unmethylated and methylated MGMT promoters had similar ascorbate levels (p = 0.96). One mechanism by which epigenetic modifications could occur is through ascorbate-mediated optimisation of TET activity in gliomas. These findings open the door to clinical intervention trials in patients with glioma to provide both mechanistic information and potential avenues for adjuvant ascorbate therapy