4 research outputs found

    L'eredità di Florence Nightingale nel 2020, Anno Internazionale dell'infermiere: una revisione narrativa

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    Background: Nurses guarantee assistance using different nursing theories, which present different conceptual frameworks, but which have a common vision in the whole of the human being, his holistic needs and the connection with the environment. Florence Nightingale was the first to introduce aspects of the scientific method, structuring a theory focused on the connection between the management of the physical environment and the actions of nurses. Methods: The aim is the evaluation of Nightingale's theory in reference to its contemporary integration, through a narrative review of the literature. Results: The action of nurses on the environment according to Nightingale's theory in care settings and hand hygiene are identified as fundamental in the fight against the spread of infections and in the implementation of the holistic vision. Discussion: Nightingale's theory shows elements of applicability and modernity, such as the acquisition of a greater awareness of healthcare professionals in relation to the care of environments and hand hygiene. Conclusions: Florence Nightingale's theory presents aspects of validity, but further studies are needed to contribute to the evolution of her model, especially in its contemporary contextualization

    Valutazione Del Benessere Psico-Fisico Nell'aderenza Terapeutica Nelle Donne Con Malattia Renale Policistica Autosomica Dominante: Uno Studio Osservazionale

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    Evaluation Of The Psychophysical Well-Being In The Compliance Of Women With Autosomal Dominant Policystic Kidney Disease: An Observational Study BACKGROUND: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is the most common inherited renal disease and affects less than 1 every 400-1,000 people. There are many effective treatments, including blood pressure management, physical activity, low sodium diet and hydration. Therapeutic education is part of a patient's care and treatment. This approach is an essential strategy in order to face the current healthcare scenario, in which the number of people affected by chronic diseases is progressively increasing. OBJECTIVES: This article aims to analyze the effect of therapeutic education in patients with ADPKD, the level of adherence to pharmacological therapy and their compliance to dietetic and lifestyle recommendations as part of a nursing-led education. METHODS: This is a prospective, longitudinal, observational pilot study. The following measurements were used: Kidney Disease Quality of life - Short Form, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Body Uneasiness Test. At the T0 visit, a nurse selected patients and carried out a personalized educational intervention with the aims of adhering to drug therapies, monitoring blood pressure and dietary behavior (physical activity and water intake). At the T1 visit, patients performed psychological tests. At the T2 visit, the following evaluations were performed: a psychological interview together with the delivery and evaluation of the tests performed, an interview with the nurse to evaluate the adherence to the prescriptions, and a control of parameters such as physical activity, diet, water intake, drug therapy, and blood pressure. RESULTS: Therapeutic education can have a positive impact on patients' health by improving adherence to the pharmacological therapy, diet and lifestyle. CONCLUSIONS: Therapeutic education improve the patient's knowledge, treatments and correct behaviors as well as promotes an independent management of the disease. Through an educational intervention, the patient acquires the ability and the awareness to modify the wrong behaviors and to guarantee a balance between his needs and the pathology, thus improving the quality of life

    Coronavirus e ambiente: una sfida per il pianeta e per la salute

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    In late December 2019, some patients were hospitalized with an initial diagnosis of pneumonia of unknown etiology. These patients were epidemiologically linked to a wholesale market of seafood, wild animals and meat located in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. Acute respiratory disease caused by a new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, formerly known as 2019-nCoV, afterwards as Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), spread throughout China and received the attention of the entire world. Analysis of the genomic sequence of COVID-19 showed 88% of identity with two bat-derived severe acute respiratory syndrome-like Coronaviruses. Illegal and sustainable wildlife trade is the second largest direct threat to species after habitat destruction. Each year, hundreds of millions of plants and animals are captured or collected in the wild to be sold as food, pets, medicines, ornaments and for a variety of other reasons. Even the climate crisis could offer dangerous scenarios in addition to another fundamental chapter of the environmental pillar which is the one concerning air quality. There is a solid scientific literature which correlates the incidence of viral infection cases with concentrations of atmospheric particulate matter (e.g. PM10 and PM2.5). Despite the current regulations, which limit the levels of certain atmospheric pollutants, there are still numerous negative health effects deriving from exposure to these agents. However, it can be said that chronic air pollution, such as peaks of concentration of fine dust and other pollutants, acts as a pejorative factor in cases of epidemics. (GCND_planet

    L'infermiere e la percezione del Moral Distress nella cura del fine vita nel paziente dializzato

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    The phenomenon of Moral Distress in nursing practice is described as a situation of suffering that arises when the nurse recognizes the ethically appropriate action to be taken and yet institutional impediments make it impossible for him to follow the right course of action. Dialysis patients often have a complex disease trajectory that sometimes involves professional and emotional challenges for staff, especially at the end of life. The objective of this review is to identify which strategies are useful for preserving emotional integrity and awareness in operational settings, for the benefit of both operators and patients