31 research outputs found

    Digital light processing stereolithography of hydroxyapatite scaffolds with bone-like architecture, permeability, and mechanical properties

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    This work deals with the additive manufacturing and characterization of hydroxyapatite scaffolds mimicking the trabecular architecture of cancellous bone. A novel approach was proposed relying on stereolithographic technology, which builds foam-like ceramic scaffolds by using three-dimensional (3D) micro-tomographic reconstructions of polymeric sponges as virtual templates for the manufacturing process. The layer-by-layer fabrication process involves the selective polymerization of a photocurable resin in which hydroxyapatite particles are homogeneously dispersed. Irradiation is performed by a dynamic mask that projects blue light onto the slurry. After sintering, highly-porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds (total porosity ~0.80, pore size 100-800 µm) replicating the 3D open-cell architecture of the polymeric template as well as spongy bone were obtained. Intrinsic permeability of scaffolds was determined by measuring laminar airflow alternating pressure wave drops and was found to be within 0.75-1.74 × 10−9m2, which is comparable to the range of human cancellous bone. Compressive tests were also carried out in order to determine the strength (~1.60 MPa), elastic modulus (~513 MPa) and Weibull modulus (m = 2.2) of the scaffolds. Overall, the fabrication strategy used to print hydroxyapatite scaffolds (tomographic imaging combined with digital mirror device [DMD]-based stereolithography) shows great promise for the development of porous bioceramics with bone-like architecture and mass transport properties

    Quasimolecular JtetJ_{\rm tet}=3/2 moments in the cluster Mott insulator GaTa4_4Se8_8

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    Quasimolecular orbitals in cluster Mott insulators provide a route to tailor exchange interactions, which may yield novel quantum phases of matter. We demonstrate the cluster Mott character of the lacunar spinel GaTa4_4Se8_8 using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Ta L3L_3 edge. Electrons are fully delocalized over Ta4_4 tetrahedra, forming quasimolecular JtetJ_{\rm tet}=3/2 moments. The modulation of the RIXS intensity as function of the transferred momentum q allows us to determine the cluster wavefunction, which depends on competing intracluster hopping terms that mix states with different character. This mixed wavefunction is decisive for the macroscopic properties since it affects intercluster hopping and exchange interactions and furthermore renormalizes the effective spin-orbit coupling constant. The versatile wavefunction, tunable via intracluster hopping, opens a new perspective on the large family of lacunar spinels and cluster Mott insulators in general.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, plus supplementary informatio

    Spin-orbit coupling in a half-filled t2gt_{2g} shell: the case of 5d35d^3 K2_2ReCl6_6

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    The half-filled t2gt_{2g} shell of the t2g3t_{2g}^3 configuration usually, in LS coupling, hosts a S = 3/2 ground state with quenched orbital moment. This state is not Jahn-Teller active. Sufficiently large spin-orbit coupling ζ\zeta has been predicted to change this picture by mixing in orbital moment, giving rise to a sizable Jahn-Teller distortion. In 5d35d^3 K2_2ReCl6_6 we study the electronic excitations using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) and optical spectroscopy. We observe on-site intra-t2gt_{2g} excitations below 2 eV and corresponding overtones with two intra-t2gt_{2g} excitations on adjacent sites, the Mott gap at 2.7 eV, t2gt_{2g}-to-ege_g excitations above 3 eV, and charge-transfer excitations at still higher energy. The intra-t2gt_{2g} excitation energies are a sensitive measure of ζ\zeta and Hund's coupling JHJ_H. The sizable value of ζ\zeta \approx 0.29 eV places K2_2ReCl6_6 into the intermediate coupling regime, but ζ/JH0.6\zeta/J_H \approx 0.6 is not sufficiently large to drive a pronounced Jahn-Teller effect. We discuss the ground state wavefunction in a Kanamori picture and find that the S = 3/2 multiplet still carries about 97 % of the weight. However, the finite admixture of orbital moment allows for subtle effects. We discuss small temperature-induced changes of the optical data and find evidence for a lowering of the ground state by about 3 meV below the structural phase transitions.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    RIXS interferometry and the role of disorder in the quantum magnet Ba3_3Ti3x_{3-x}Irx_{x}O9_9

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    Motivated by several claims of spin-orbit driven spin-liquid physics in hexagonal Ba3_3Ti3x_{3-x}Irx_xO9_9 hosting Ir2O9 dimers, we report on resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Ir L3 edge for different x. We demonstrate that magnetism in Ba3_3Ti3x_{3-x}Irx_xO9_9 is governed by an unconventional realization of strong disorder, where cation disorder affects the character of the local moments. RIXS interferometry, studying the RIXS intensity over a broad range of transferred momentum q, is ideally suited to assign different excitations to different Ir sites. We find pronounced Ir-Ti site mixing. Both ions are distributed over two crystallographically inequivalent sites, giving rise to a coexistence of quasimolecular singlet states on Ir2O9 dimers and spin-orbit entangled j=1/2 moments of 5d5^5 Ir4+^{4+} ions. RIXS reveals different kinds of strong magnetic couplings for different bonding geometries, highlighting the role of cation disorder for the suppression of long-range magnetic order in this family of compounds.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Electronic excitations in 5d45d^4 J=0 Os4+^{4+} halides studied by RIXS and optical spectroscopy

