13 research outputs found

    Familiarity and liking of vegetables: Is it important for vegetable consumption?

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    The results presented in this paper are part of the early findings from a large European study, VeggiEAT involving the UK, Denmark, France and Italy with the aim of improving vegetable consumption in young people and older people. The results presented here are from UK young people (aged 12–14) focusing on familiarity and liking of vegetables and looking at their vegetable consumption and awareness of what constitutes a healthy diet. The study adds to the literature on vegetable familiarity, liking and consumption in this age group. Early exposure of young children to a variety of vegetables is very important and parents/carers and school nurses need to understand the importance of this in terms of the foods offered and available early within a child`s life and the potential influence of this on vegetable consumption over their lifetime

    La norma tecnica UNI 11695:2017: opportunitĂ  e sfide per la professione di sociologo

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    L’articolo, a partire dalla descrizione della situazione in cui attualmente versa la professione del sociologo, si propone di delineare le opportunità offerte dalla norma tecnica UNI 11695 del 2017. Dopo aver delineato il quadro nell’ambito del quale si è realizzata la costruzione della suddetta norma, saranno esaminate le opportunità offerte – ai professionisti e alle associazioni – dalla certificazione professionale e sarà sottolineato il ruolo che dovranno assumere l’aggiornamento e la formazione professionale nel suo ambito

    Solitary rib metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

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    We report a case of a 49-year-old man who developed solitary rib metastasis of nasopharyngeal cancer. Patient had been treated for primary carcinoma with radiation therapy and concomitant chemotherapy. The bone metastasis presented as bulky, solid, painful mass in the posterior arch of 10th rib, within nine months the end of treatment. Biopsy of the solitary lesion presented the same histological characteristics as those of primary lesion. Although there are reported in literature series of nasopharyngeal cancer metastasizing to bone, we did not find previously published report of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastasizing only to a rib

    Glomerular filtration rate: A prognostic marker in atrial fibrillation-A subanalysis of the AntiThrombotic Agents Atrial Fibrillation.

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    OBJECTIVE An increased cardiovascular mortality and morbidity has been widely reported in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). In this study, a subanalysis of the AntiThrombotic Agents Atrial Fibrillation (ATA-AF) is performed with the aim to evaluate estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) as an independent prognostic marker of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in patients with AF. METHODS AND RESULTS The ATA-AF study enrolled 7148 patients with AF, in 360 Italian centers. The eGFR was calculated from data reported in patient notes or hospital database. This post-hoc analysis included 1097 AF patients with eGFR data available and 1-year clinical follow-up. The endpoint was assessed as cardiovascular mortality and/or hospital admission for cardiovascular causes at follow-up. Patients were also divided in two groups according to the eGFR (<60 and ≥60 mL/min/1.73 m ). The Kaplan-Meyer curve for the mentioned endpoint showed a higher endpoint incidence in the group of patient with eGFR below 60 mL/min/1.73 m (P < 0.001). Using multivariate analysis (Cox regression), a trend toward a higher rate of occurrence of the primary endpoint was observed for eGFR below 60 mL/min/1.73 m without reaching the conventional level of statistical significance (hazard ratio [HR] 1.40; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.99-1.99; P = 0.0572). When eGFR was included in the analysis as continuous variable a significant correlation was observed with the combined endpoint at the Cox regression (HR 0.99, 95% CI 0.98-0.99, P = 0.04). CONCLUSION The result of this post-hoc analysis indicates that an impaired eGFR is independently associated with worse prognosis among patients with AF