8 research outputs found

    Modified Triple-Tuned Bandpass Filter with Two Concurrently Tuned Transmission Zeros

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    In this paper, a modified triple-tuned microstrip bandpass filter is presented. The filter consists of inductively cross-coupled resonators tuned with varactors. The application of the additional source-load couplings together with resonator branch swapping results in two transmission zeros tuned concurrently with operating frequency. These transmission zeros placed on both sides of the passband significantly increase slope steepness in transition bands. The example filter tuned from 0.36 to 0.78 GHz and controlled by a single voltage was manufactured and validated by measurements. It has a constant fractional bandwidth of 11%, low in-band insertion loss ranging from 1.8 to 2.5 dB, and out-of-band attenuation up to 5 GHz without parasitic passbands. The obtained filter parameters made it useful for preselector networks

    Experimental and Numerical Acoustoelectric Investigation of the New SAW Structure with (RR)-P3HT Polymer in DMMP Detection

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    This document presents the results of numerical analyses of the SAW gas sensor in the steady state. The effect of SAW velocity changes depending on how the surface electrical conductivity of the sensing layer is predicted. The conductivity of roughness sensing layer above the piezoelectric waveguide depends on the profile of the diffused gas molecule concentration inside the layer. Numerical results for the gas DMMP (CAS Number 756-79-6) for layer (RR)-P3HT in the steady state are shown. The main aim of the investigations was to study the thin film interaction with target gases in the SAW sensor configuration based on diffusion equation for polymers. Numerical results for profile concentration in steady state are shown. The results of numerical acoustoelectric analysis (NAA) allow to select the sensor design conditions, including the morphology of the sensor layer, its thickness, operating temperature and layer type. The numerical results based on the code written in Python, are described and analyzed. The theoretical results were verified and confirmed experimentally

    A Compact Widely Tunable Bandpass Filter Dedicated to Preselectors

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    This article presents a novel compact widely tunable bandpass filter. The filter consists of two resonators that are double-coupled, inductively, where the coupling inductances are elements of the input and output networks. The application of double-coupling enabled the transmission zero next to the upper cutoff frequency. This makes the filter useful for applications in preselector networks used in receiving systems with a low to intermediate frequency with the desired channel frequency lower than the image channel frequency. The article shows the practical realisation of the varactor-tuned example filter fabricated as a microstrip planar network of an overall size of 0.03λg × 0.045λg. The tuning range of the proposed filter is from 410 MHz to 880 MHz with the fractional bandwidth equal to 7.5–8.1% and an in-band insertion loss better than −3.4 dB. The achieved IP3 value exceeds 17.5 dBm

    A Tunable Microstrip Bandpass Filter with Two Concurrently Tuned Transmission Zeros

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    In this paper, an electrically small tunable microstrip bandpass filter with two concurrently tuned transmission zeros (TZs) is presented. The filter consists of two coupled resonators and varactors as tuning elements. An application of a multipath coupling network results in TZs on both sides of the passband. The filter controlled by a single voltage has a wide tuning range from 370 MHz to 800 MHz and a low insertion loss ranging from 1.9 dB to 3.4 dB. To achieve high attenuation in the stopband, two sections of the designed filter were cascaded. Both one-section and two-section filters were validated by measurements. The obtained results are in a very good agreement with simulations

    A Tunable Microstrip Bandpass Filter with Two Concurrently Tuned Transmission Zeros

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    In this paper, an electrically small tunable microstrip bandpass filter with two concurrently tuned transmission zeros (TZs) is presented. The filter consists of two coupled resonators and varactors as tuning elements. An application of a multipath coupling network results in TZs on both sides of the passband. The filter controlled by a single voltage has a wide tuning range from 370 MHz to 800 MHz and a low insertion loss ranging from 1.9 dB to 3.4 dB. To achieve high attenuation in the stopband, two sections of the designed filter were cascaded. Both one-section and two-section filters were validated by measurements. The obtained results are in a very good agreement with simulations

    Modified Triple-Tuned Bandpass Filter with Two Concurrently Tuned Transmission Zeros

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    In this paper, a modified triple-tuned microstrip bandpass filter is presented. The filter consists of inductively cross-coupled resonators tuned with varactors. The application of the additional source-load couplings together with resonator branch swapping results in two transmission zeros tuned concurrently with operating frequency. These transmission zeros placed on both sides of the passband significantly increase slope steepness in transition bands. The example filter tuned from 0.36 to 0.78 GHz and controlled by a single voltage was manufactured and validated by measurements. It has a constant fractional bandwidth of 11%, low in-band insertion loss ranging from 1.8 to 2.5 dB, and out-of-band attenuation up to 5 GHz without parasitic passbands. The obtained filter parameters made it useful for preselector networks