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    We demonstrate that the cubic antifluorite-type halides K2_2OsCl6_6, K2_2OsBr6_6, and Rb2_2OsBr6_6 are excellent realizations of non-magnetic J=0 compounds. The magnetic susceptibility shows the corresponding Van-Vleck type behavior and no sign of defects. We investigate the electronic excitations with two complementary techniques, resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) and optical spectroscopy. This powerful combination allows us to thoroughly study, e.g., on-site intra-t2gt_{2g} excitations and t2gt_{2g}-to-ege_g excitations as well as inter-site excitations across the Mott gap and an exciton below the gap. In this way, we determine the electronic parameters with high accuracy, altogether yielding a comprehensive picture. In K2_2OsCl6_6, we find the spin-orbit coupling constant ζ\zeta=0.34 eV, Hund's coupling JHJ_H=0.43 eV, the onset of excitations across the Mott gap at Δ\Delta=2.2 eV, the cubic crystal-field splitting 10Dq=3.3 eV, and the charge-transfer energy ΔCT\Delta_{CT}=4.6 eV. With JH/ζJ_H/\zeta=1.3, K2_2OsCl6_6 is in the intermediate-coupling regime. In a t2gt_{2g}-only Kanamori picture, the above values correspond to ζeff\zeta^{eff}=0.41 eV and JHeffJ_H^{eff}=0.28 eV, which is very close to results reported for related 5d45d^4 iridates. In the tetragonal phase at 5 K, the non-cubic crystal field causes a peak splitting of the J=1 state as small as 4 meV. Compared to K2_2OsCl6_6, the bromides K2_2OsBr6_6 and Rb2_2OsBr6_6 show about 12-14 % smaller values of 10Dq and ΔCT\Delta_{CT}, while the spin-orbit-entangled intra-t2gt_{2g} excitations below 2 eV and hence ζ\zeta and JHJ_H are reduced by less than 4 %. Furthermore, the Mott gap in K2_2OsBr6_6 is reduced to about 1.8 eV.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    RIXS observation of bond-directional nearest-neighbor excitations in the Kitaev material Na2_2IrO3_3

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    Spin-orbit coupling locks spin direction and spatial orientation and generates, in semi-classical magnets, a local spin easy-axis and associated ordering. Quantum spin-1/2's defy this fate: rather than spins becoming locally anisotropic, the spin-spin interactions do. Consequently interactions become dependent on the spatial orientation of bonds between spins, prime theoretical examples of which are Kitaev magnets. Bond-directional interactions imply the existence of bond-directional magnetic modes, predicted spin excitations that render crystallographically equivalent bonds magnetically inequivalent, which yet have remained elusive experimentally. Here we show that resonant inelastic x-ray scattering allows us to explicitly probe the bond-directional character of magnetic excitations. To do so, we use a scattering plane spanned by one bond and the corresponding spin component and scan a range of momentum transfer that encompasses multiple Brillouin zones. Applying this approach to Na2_2IrO3_3 we establish the different bond-directional characters of magnetic excitations at 10 meV and 45 meV. Combined with the observation of spin-spin correlations that are confined to a single bond, this experimentally validates the Kitaev character of exchange interactions long proposed for this material.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, plus 4 pages Supplementary Information (incl. 5 figures

    Quasimolecular electronic structure of the spin-liquid candidate Ba3InIr2O9

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    The mixed-valent iridate Ba3InIr2O9 has been discussed as a promising candidate for quantum spin-liquid behavior. The compound exhibits Ir4.5+ ions in face-sharing IrO6 octahedra forming Ir2O9 dimers with three t2g holes per dimer. Our results establish Ba3InIr2O9 as a cluster Mott insulator. Strong intradimer hopping delocalizes the three t2g holes in quasimolecular dimer states while interdimer charge fluctuations are suppressed by Coulomb repulsion. The magnetism of Ba3InIr2O9 emerges from spin-orbit entangled quasimolecular moments with yet unexplored interactions, opening up a new route to unconventional magnetic properties of 5d compounds. Using single-crystal x-ray diffraction we find the monoclinic space group C2/c already at room temperature. Dielectric spectroscopy shows insulating behavior. Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering reveals a rich excitation spectrum below 1.5 eV with a sinusoidal dynamical structure factor that unambiguously demonstrates the quasimolecular character of the electronic states. Below 0.3 eV, we observe a series of excitations. According to exact diagonalization calculations, such low-energy excitations reflect the proximity of Ba3InIr2O9 to a hopping-induced phase transition based on the condensation of a quasimolecular spin-orbit exciton. The dimer ground state roughly hosts two holes in a bonding j=12 orbital and the third hole in a bonding j=32 orbital

    Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field splitting in Ti-doped Ca2RuO4 studied by ellipsometry

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    In Ca2RuO4, the competition of spin-orbit coupling ζ\zeta and tetragonal crystal field splitting ΔCF\Delta_{CF} has been discussed controversially for many years. The orbital occupation depends on ΔCF/ζ\Delta_{CF}/\zeta, which allows us to address this ratio via the optical spectral weights of the lowest intersite Mott-Hubbard excitations. We study the optical conductivity of Ca2_2Ru0.99_{0.99}Ti0.01_{0.01}O4_4 in the range of 0.75 - 5 eV by ellipsometry, using the large single crystals that can be grown for small Ti concentrations. Based on a local multiplet calculation, our analysis results in 2.4ΔCF/ζ42.4 \leq \Delta_{CF}/\zeta \leq 4 at 15 K. The dominant crystal field yields a ground state close to xy orbital order but spin-orbit coupling is essential for a quantitative description of the properties. Furthermore, we observe a pronounced decrease of ΔCF\Delta_{CF} with increasing temperature, as expected based on the reduction of octahedral distortions.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure